The next day, the news that Shen Qiu had scanned the number for Yizidui spread among the underworld in Hong Kong. The name Shen Qiu was once again deeply engraved in the hearts of all the top leaders of the society.

However, I don’t know what the reason was for the Zhang family. Although Zhang Baishi died, no measures were taken. Instead, the eldest son of the Zhang family, Zhang Panshi, personally brought his lawyer to the Kowloon City Police Station to bail Hu Yong out. police station.

But Shen Qiu knew very well that real estate developers such as the Zhang family were fighting fiercely with the local aborigines in Yuen Long. They urgently needed the force of the Number Gang to help them subdue the aborigines in the New Territories.

Some people are willing to betray their parents in the face of profit, let alone their own sons and younger brothers.

But Zhang Panshi and Hu Huyong didn't know that a new force was about to join the small house struggle in the New Territories, and this force was unstoppable to them.

Two months later, in Wong Tai Sin District, Hong Kong Island, in front of a nine-story building under the Lion Rock.

Dong Weiguo helped Shen Qiu open the car door with a flattering look on his face.

After the deaths of the members of the Landowners Association, Li Xiaotian and Li Xiaoming, Dong Weiguo had completely boarded Shen Qiu's boat, so Shen Qiu no longer concealed his identity from him.

Besides, after seeing what Shen Qiu is capable of, even if he chased Dong Weiguo off the ship, he would not get off the ship.

"Mr. Shen, the interior has been completely renovated according to your instructions. On the mountain behind, the golf course is also under construction and is expected to be completed in two months. The foundation for the hilltop apartment you requested has also been laid."

It took a month for Dong Weiguo to completely digest the legacy left by the members of the Landowners Association, which included the nine-story building in front of Lion Rock and the land of three mountains behind it. After an on-site inspection , Shen Qiu decisively changed the address of the private club here.

Firstly, this place is far away from the urban area of ​​Hong Kong Island. It is sparsely populated and private enough. Those ghost guys who like to be bitches and build archways will definitely like this place; secondly, it is sparsely populated and private enough. The reason is that the environment here is good enough and the area is large enough. Many of Shen Qiu's ideas, such as mountain golf courses and mountaintop tourist apartments, can be built here. It will definitely open the eyes of the senior officials of the British Hong Kong government, and even Shen Qiu is planning to build a dog racing track and even a horse racing festival here specifically for those high-level people in Hong Kong.

In short, Shen Qiu's ultimate goal is to build this place into the most luxurious private club in Asia and a pool of corruption. , so that all the high-level executives of Gui Lao and Mu Yang Quan who came here were corrupted and used by Shen Qiu.

For this project, Shen Qiu prepared a total of 5 billion Hong Kong dollars, just to renovate this ordinary hotel in front of him. The hotel's nine-story building cost 700 million Hong Kong dollars, giving it an extremely luxurious interior despite its unremarkable appearance.

"That's right, Wei Guo, you won't feel aggrieved if you, a barrister, are allowed to be a broker in the future, right?"

Chen Qiu looked at Dong Weiguo, with an expression on his face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"Mr. Shen, I am willing to do anything for you. What’s more, what I originally did was just a job as a political (abac) broker. Now Mr. Shen has provided me with such a big stage. I can only be happy. Where can I be? Will be aggrieved."

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Dong Weiguo immediately spoke and said sincerely, if before he was willing to be the dog of a wealthy Chinese family and a ghost man, then he is now willing to be the dog of Shen Qiu, even his own. Student Hu Zhiyong was killed by himself

"Weiguo, you are of mixed race and an outstanding student trained under the Gui Lao education system. Coupled with what you have done in the past few decades, Gui Lao will not doubt you. Remember, Gui Lao wants to Just give them whatever you want, don’t be reluctant to give it up."

Having said this, Shen Qiu smiled slightly, looked up at the Lion Mountain Mountain not far away, and said lightly:"Every penny we give to Gui Lao has its value. One day, Gui Lao will take these Spit out the money with interest"

"Yes, Mr. Shen, I understand what you mean."

Dong Weiguo's eyes moved slightly and he nodded.

"Come on, let me see what I have spent 700 million to pretend to be."

