Li Jiacheng didn't know that after he left the Zhang family, someone immediately reported to Shen Qiu that he was looking for Zhang Panshi.

Without any hesitation, Shen Qiu directly ordered that the special operations team that had been waiting all night set off immediately to the residences of Li Bancheng, Guo Delong, and Hu Deyong to arrest three of the four major real estate developers in Hong Kong Island.

As for Li Zhaoji, Shen Qiu personally led the team to arrest him.

While Li Jiacheng was reporting to Li Zhaoji what he saw and heard in the Zhang family, Shen Qiu had already brought Qiu Gangao and more than a dozen special operations team members outside Villa No. 3 in Taipingshan.

Shen Qiu did not say hello, but directly ordered the members of the special operations team to climb over the villa's courtyard wall, control the security personnel of the villa as quickly as possible, and then quickly walked into the villa.

"You are……"

The servant who was keeping watch in the villa immediately shouted loudly when he saw Shen Qiu. However, before he could finish his words, he was forced to the ground by several members of the special operations team and his mouth was covered.

"Look, I am Shen Qiu, the deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station of Team 01 of Hong Kong Island. I am looking for your employer, Li Siu-kee. Where is he now?"

Shen Qiu put his ID in front of the Li family servant and said calmly.


The servant shook his head quickly, indicating that he didn't know.

"How much does the Li family give you a month? You may not know that if you help them like this, you will go to jail for obstructing official business."

Shen Qiu stared at the servant and said quietly.

A trace of confusion flashed in the servant's eyes, and then he pointed to the study on the second floor.

"Thank you for your cooperation!"

Shen Qiu said with a smile, and then quickly walked up to the second floor with Qiu Gangao and others. After arriving outside the study door, Shen Qiu kicked the door open.

Bang~ After the sound, there was a scream of ah~.

Li Jiacheng, who happened to be standing behind the door, was hit hard. He covered his forehead and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

"Good job!"

When Li Zhaoji saw this, he stood up and ran quickly to his son's side. At the same time, he looked at Shen Qiu and others and said coldly:"Who are you?"

"Mr. Li Siu Kee, please introduce yourself. My name is Shen Qiu, Deputy Commissioner of Kowloon City Police Station.……"

"Shen Qiu, you broke into a private house, wait, I will ask my lawyer to complain to you immediately to the Police Supervision Department and ICAC!"

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, he was interrupted by an angry Li Zhaoji.

"No problem, Mr. Li Zhaoji, that is your power. Now I am also exercising the power of the police. Now that you are suspected of hiring a murderer, please follow me back to the police station for investigation."

Shen Qiu looked at Li Zhaoji, with a face that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and sneered.

"Shen Qiu, do you know what you are talking about?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Li Zhaoji's originally ugly face became even more ugly. In fact, after hearing the name Shen Qiu, Li Zhaoji had already guessed about Shen Qiu's purpose. It's just that Shen Qiu came so quickly that he had no way to deal with it now. He could only try to use his momentum to calm Shen Qiu.

"Mr. Li Zhaoji, you are only in your fifties today. You should not be able to hear what you say clearly, right?"

Shen Qiu said mockingly.


Li Zhaoji became angry when he heard that Shen Qiu dared to mock him with such an attitude. However, as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu:"It doesn't matter if you can't hear clearly. When we get to the police station, I will Let two guys talk to you next to your ears, making sure you hear clearly."

"Okay, Shen Qiu, I remember you, I want to wait for my lawyer!"

Li Zhaoji looked deeply at Shen Qiu and said coldly

"Mr. Li Zhaoji, this is your arrest warrant. I am not asking for your opinion now, but I am officially informing you that you have been arrested."

Shen Qiu then took out an arrest warrant from his pocket, looked at Li Zhaoji, and said slowly

"Shen Qiu, aren't you afraid that it won't end when you do this?"

Li Zhaoji's face became even more ugly.

"Li Jiacheng was also suspected of hiring a murderer to kill him and took him back with him."

Shen Qiu ignored Li Zhaoji's words and said lightly.

A few minutes later,

Li Zhaoji was escorted to the car in which Shen Qiu was riding. After the car door was closed, Li Zhaoji discovered that there were only Shen Qiu, him and the people in the car. Qiu Gangao driving

"Li Siu-kee, tonight, our police force is taking action at the same time. Soon you will be able to meet your three accomplices, Li Ban-cheng, Guo Delong, and Wu Zhiyong, at the Kowloon City Police Station."

After the car started, Shen Qiu said quietly


At this time, Li Zhaoji's face had returned to calmness. Faced with Shen Qiu's slightly provocative words, he directly chose to remain silent. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Li Zhaoji, we need to arrest four people tonight. Do you know why I came here to arrest you?"

Shen Qiu continued to ask regardless of whether Li Zhaoji spoke or not.


Although Li Zhaoji did not speak this time, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Among the four major real estate developers, Li Zhaoji was not ranked first in terms of strength or influence. He was also curious as to why Shen Qiu would come to arrest him personally.

After thinking about it, Li Zhaoji felt that it was because of his son Li Jiacheng. After all, Zhang Panshi was instigated by Li Jiacheng to hire a murderer.

Thinking of this, Li Zhaoji felt annoyed. Li Zhaoji just didn't know about what his son did in advance, otherwise he would definitely stop it.

"Li Zhaoji, you are different from Li Bancheng, Guo Delong, and Hu Zhiyong. They started their careers thanks to the ghosts. Their lives are in the hands of the ghosts. The ghosts gave them birth so that they could become the four major real estate developers. If you want them dead, they will go bankrupt in no time."483

"But you are different. Most of your assets are in your own hands. Gui Lao's ship is unreliable. I will give you a chance to jump off the ship now. Shen

Qiu looked at Li Zhaoji and said slowly

"Haha, Shen Qiu, the governor of Hong Kong is a ghost, and the senior officials of the British Hong Kong government are all ghosts. This city is the city of ghosts. You want me to jump off the ship? Where do you want me to jump to, the Victoria Strait?"

Li Zhaoji had a sneer on his face.

"Li Zhaoji, Li Bancheng and the others all have their lives in the hands of the ghost. Until the critical moment, the ghost will always protect them. But you are different. Your life is not held by the ghost. If something happens, , who do you think the ghost guy will throw off the boat first?"

"It is better to take the initiative to jump into the Victoria Strait and swim than to be squeezed dry by a ghost and thrown into the sea. If you swim by yourself, you still have a chance to get ashore. If you are squeezed dry and thrown overboard, you will definitely die. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.[]


At this moment, Shen Qiu's words sounded like nonsense to Li Zhaoji. The young man in front of him wanted to scare him, and Li Zhaoji didn't care at all.

"Li Zhaoji, I can let you see a lawyer at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. That will be your last chance to jump off the ship. If you miss it, just wait for the ghost guy to throw you off the ship."

Shen Qiu didn't expect that he could persuade Li Zhaoji with just two words. On the contrary, he knew very well that tomorrow would be the day that truly determines the outcome.

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