Kowloon City Police Station.

Ring ring ring~

Shen Qiu had just returned to the police station when his cell phone rang.

"Ah Qiu, it’s me."

Shen Qiu just took out his mobile phone and pressed the answer button, and Li Wenbin's voice came from the receiver.

"Sir Li, what are your orders? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, you just ordered the special operations team to arrest Li Bancheng, Guo Delong, and Hu Deyong?"

Li Wenbin's tone was very serious.

"Sir Li, plus Li Zhaoji."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"Do you have any conclusive evidence?"

Li Wenbin didn't ask Shen Qiu why he arrested Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji and others, but asked Shen Qiu if he had any evidence. Obviously, his butt was sitting on Shen Qiu's side.

"have. Shen

Qiu replied

"That's good. I just received calls from the presidents of Chaofeng Chamber of Commerce, Guangfu Chamber of Commerce, and Wuyi Chamber of Commerce. The tone was very unkind. You must collect the evidence of these four people, Li Bancheng, now, otherwise it will be very difficult in the future. trouble."

At this point, Li Wenbin sighed:"Ah Qiu, you are good at everything, but you are a little impulsive when you are young. People like Li Bancheng are veterans who have been in the business world of Hong Kong Island for decades. If you catch them, then A single move can affect the whole body. You can't be reckless."

"Sir Li, I just want to catch them by surprise. If they are prepared, then I am really in trouble. Shen

Qiu explained with a smile.

Shen Qiu knew very well that although Li Wenbin had good intentions, it was because he was now considered a leader of the faction that Li Wenbin spoke so politely. If Shen Qiu was still an inspector-level police officer now, Member, Li Wenbin would definitely scold him directly.

"Ah Qiu, tell me exactly what you want to do this time."

Li Wenbin finally asked this question.

Although he is very optimistic about Shen Qiu, Li Wenbin is the leader of the faction after all. He needs to put the interests of the faction first when doing things. He asked this question just to see if it is worth the treasure. Bet part of it on Shen Qiu

"Sir Li, I now have sufficient evidence to prove that Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji and others are related to the death of Lu Zhangwanyu in Lujia Village, Yuen Long. Once this news is known to the aborigines in Yuen Long, guess what those aborigines will do. `? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Do you want to replicate the Kowloon Walled City incident a year ago?"

Li Wenbin reacted immediately.

"Sir Li, I seek justice for those aborigines in Yuen Long. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"I haven’t heard anything now, and I don’t know anything. Don’t talk to me on the phone, and I won’t answer your call. Ah Qiu, do you understand what I mean?"

Li Wenbin said slowly after pondering for a moment.

"Thank you sir Li."

Of course Shen Qiu understands that at this time, Li Wenbin's lack of expression is the greatest support for him, Shen Qiu."

"Ah Qiu, you can chat with Li Bancheng when you have time, show him some of your trump cards, and let the ghost guy know something. Sometimes it's not a bad thing, and maybe it will have miraculous effects."

Before hanging up the phone, Li Wenbin said quietly

"Sir Li, old ginger is still spicy!"

When Shen Qiu heard Li Wenbin's words, his eyes lit up slightly and he said with a smile.

"You kid, just pretend to be stupid and hang up."

Li Wenbin cursed with a rare smile, and then hung up the phone.

Beep beep...

Listening to the busy tone coming from the receiver, Shen Qiu slowly hung up the phone, then turned to Qiu Gangao who was standing not far away from him. Said:"Ao, after those people in Li Bancheng are brought back, inform me immediately"

"Okay, Brother Qiu!"

Qiu Gangao responded immediately.

Ten minutes later

"Brother Qiu, everyone has already arrived."

Shortly after Shen Qiu returned to the police station with Li Zhaoji, Qiu Gangao walked into Shen Qiu's office and reported to Shen Qiuhui. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"OK, I'll go meet them. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

A few minutes later, Shen Qiu walked into the interrogation room where Li Bancheng was detained.

After hearing the sound of the interrogation room door being opened, Li Bancheng looked up at Shen Qiu, and then immediately withdrew his gaze.

"Li Bancheng, Li Chaoren, this is the first time I have seen you in person. I have admired you for a long time."

Chen Qiu walked up to Li Bancheng with a smile on his face and said slowly


Faced with Shen Qiu's greetings, Li Bancheng chose to remain silent.

"It seems that Mr. Li has a deep prejudice against me."

Shen Qiu didn't care and continued to say with a smile.

"Sir Shen, I have heard of your name. Your arbitrary actions tonight will bring a lot of trouble to you and the people behind you. I will say this. I will not see my lawyer next time. Before, I wouldn't say anything."

Li Bancheng looked up at Shen Qiu and said coldly

"Li Bancheng, do you think you are great? It’s just a Muyang dog. Let me tell you, your fate will depend on what your master does next. If he is willing to quote a price for you, you continue to be your Muyang dog. If he refuses to quote a price for you, I will directly I'll send you to a dog killing ground to see if the Muyang dog is different from other dogs when it kills."

Shen Qiu looked at Li Bancheng condescendingly and said coldly

"`Hmph! A child with a yellow mouth, talking without shame"[]

Li Bancheng's face turned pale and he snorted coldly.

"Let’s wait and see."

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face again. Then, he walked behind Li Bancheng, put his hands on Li Bancheng's shoulders, and whispered:"Mr. Li, you guys are still doing business with bad intentions. It's a medical accident and a traffic accident. It's more professional than a professional killer. It's a pity that people are doing it and God is watching. It's not that we won't report it. The time has not come yet."


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Li Bancheng's expression changed slightly, but he immediately returned to his original state, and even closed his eyes, doing a"out of sight"

"Li Bancheng, Zhang Panshi recruited everything, and that Guo Delong, who was a traitor and worked as a dog for the Japanese and the ghosts. Do you really believe that he will not become a slave of the three surnames?"

Shen Qiu continued regardless of Zhao's concern.


Li Bancheng remained silent and allowed Shen Qiu to perform a one-man show

"Tomorrow morning, the aborigines in the New Territories will know these things. Think about what the New Territories riots were like more than ten years ago. I know you don't believe it. At 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will let your lawyer come to see you. When the time comes, feel free to ask and see if what I say is true or false."

Chen Qiu said quietly.


Li Bancheng is indeed a character. After being hooked by Shen Qiu so many times, his face is still as calm as water, as if he hasn't heard anything.

"Li Bancheng, take a good rest tonight and watch the show tomorrow."

Shen Qiu patted Li Bancheng on the shoulder, and then quickly left the interrogation room. It was not until Shen Qiu left that Li Bancheng opened his eyes. Different from his calm expression, at this moment, Li Bancheng's eyes were solemn and deep. There is anger, surprise, and even a hint of murderous intent.……

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