"Brother Wenjun, what's going on?"

After seeing Ruan Wenjun hang up the phone, Zhang Panshi immediately asked

"Sorry, Brother Panshi, there is nothing I can do about your matter. I will ask my wife to withdraw her shares tomorrow and return the company to you."

At this time, Ruan Wenjun's eyes were clear, and he still had the look of a hungry ghost who had just been seduced by a beautiful girl.

After saying this, Ruan Wenjun stood up directly and walked towards the door of the private room.

"Brother Wenjun, there is no need to withdraw from my sister-in-law's company. Please give me a clear explanation and let me, my brother, respond in advance."

Zhang Panshi grabbed Ruan Wenjun and said with a smile.

"You go out first. Ruan

Wenjun first asked the women accompanying him to go out, then sat in front of Zhang Panshi and said slowly:"Panshi, it's not that I, the brother, won't help you, I really can't afford to offend Shen Qiu. I actually contradicted him just now to see his attitude."

"As a result, his attitude was very tough. I think Shen Qiu must be making a fuss about Shi Weimin, so you can do it yourself."

After that, Ruan Wenjun stood up again and prepared to leave.

"Brother Wenjun, no matter what happened today, I thank you very much."

Zhang Panshi looked at Ruan Wenjun and said sincerely.

"Panshi, you are so generous. Since you called me brother, I will say one more thing. If you do something wrong, you should turn around quickly and don't go all the way to death."

Ruan Wenjun looked at Zhang Panshi deeply, and then left quickly

"We have already reached this point, and if we want to turn around, it is not so easy."

Looking at Ruan Wenjun's leaving figure, Zhang Panshi sighed deeply.

Both Ruan Wenjun and Zhang Panshi knew very well how it was possible that Shen Qiu had such a coincidence that he happened to have a case in hand, involving that Shi Weimin. It is clear that Shen Qiu wants to use this Shi Weimin to cause trouble, and it is very likely that he is going to help the aborigines in the New Territories to cause trouble.

Although he does not know why Shen Qiu would help those aborigines, Zhang Panshi knows very well that once this happens If the matter is exposed, he and the entire Zhang family will be doomed.

Whether it is Gui Lao, Li Zhaoji, Li Bancheng and others, they will definitely throw Zhang Panshi and the Zhang family out to calm down the New Territories aborigines.

Thinking of this, Zhang Panshi picked up a bottle of beer in front of him, drank it in one gulp, and then slammed the bottle to the ground.

"Damn, if you advance, you will die, if you retreat, you will die. Let’s fight for once.."

Zhang Panshi gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

Then, he quickly walked out of the private room.

On the other side, Kowloon City Police Station

"Brother Qiu, we have been brought to the interrogation room, but the guy drank a lot and is still awake."

Qiu Gangao walked into Shen Qiu's office and reported to Shen Qiuhui

"Ao, I know you will find a way. In one hour, I hope you can make him know everything."

Chen Qiu said with a smile, Qiu Gangao said

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Qiu Gangao nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Ten minutes later.

Ring ring ring~

On Shen Qiu's desk, the phone rang.

"Which one?"

After Shen Qiu picked up the phone, he asked

"Sir Shen, a man named Zhang Panshi wants to see you and says he has something very important that he wants to talk to you face to face.

After hearing the name Zhang Panshi, Shen Qiu's eyes moved slightly, and then he said with a smile:"Bring him to my office.""

After that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone.

Soon, Zhang Panshi, who looked a little haggard and his suit was a little messy, walked into Shen Qiu's office.

"Hello, Sir Shen, I am Zhang Panshi."

Looking at the man in front of him who was younger than himself, Zhang Panshi's eyes flashed with sadness. At the same time, he squeezed out a smile and said hello to Shen Qiu.

"Zhang Panshi, you are very smart. You know that you and the Zhang family will definitely die after tonight. Are you looking for me to take a gamble?"

Chen Qiu looked at Zhang Panshi and asked with a smile.

"Sir Shen is indeed extraordinary. Yes, I want to find a way for myself and the Zhang family."

Zhang Panshi nodded and admitted. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The Zhang family has connections, status, and property, but they just don’t have the cash. They make one mistake after another, and in the end they can only become a chess piece in the hands of others. Zhang Panshi, am I right?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask

"That's right."

Zhang Panshi's face showed a trace of bitterness.

"Tell me, what else can you, or your Zhang family, do for me? It’s worthy of me giving you a chance to make a career."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"In the struggle between us real estate developers and the aborigines in the New Territories, we used many shady methods. I can tell you all about them, Sir Shen."

Zhang Panshi said slowly.

He knew very well that as long as he said these things, he would be cut off from the rich circle of Hong Kong Island. But now the Zhang family will soon be made a scapegoat, and the fall is right in front of them. How can he care? Will he be extinct from the rich circle?

"not enough. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"I can give up all the Zhang family's businesses on Hong Kong Island, plus the 79 Ding rights that I have received. I only want one way."

Zhang Panshi continued

"`.not enough!"

Shen Qiu continued to shake his head.[]

"Sir Shen, I have given away almost all the things from the Zhang family. If it is still not enough, I can only wait to die."

Zhang Panshi said slowly

"I want you to be a tainted witness and testify in court!"

Chen Qiu looked at Zhang Panshi and said slowly, word by word.


Zhang Panshi only thought about giving evidence and never thought about testifying in court. If Zhang Panshi confided everything directly to cut himself off from the wealthy circle of Hong Kong Island, then to testify in court would be to make enemies of these rich people and wait for him to show up. Panshi is most likely to be hunted for a lifetime

"Your life is almost gone, but you still want to cherish your life?"

Shen Qiu said quietly.

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Zhang Panshi's eyes flashed with helplessness, and then nodded and said:"Sir Shen, you are right, I promise you to be a taint witness."

"Zhang Panshi, you are one of the few smart people I have met on Hong Kong Island, but you are unfortunately unlucky."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Shen s(李的)ir, I thought the same way before, but after knowing you, I changed my mind. No matter in terms of background, study, etc., I am better than you, but the gap between us now, But it's a huge difference. I only blame myself for not being capable enough."

Zhang Panshi shook his head and said slowly

"Brother Qiu……"

At this time, Qiu Gangao also walked into Shen Qiu's office. After seeing Zhang Panshi, he immediately closed his mouth

"Ao, you can tell Mr. Zhang about this, it’s okay."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Qiu Gangao glanced at Zhang Panshi, and then said:"Brother Qiu, that Shi Weimin has been recruited. Someone hired him to kill Lu Hantao, but He couldn't figure out who the financial backer was, because that person was very cautious and always wore a mask, sunglasses and a hat when dealing with him."

"Ao, there is no need to check, the financial owner is already standing in front of you."

Shen Qiu pointed to Zhang Panshi with a bitter look in front of him and said with a smile.

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