Oi Man Hospital, New Territories.

Ring ring ring~

In Zhang Hua’s pocket, the cell phone rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

Zhang Hua took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and said.

A few minutes later

"Okay, okay, Brother Qiu, I understand. After saying this

, Zhang Hua hung up the phone, then walked quickly to Lu Hantao, who was still in a dazed state, and said calmly:"Lu Hantao, I have found the minibus driver who killed your wife.""

"Whether you continue to pretend to be dead or decadent, or cheer up and avenge your wife and daughter, it’s your choice!"

After hearing Zhang Hua's words, Lu Hantao, who had been silent since arriving at the hospital, rolled his eyes, looked at Zhang Hua, and said lightly:"Ahua, don't lie to me."

At this time, Lu Hantao's voice was extremely hoarse, just like his mood at the moment, difficult! Difficult! Difficult!

"Whether it's real or fake, you can see for yourself!"

Zhang Hua said slowly

"The person who died at that time should be mine. It was Xiaoyu who saved me. It was me. Xiaoyu would not die. She would not die."

At this moment, Lu Hantao's emotions finally burst out.

But Zhang Hua directly grabbed Lu Hantao's collar, lifted him up from the chair, and shouted loudly:"Lu Hantao, your wife is dead, she is now in 013 days The spirit wants to see you cheer up and avenge her, instead of crying to her grave here! Damn it, if you are a man, cheer up and make those who have done evil things to you and killed your wife regret, and regret why they did it to you!"


After hearing Zhang Hua's words, Lu Hantao was stunned for a long time, but his eyes became more and more determined. Finally, he looked at Zhang Hua and said lightly:"Ahua, I have remembered your words. I also remember this kindness. Let’s go and see the man who hit and killed my wife. I remember him. I can recognize him with just one glance!"

Half an hour later, Kowloon City Police Station

"It's him, it's him!"

Lu Hantao looked at Shi Weimin who was standing in the identification room with a dejected look on his face and said through gritted teeth. If Zhang Hua and Lu Hanlin hadn't hugged Lu Hantao tightly beside him, he would have rushed into the identification room at this moment and beat Shi Weimin alive. die

"Let go!"

At this time, a man's voice came to the ears of Zhang Hua, Lu Hantao, and Lu Hanlin. After hearing this voice, Zhang Hua immediately let go of his hand subconsciously. Only Lu Hanlin still held on tightly. His cousin.

Shen Qiu walked up to Lu Hantao, pulled Lu Hanlin's hand away, then stared into Lu Hantao's eyes, and said lightly:"Lu Hantao, the person here is just a little guy, just forget it. Beating him to death doesn't count as revenge for your wife."

"Think about it carefully, since those behind the scenes dare to attack you once, they will definitely dare to attack you a second, third, or countless times. Maybe you are no longer afraid of death, but where is your daughter? Where are the other people in Lujiacun? What about the village chiefs of other villages in the New Territories?"

"Only by knocking down the mastermind can you truly be safe and truly avenge your wife."

Shen Qiu said slowly, word for word.

"You are right, this matter must have been done by Li Zhaoji, Li Bancheng and those real estate businessmen. I asked them why they have not taken any action this week. It turns out they want to kill me!"

At this moment, Lu Hantao felt that he had figured everything out. Then, he looked at Shen Qiu and asked,"Who are you?"

"Deputy Commissioner of Kowloon City Police Station, Shen Qiu, I snatched this guy back from Yuen Long Police Station. Shen

Qiu pointed at Shi Weimin in the identification room behind him and said lightly.

"Thank you, Sir Shen! Lu

Hantao first bowed deeply to Shen Qiu, and then continued:"Sir Shen, I want to know why you helped me?""

After regaining his sanity, Lu Hantao became the village chief who shouldered the hope of all the people in Lujia Village, the man whom his wife Xiaoyu admired, and Lu Hantao himself. Lu Hantao knew very well that there is no free lunch in the world. , Shen Qiu must have his purpose in helping him like this.

"Lu Hantao, do you remember the Kowloon Walled City incident a year ago?"

After hearing Lu Hantao's words, Shen Qiu asked.

Lu Hantao did not speak, but nodded slightly. (abdd)

During the Kowloon Walled City incident, tens of thousands of people protested, and the incident became known to everyone on Hong Kong Island. Lu Hantao Of course I know this

"During the Kowloon Walled City incident, I helped the residents of Kowloon Walled City. Although Gui Lao was forced to give in and take the position of Deputy Commissioner of Kowloon City Police Station, Gui Lao was also determined to trap me here. If he didn't In the event of an accident, I would only be the deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station for the rest of my life. Shen

Qiu said slowly

"Sir Shen, what do you mean, let us people from the New Territories cause an incident similar to the Kowloon Walled City to help you leave the Kowloon City Police Station?"

Lu Hantao asked tentatively.

"Yes, in the Kowloon City Police Station, the most I can do is become the Commissioner, and my title is just Chief Superintendent. But if I go to the New Territories South District, I can find a way to sit in the position of Commander of the New Territories South District and become the police force. Director-level officials"

"Mr. Lu, I sincerely want to help you, so I made it clear that in the police force, police officers at the director level are the decision-makers of the police force. As long as I enter this circle, my room for maneuver will be very large. The worst-case scenario is that I can survive for a few more years. When Hong Kong Island returns to the motherland, I will only be 36 years old and I will be able to reach the position of Commissioner of Police."

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Hantao in front of him and said with a sincere face.

These words, Shen Qiu did tell the truth, but they were not all his intentions.

Now Zhang Hua, Gao Jin, Lu Hantao and other New Territories aborigines have established Very good relationship. After Shen Qiu helped these aborigines to drive away Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji and others, he could completely let Zhang Hua and Gao Jin come forward to cooperate with Lu Hantao and others to develop the Dingquan of the New Territories aborigines.

Shen Qiu, Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji and others It’s different. These real estate businessmen are typical profiteers. Their purpose in developing Ding Quan is to suck the blood of these New Territories aborigines.

But Shen Qiu, he doesn’t need to make so much money. If we talk about Li Bancheng and Li Zhaoji, they 100% of the profits are only willing to give half or even half to the New Territories aborigines, while Shen Qiu can give them 50%, 60%, or even 70% of the profits.

Because to Shen Qiu, the value of these aborigines is more than The billions of Hong Kong dollars earned are even more valuable. By tying these aborigines onto his chariot, Shen Qiu has another trump card besides the Kowloon Walled City.

The number of aborigines in the New Territories is enough There are more than 200,000 people, plus tens of thousands of people in the Kowloon Walled City. With so many people vouching for Shen Qiu, unless the ghost guy lifts the table, Shen Qiu is already invincible on Hong Kong Island.

And with these two trump cards, Shen Qiu will obviously have more united front value in the mainland. Just a few billion Hong Kong dollars in profits can be exchanged for such a trump card. For Shen Qiu, it is very worthwhile. After listening to

Shen Qiu's words , Lu Hantao lowered his head and remained silent for a few minutes, then looked up at Shen Qiu and said,"Sir Shen, what do you want us to do?"

"my plan is simple……"

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and slowly told her plan..

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