That night, Lu Hantao returned to Aimin Hospital very late and walked into the hospital morgue alone.

"Xiaoyu, the driver who hit you to death has been caught. As expected, it was Li Bancheng and Li Zhaoji's gang who did it. I won't let them go!"

"Xiaoyu, this time things will cause a big fuss, and the whole New Territories will be in motion. Give me some time, you can sleep here for a while, and when I finish the work, I will let you rest in peace."

"Xiaoyu, Ayu's right hand was broken, and several ribs were broken, but she was very strong. After the operation, she never cried. The doctor said that the child recovered very quickly, and she would be back to normal in three months at most."

"Xiaoyu, I have started to miss you. As a man, how should I bring up Ayu? Please teach me and say something to me, okay?……"


On the afternoon of the next day, tens of thousands of aborigines from six aboriginal villages in Yuen Long, regardless of age or sex, directly surrounded the Yuen Long Police Station, Yuen Long District Government and other public institutions, demanding their arrest. Hit yesterdayThe murderer of Lu Hantao's wife.

Under Shen Qiu's instruction, Le Huizhen once again caught the exclusive news, and TVB broadcast the scene live, which also attracted the attention of other media in Hong Kong Island.

Soon, many people on Hong Kong Island began to pay attention to Yuen Long, a rural place they rarely paid attention to.

With the cooperation of Lu Hantao, Le Huizhen quickly dug out the ins and outs of the whole thing. The program was quite sensational. Yesterday there was a happy family of three, but today one of them died and the other was lying with bandages all over his body. On the hospital bed, the last one was confused.

This tragic situation, especially the image of the little child Lu Yongyu lying on the hospital bed, aroused the sympathy of many citizens on Hong Kong Island.

Just that night, the Kowloon City Police Station also broke the bombshell news that they had arrested the minibus driver responsible for the accident, and that the minibus driver was the one who was ordered to hit the car.

However, Shen Qiu did not say clearly that night as to who he was instructed to do. It was just that the instigator behind the scenes was very powerful and the police force was fully investigating.

Shen Qiu knew very well that this kind of news needs to arouse the interest of the audience and let public opinion slowly ferment. If everything is thrown out at once, many people will think that the case is too simple and will not pay too much attention.

But after Shen Qiu broke the news, some people immediately couldn't sit still.

Late that night, Villa No. 3 in Repulse Bay.

In Repulse Bay, the owners of villas 1, 2, and 3 are all developers of Repulse Bay.

Villa No. 1 belongs to the oldest Bao Yugang, Villa No. 2 belongs to Lei Yingdong, the second oldest, and Villa No. 3 belongs to Li Bancheng, who is called Superman by many.

The history of Li Bancheng's fortune can be divided into two stages. The first stage was unremarkable. It was similar to the trajectory of most wealthy businessmen in Hong Kong. He found a niche and made a lot of money. Then he devoted himself to real estate and made even more. Money, if nothing else, he is an inconspicuous one among the many rich people in Hong Kong Island.

But soon, Li Bancheng ushered in the second stage of his career because he met an important person, Shen Bi, who was the general manager of the Kowloon branch of HSBC Bank at the time.

With Shen Bi's help, Li Bancheng borrowed a huge loan from HSBC Bank. During the Hong Kong stock market crash in 1973, he acquired a lot of assets and land and became the top wealthy businessman in Hong Kong Island.

Then, under Shen Bi's operation, he spent 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire the Huangpu Bank. Moreover, of the 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, HSBC only required Li Bancheng to pay half of the money up front, and the remaining money could be repaid in installments, which was equivalent to Li Bancheng's use. With HK$600 million in cash, he acquired Huangpu Foreign Investment Co., Ltd. with a market value of 15 billion.

Today, the market value of Huangpu Foreign Bank has reached HK$68 billion. It can be said that Li Bancheng's current status is entirely due to the blood transfusion of HSBC Bank.

It is precisely because of this that Li Bancheng is a model figure among Muyang dogs in Hong Kong. After seeing that Li Bancheng was able to achieve such great achievements after being supported by Gui Lao, many people also joined Gui Lao's army and strived to become Mu Yang. dog.

However, Li Bancheng was not as high-spirited as before tonight. Although his face was calm, his eyes were not calm at all, and even had a hint of anxiety.

The reason is actually very simple. In addition to gaining huge profits for himself by entering the New Territories and developing real estate in the New Territories, this is also the task assigned to him by Gui Lao.

With the development of Hong Kong Island, whether it is Hong Kong Island or Kowloon, there are less and less land that can be developed. Gui Lao's profits from the real estate industry will naturally become less and less.

