Victoria Hotel, 12th floor.

A man and woman had just experienced a big battle. The man was leaning on the bedside, smoking a cigarette, while the woman was leaning on the man's shoulder and asked in a low voice:"Why is there no news yet?"

"Don't worry, Master Tan is still very reliable in his work."

This couple is Zhang Baishi and Ma Wenfeng.

"When Guo Kailin dies, I will immediately go find that old guy Guo Xiangyang and see what his expression is. It is best to piss this old guy to death. Ma

Wenfeng said fiercely

"Ah Feng, I will arrange for the gunman to surrender and put aside the responsibility. You should restrain yourself a little and don't show it too obviously."

Zhang Baishi said with a smile while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"Bai Shi, when Guo Kailin dies, I will immediately force that old guy Guo Xiangyang to cooperate with you. With the support of our Guo family, you will definitely be able to deal with those idiots in Yuen Long and accomplish what your elder brother cannot. When you become the head of the Zhang family, we can definitely build a top-notch wealthy family by joining forces."

As Ma Wenfeng spoke, there was already a hint of longing in her eyes.

However, she did not see the coldness in the eyes of the man she was leaning against. The main business of the Guo Group is gambling, and gambling generates the most cash. Although the Cheung family is still a wealthy family today, it is far worse than when they first came to Hong Kong Island in the 1950s.

Today, the Cheung family has put all their chips on the development of the real estate project of Yuen Long Ting House, and in real estate, the ultimate The important thing is abundant cash flow, and this is why Zhang Baishi wants to date Ma Wenfeng, a crazy woman.

He helped Ma Wenfeng get rid of the Guo Group. After the two get married, he will kill this crazy woman just like he did Guo Kailin. Also get rid of him. In this way, Zhang Baishi has both cash and the Zhang family’s decades of business relationships. He can become a top tycoon like Li Bancheng and Li Zhaoji in just a short time.

Zhiga ~

Ma Wenfeng and Zhang Baishi are both imagining the future. When they arrived, the door to the room they were in was pushed open. Ma Wenfeng was so frightened that he immediately grabbed the cup and blocked his body. Zhang Baishi looked at the door fiercely, looking at the two men with masks, and was about to speak......

Bang bang bang bang bang~

The two men who entered the door did not give Zhang Baishi a chance to speak, and directly shot Zhang Baishi in the head. The red and white stuff instantly splashed on Ma Wenfeng's face, scaring her so much that she screamed.

"Ahhhh, don't kill me! Do not kill me…`.…"

Ma Wenfeng, who was originally a bit nervous, was so frightened that she went completely crazy. She even had no reaction when the quilt slipped and her body was exposed.

"Brother, this woman……"

A gunman looked at the crazy Ma Wenfeng and asked in a low voice

"Those guys only paid to kill one person."

While the other killer was speaking, he was already walking quickly towards the door.

Dozens of seconds later, the hotel security guards who heard the noise and rushed over, except for Ma Wenfeng who was naked and going crazy, and Zhang Baishi who was still dead. , nothing was found.

At the same time, Kowloon City Police Station, Shen Qiu's office.

Shen Qiu was taking the information about Zhang Baishi and Zhang's family that Ahua had just sent, and looked at it carefully.

When he saw Yuen Long, Lujiacun After the words"Dingwu" and"Dingwu", a memory welled up in Shen Qiu's mind.

Especially the name of Lu Hantao, the head of Lujiacun, made Shen Qiu react immediately. This should be the first time for this group of real estate developers in Hong Kong Island. When they entered Yuen Long, they wanted to acquire the small houses of the New Territories aborigines and develop the New Territories.

The Zhang family was obviously one of these real estate developers.

In Shen Qiu's memory, during this development, the big real estate businessmen in Hong Kong Island and the New Territories There was a violent conflict among the aborigines, and Lu Hantao's wife also died in the conflict. In the end, even the British Hong Kong government came forward to suppress the matter.

This allowed Shen Qiu to smell an opportunity, an opportunity that would allow him to leave Kowloon. City Police Department.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu dialed Zhang Hua’s mobile phone number.

"Ahua, next, I want you to do one thing with all your strength……"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu slowly told her plan

"I will ask Gao Jin to fully cooperate with you in this matter."

After explaining his plan, Shen Qiu said lightly.

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Hua nodded heavily and said.

Dong Dong Dong ~

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Shen Qiu hung up the phone and said lightly at the same time

"Brother Qiu, Hu Xiuyong said that their number gang has finished the matter. Also, I just received the news that a shooting occurred at the Victoria Hotel. The deceased was Zhang Baishi. Ma Wenfeng, the female companion who was with Zhang Baishi, was scared crazy."

Qiu Gangao walked into Shen Qiu's office and said to Shen Qiu

"Tell Hu Yong to let him rest peacefully at the Kowloon City Police Station tonight and let his lawyer pick him up tomorrow morning."

Tonight, Shen Qiu made such a big fuss. He must let Hu Yong stay for a night, and let the whole Hong Kong know what Hu Yong was forced to do by the police before he could be let go.

Otherwise, he would be arrested. Wouldn't it be very shameful for Shen Qiu to release him within a few hours?

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Qiu Gangao nodded and responded.

Next, Shen Qiu called Kuang Zhili and thanked Mr. O for his help. He asked Mr. O to keep in sync with his actions and release them together tomorrow morning. Finally, he reported to Li Wenbin what happened tonight. After the incident, Shen Qiu left the Kowloon City Police Station and went to the Peninsula Hotel.

He had been busy with Guo Kailin for half a night, so why should Guo Kailin be busy with him for half a night?

Half an hour later, on the top floor of the Peninsula Hotel In the suite

"`.The gunman was hired by Zhang Baishi from the Number Gang. Now that Zhang Baishi is dead, Ma Wenfeng is scared crazy."

Shen Qiu sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and said with a smile to Guo Kailin sitting next to her.


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Guo Kailin's eyes flashed with surprise. She and Ma Wenfeng had been fighting for several months over the Baishi Island Casino project. She was very clear about the status of the Zhang family in Hong Kong Island.

She never expected that Zhang Baishi, the Zhang family's young master, would be killed by Shen Qiu at his will?

Thinking of this, Guo Kailin said with some worry:"Ah Qiu, the Zhang family's power in Hong Kong Island is extraordinary. If you do this, you will cause yourself a lot of trouble.""

"Kailin, Zhang Baishi’s death had nothing to do with me. It was the number (Zhao who had taken money) who helped the leader Huzi Yong. This person had a bit of shame. After being reprimanded by me a few times, he suddenly came to his senses and distanced himself from Zhang Baishi. It's just that I didn't expect that he would be so impulsive and would kill Zhang Baishi directly."

Shen Qiu shook his head and said with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Aqiu, thank you."

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Guo Kailin's eyes flashed with admiration. Whether it was the Number Gang or the Zhang family, they were all suppressing her, but in front of Shen Qiu, they were so... Vulnerable.

This made Guo Kailin completely admire the man in front of her.

"Kaylin, thank you is not just something to say but something to do."

Shen Qiu reached out and hooked Guo Kailin's smooth chin, and said with a smile.

Guo Kailin looked at Shen Qiu deeply with her eyes that were almost stretched, and then knelt in front of Shen Qiugen.

Shen Qiu's golden sword Sitting on the sofa, with his hands on the armrests on both sides of the sofa, he was admiring the brilliant lights on both sides of the Victoria Strait and enjoying the tenderness of the beauty.

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