Shen Qiu withdrew his gaze and walked towards the nine-story building not far away that had been transformed into a club.

A minute later,

Shen Qiu was slightly startled when he saw the woman standing at the door of the club, waiting for him.


Today's Ruby is completely different from the Mamasang whom Chen Qiu met a few months ago. It's not that her appearance has changed, but her temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Today's Ruby has her hair tied up with a hairpin. Fixed on the top of the head, paired with a silk cheongsam, the whole person is both intellectual and sexy, holding back but not letting go, hiding but not showing. It is the type that the rich, tycoons and literati like most. What is even more amazing is Ruby's eyes. The wind and dust that Shen Qiu had seen before were only the relief of seeing thousands of sails sailing through, and the indifference of seeing through the rolling world of mortals. For those successful people who have the desire to conquer, this is simply a sure blow.

Even Shen Qiu looked at it and felt that Ruby in front of her felt a desire to conquer.

"Hello, Mr. Shen. Ruby sang slightly and greeted Shen Qiu with a smile, indescribably elegant and generous.

"Mr. Shen, I specially hired 6 etiquette teachers to guide Sister Ruby in all aspects. What do you think of the results? Dong

Weiguo, standing next to Shen Qiu, said with a smile.

"Yes, Weiguo, these teachers you hired are very professional. Continue to hire them. All the waiters in the club must be trained by them before they can take up their posts."

Shen Qiu nodded and smiled. Ruby's talent is certainly very important to make Ruby what she is now, but the standards of these teachers are definitely very high. This is the talent Shen Qiu needs.

"Okay, Mr. Shen."

Dong Weiguo responded immediately.

Then, Shen Qiu looked at Ruby and said with a smile:"Ruby, please give me a tour next."

"Okay, Mr. Shen."

Next, Ruby's performance made Shen Qiu appreciate her even more. She used foreign language throughout the whole process. Although she was still a little unskilled, it was enough to see how hard she worked after being able to achieve this level in two months.

Soon, Ruby led Following Shen Qiu, he walked up to the top floor.

"Mr. Shen, here are 4 imperial suites built according to your requirements. Each room is independent, with independent elevator, independent staircase, and independent kitchen. No one will know who is next door and enjoy absolute privacy.."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

While introducing the facilities of the room, Ruby took Shen Qiu to the terrace outside the room.

At this time, it was already 5 o'clock in the afternoon, because the floor was high enough and the terrain was High enough, standing on the ring, Shen Qiu could not only see the entire Wong Tai Sin district and Kowloon City area, but could even see the red ripples reflected in the distant sunset on the sea surface of the Victoria Strait.

And this , which is also the reason why Shen Qiu set up his private club here. Standing on this terrace is like standing on the top of Taiping Mountain. He has the feeling of embracing the entire Hong Kong Island into his arms.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu turned his head He looked at Ruby standing next to him and said with a smile:"Ruby, you have endured hardship in the past two months."

"Mr. Shen, you said that you should work hard to control your destiny in your own hands, but this little pain is nothing."

Ruby pulled up a few hairs on her forehead and said with a smile.

"Very good, danceIt's right at your feet, and it's up to you to perform. Shen

Qiu nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for giving me the opportunity."

Ruby looked at Shen Qiu with a sincere face and said.

After being exposed to these things that only the upper class could play, Ruby felt more and more how insignificant she was before. She knew better that this opportunity was given by the man in front of her. Her own.

She must seize this opportunity and control her own destiny.

"No need to thank me, I gave you the opportunity because you have this value. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Mr. Shen, there is actually a lesson that I have never learned. Can you teach me?"[]

Ruby bit her lip and asked Shen Qiu

"what class?"

Shen Qiu asked.

Ruby threw herself directly into Shen Qiu's arms, trying to integrate herself into Shen Qiu's body. After a long time, the two separated.

"This Ruby class will only be given to you by me from now on."

Chen Qiu leaned against Ruby's ear and whispered.


Ruby collapsed in Shen Qiu's arms and nodded lightly.

"Now, let me teach you the test points of this class."

Shen Qiu picked up Ruby, and the imperial suite behind him also welcomed its first guest.……

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