At this time, it is necessary to find new land for development.

After much thought, Gui Lao turned his attention to the aborigines in the New Territories, which accounted for 90% of the entire Hong Kong Island area.

The real owners of the New Territories are the aborigines who have lived on this land for generations. These people have both rights and land. As long as they are dealt with, Hong Kong Island will have a steady stream of land in the future.

Gui Lao once used force to expropriate the land of the New Territories aborigines, but the aboriginals suffered terribly. In order to appease the aboriginals, they even gave them Ding rights, that is, every new born Aboriginal men are given a piece of land of 700 square meters to build a small house.

Unable to intervene on his own, Gui Lao thought of people like Li Bancheng and Li Zhaoji, and once again played their best game of using China to control China.

It was precisely because of this that Li Bancheng was a little anxious. He was not worried about what would happen to the aborigines. What he was worried about was whether the ghost guy would blame him for not doing things well.

Like Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, Guo Delong, and Hu Deyong, these three people who together with Li Bancheng are known as the four major real estate developers in Hong Kong Island, are also sitting in front of Li Bancheng at this time, and their faces are all ugly.

"Everyone, tell me, what should I do?"

After looking at each other in silence for a few minutes, Li Bancheng, as the organizer of this meeting, finally couldn't hold it back and spoke.

"This thing was done by members of the Zhang family, so we should give the Zhang family some benefits and let them go out and carry it out."

After Li Bancheng's words fell, Li Zhaoji immediately spoke.

"Now that things are so big, can the Zhang family handle it?"

Hu Deyong asked

"In fact, I think this is an opportunity for us."

At this time, Guo Delong said something, which made the eyes of Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, and Hu Deyong move slightly.

0 Asking for flowers

"Lao Guo, tell me. Li

Bancheng said lightly.

"Zhang Panshi of the Zhang family surrendered and took all the blame. Gui Lao gave him a heavy sentence and then paid some money to the aborigines. Even if they were unhappy, they could only hold their noses and admit it."

"Although we seem to be losing money and people, losing face and dignity, think about what the leaders among the aborigines will think. It was Lu Hantao who got into the accident this time. What about next time?"

"As long as the four of us are not involved, it is nothing more than preparing a few more scapegoats and a little more money. I would like to see how long the leaders of the aboriginal people can be stubborn."

Guo Delong was once a big boss of Hehe Tu. During the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong Island, he took refuge with the Japanese. He assassinated a large number of anti-Japanese martyrs and plundered a huge amount of wealth. After Hong Kong Island regained its power, he used the wealth to bribe the ghosts. In the end, it was him. He became a righteous man who resisted, holding the ghost man's lap, and gradually became one of the four major real estate developers in Hong Kong.

It was also because of these experiences that among the four people including Li Bancheng, he had the most murderous intent.

"If you do this, will it cause an even bigger fuss?"

Hu Deyong is a little worried. He is a pure businessman. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he does not want to get involved in such things.

"Without making the matter bigger, how can we let those ghost guys see our difficulty?"

Guo Delong said quietly


After hearing Guo Delong's words, Hu Deyong closed his mouth

"Who is going to persuade Zhang Panshi?"

At this time, Li Bancheng said slowly. Obviously, he had agreed with Guo Delong's opinion.

"Brother Zhaoji, it was Zhang Panshi who persuaded your young master last time. He must also have been vaccinated with Zhang Panshi. He doesn't bother the two masters at all. I'll ask your young master to work hard again this time, right?"

Guo Delong looked at Li Zhaoji and said with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Li Zhaoji's face was indifferent and he nodded slowly. But in his heart, he had already scolded his son Li Jiacheng 10,000 times. He wanted to prove that he was crazy. He dared to do such a thing first, but when it came to Now, Li Zhaoji also knows that he can only bite the bullet and go to the end

"Brother Zhaoji, please."

Li Bancheng said slowly.

On the other side, inside the Kowloon City Police Station

"How are you, are you ready?"

Chen Qiu walked into an interrogation room, looked at Zhang Panshi who looked haggard, and asked with a smile.

"Does it matter?"

Zhang Panshi looked up at Shen Qiu with a sad smile.

"Importantly, I need you to devote yourself to the performance. Shen

Qiu nodded and replied.

"Don't worry, I wish that Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji and the others would die with me!"

Zhang Panshi gritted his teeth and said slowly

"Your wife and son will get on the boat to Treasure Island tonight, and then take a plane to Canada. I have asked someone to buy a villa for them there. I believe they will be very satisfied with that villa."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said lightly[]

"Thank you, Sir Shen."

Zhang Panshi looked up at Shen Qiu, his eyes full of determination...

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