After leaving the interrogation room where Zhang Panshi was, Shen Qiu took out his cell phone and dialed Lu Zhilian's number

"Director Lu, it’s me."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said with a smile

"Shen Qiu, what's the matter?"

Lu Zhilian's slightly defensive voice came out from the receiver.

Last time, he helped Shen Qiu arrest Thomson, Chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission. With Shen Qiu's assistance, he successfully became famous on Hong Kong Island and became the signature figure of ICAC.

However , , even if the matter was so big, Thomson was only sent back to the UK to face trial. Although he was sentenced to 7 months in prison, Lu Zhilian heard that on the evening of the day he was sentenced, Thomson was paroled for medical treatment, which was quite a big deal. It was three drinks as a penalty, and then nothing happened.

Regarding this, Lu Zhilian was both angry and helpless.

However, he was not angry with Gui Lao, but himself. Now Lu Zhilian was completely disappointed with Gui Lao, and he only hated his own Still not strong enough to force the ghost guy to give in

""One, two, three." On the other hand, because of Lu Zhilian's influence, even if ICAC's top brass was unhappy with Lu Zhilian, they could only reinstate him.

After resuming his position as ICAC's chief investigation director, Lu Zhilian immediately recruited troops. , led 3 teams and more than 60 young investigators of ICAC, and has become the first Chinese person in ICAC except Gui Lao.

"Director Lu, we are all old friends, why don't we be so indifferent? Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"What's the matter?"

Obviously, Lu Zhilian had no intention of joking with Shen Qiu to reminisce about the past.

After returning to the position of ICAC's chief investigation director, Lu Zhilian changed his previous case handling style and became extremely low-key. This made the ghost man gradually relax his vigilance towards him. Even if Lu Zhilian recruited troops, It can only be thought that he wants to control more power.

In other words, Lu Zhilian has matured and knows how to hide his edge, but for Shen Qiu, a man who has made him mature quickly, Lu Zhilian is more defensive than the ghost guy.

After all, Lu Zhilian has really seen Shen Qiu's methods. Compared with Shen Qiu, the deputy commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Li Zuming, is as childish as a child.

"There is a big case. Are you interested in cooperating with our Kowloon City Police Department?"

Shen Qiu didn't care about Lu Zhilian's attitude, and the smile on his face did not change at all.

"What case?"

On the other end of the phone, Lu Zhilian's eyelids twitched slightly and he asked

"Did you hear about the New Territories aborigines besieging Yuen Long Police Station and Yuen Long Government Building during the day today?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask

"Well, hasn’t your Kowloon City Police Station arrested the driver responsible for the accident? Lu

Zhilian responded.

"Let me tell you the truth, not only the driver who caused the accident, but also the mastermind behind the incident was arrested by me. Shen

Qiu said slowly


Lu Zhilian's eyelids jumped sharply.

"Zhang Panshi of the Zhang family, he confessed to many people, including some high-level ghosts of the British Hong Kong government. How about it? Are you interested? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.


After Lu Zhilian pondered for a moment, he uttered one word

"Director of Housing McGinn, Director of Planning Chan Ho-man, Director of Development Department Hodick."

Shen Qiu named the three ghost guys.

Although these three ghost guys are just directors, they are more than one level higher than Shen Qiu, the deputy director of the police station. They are all first-level civil servants. , equivalent in rank to the Commissioner of Police

"Is the evidence conclusive?"

Lu Zhilian was silent for half a minute this time before continuing to ask.

"Director Lu, if the evidence is conclusive, I don't need you to take action."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"What is your police force going to do?"

For Shen Qiu, Lu Zhilian felt that no matter how careful he was, he could never be too careful.

"Of course they are the accomplices in arresting Zhang Panshi, the four major real estate developers in Hong Kong, Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, Hu Deyong, and Guo Delong. When the time comes, I will see if I can get anything out of their mouths to help ICAC solve the case."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Last question, Shen Qiu, what is your purpose in making the scene so big? Don't tell me you are seeking justice for those aborigines in the New Territories."

Lu Zhilian asked slowly, word for word.

"Director Lu, do you really want to know? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"right! Lu

Zhilian nodded and responded.

"I see that Gui Lao is unhappy. As long as it makes Gui Lao unhappy, I want to do it. So what? Is this reason enough?"

Shen Qiu made a random joke and replied with a smile.

"Dealing with the ghost guy? It's indeed a good reason. I'll wait for your call tomorrow."

Lu Zhilian's eyes narrowed slightly and he said slowly

"Then I wish us happy cooperation in advance."

After that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone.

Beep beep...

Listening to the busy tone coming from the receiver, Lu Zhilian's face was solemn. After pressing the hangup button, he pondered for a moment and immediately dialed another number 0..Obviously

, Lu Zhilian didn't believe Shen Qiu's lies about upsetting Gui Lao...

Also late that night, a Rolls-Royce drove into the courtyard of Villa No. 23 on Taipingshan at extremely fast speeds.


Seeing Li Jiacheng getting out of the car, a servant who was keeping watch immediately came over to greet him.

"Quick, go notify my dad, I...forget it, you don't need to, I'll call my dad."

Li Jiacheng looked anxious, walked quickly into the villa, came to the door of his father Li Zhaoji's undercover, and knocked on the door.

Ten seconds later


Li Zhaoji's voice came from the bedroom

"Father, it's me."

Li Jiacheng replied immediately.


A few seconds later, the bedroom door was opened.

"father i……"

"What's the hurry? Go to the study and talk."

Li Jiacheng, who looked impatient, was about to speak when he was interrupted by Li Zhaoji.

After hearing his father's words, no matter how anxious he was, Li Jiacheng could only hold back and follow him.He walked into the study room. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"Jiacheng, I have told you many times that you must not be hasty when doing things. Staying calm is the best attitude when facing anything."

Li Zhaoji interrupted his son again.

"Father, I remember."

Li Jiacheng took a few deep breaths to calm down his face, and then continued to say:"Father, Zhang Panshi is missing, his wife and son are also missing. I asked all the Zhang family members, even Zhang Panshi's elders. Dad doesn’t even know where his son, daughter-in-law, and grandson are."


Hearing Li Jiacheng's words, Li Zhaoji, who had been teaching his son just now that he should be calm in everything he encountered, suddenly stood up, and his originally calm face became a little uneasy.

"Father, did Zhang Panshi run away?"

Seeing his father's reaction, Li Jiacheng immediately said

"It would be fine if we just ran away. What we are afraid of now is that Zhang Panshi is not running away. We have to prepare for the worst.……"

Li Zhaoji said quietly with a gloomy face.

Just then, a burst of noise came from outside the door

"Jiacheng, go and see what's going on?"

Li Zhaoji frowned and said lightly.

"ok father"[]

After Li Jiacheng said that, he walked towards the study door. However, before he could reach out to open the door, the door was kicked open by a huge force.……

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