Early the next morning, the news that the Kowloon City Police Department arrested four major real estate developers on Hong Kong Island shocked the entire Hong Kong Island.

Almost all media outlets in Hong Kong sent reporters to the Kowloon City Police Station to interview Shen Qiu. However, Shen Qiu only accepted interviews from three TV stations: TVB, Asia TV and Landi TV.

In the interview, Shen Qiu's answer was also concise and to the point. The reason for arresting Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, Guo Delong and Hu Deyong was because they were suspected of hiring murderers to kill Lu Hantao, the head of Lujia Village in Yuen Long, resulting in the death of Lu Hantao's wife Lu Zhangwanyu.

As soon as this news came out, the aborigines in the Gelang area rioted.

Led by Lu Hantao and other village chiefs, tens of thousands of aborigines in the Yuen Long area directly occupied the Yuen Long Police Station and the Yuen Long Government Building, demanding that the British Hong Kong government severely punish Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, Guo Delong, and Wu Deyong, and give them these An explanation from the Aboriginal people.

At 9 o'clock in the morning that day, the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion.

Chief Secretary for Administration Tian Bopui, Financial Secretary O'Hunter, Secretary for Justice Ho Kam-li, and Commissioner of Police Han Yili, who were urgently summoned by Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying, rushed to the Hong Kong Governor's office to discuss how to deal with the Yuan Dynasty. Long's Aboriginal Rebellion

"Everyone, I don’t need to say more about the situation now. Let me tell you what you think should be done to quell the aboriginal riots in Yuen Long."

Yang Ruiying got straight to the point.

"Mr. Hong Kong Governor, from what you say, I must not intend to suppress those aborigines."

After Yang Ruiying's words fell, He Jinli was the first to speak.

As a hardliner in the British Hong Kong government, according to He Jinli's idea, he would directly mobilize the police and garrison to suppress these aborigines and beat them painfully. , so that they don’t dare to cause trouble again

"Haha, Director He, it’s the 1980s now, do you think it’s still the 1880s? As long as we dare to send troops to suppress it, believe it or not, we will see the troops from the north march to Central tomorrow."

Ever since the Kowloon Walled City incident, O'Hunter and He Jinli have never dealt with each other. After He Jinli's words fell, O'Hunter choked directly.


Regarding Ou Hunter's words, He Jinli just snorted coldly and did not refute, because he knew that O'Hunter was indeed right. With the current international situation, he can no longer meet someone like before. If they make trouble, they dispatch armed forces to suppress it. Not to mention, the British Hong Kong government did not choose to suppress the aboriginal people in the New Territories. The result of the last suppression was that they were forced to give Ding Quan to those aboriginal people. If they suppress it again If it fails once, what the British Hong Kong government will give is beyond the imagination of these ghost bosses.

"Director Han Yili, I would like to ask, what is the Kowloon City Police Station of your police force doing? They were the ones who released the news yesterday, saying that there was someone behind the aboriginal march in Yuen Long."

(acai) broke the news today, saying that the masterminds behind the scenes were people like Li Bancheng, which directly caused the aboriginal riots in Yuen Long. Why didn't you, the Commissioner of Police, stop this behavior?"

At this time, Chief Secretary for Administration Tian Bopei pointed the finger at Han Yili, who was sitting aside making soy sauce, and asked.

After hearing Tian Bopei's question, Han Yili said helplessly:"The deputy commissioner of the Kowloon City Police Station is Shen Qiu"


After Han Yili finished speaking, the entire Hong Kong Governor's office fell into a strange silence, as if the name Shen Qiu had some kind of magic power.

A few seconds later, He Jinli said bitterly:"It's Shen Qiu again."

The Kowloon Walled City incident caused a huge loss to the British Hong Kong government. Not only did it completely lose control of the Kowloon Walled City, it also lost control of the Kowloon Walled City. The control of the adjacent open space, which is about twice the size of Kowloon Walled City, was also taken away.

On that piece of land now, construction companies from the mainland are building ports, warehouses and other facilities in full swing. The high-ranking officials of the British Hong Kong government know without thinking that that area will be the transfer station from the mainland and the bridgehead into Hong Kong Island.

However, they had no choice but to watch helplessly, and all this was due to Shen Qiu.

It can be said that, to a certain extent, Shen Qiu is the Chinese who impressed these senior officials of the British Hong Kong government the most.

"If Shen Qiu takes action, will mainland China……"

Ou Hunter's words made the faces of several ghost guys present become even more ugly.

"I think there are only two ways now. The first is to talk directly to the aboriginal people in Yuen Long, agree to their request, and ask them to stop making trouble, and then deal with Shen Qiu's side when they are free." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The second is to talk to Shen Qiu. He has not yet shown the evidence, which shows that this kid has his own little agenda. We can have a good talk with him like we did during the Kowloon Walled City incident, and then let him go to Yuan Talk to Lang's group of aborigines."

After pondering for a long time, Yang Ruiying spoke slowly.

After hearing Yang Ruiying's words, Tian Bopei immediately looked at Han Yili and asked:"Director Han Yili, you are the director of the police department, can you? Give an order for Shen Qiu to hand over all the people and evidence related to the Yuen Long case? Or simply suspend Shen Qiu and send someone else to take over the Kowloon City Police Department!"

"Director Tian, ​​of course I can temporarily suspend Shen Qiu, but who knows whether Shen Qiu has transferred the evidence to other places? What's the point of suspending Shen Qiu if I force him to expose the evidence directly after suspending him?"

A wry smile appeared on Han Yili's face.

"That’s trouble!

Tian Bopei sighed, then looked at Yang Ruiying and said:"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, we must talk. The key is how much we have to pay. We cannot meet the conditions proposed by the Yuen Long Aboriginal people.""

"It took the British Hong Kong government, HSBC, and Standard Chartered Bank ten years to support Chinese businessmen like Li Bancheng. They are now infiltrating various chambers of commerce and fighting for power on behalf of our British Hong Kong government. If only because of a few words from the aborigines , just give them up, then our plan to support Chinese businessmen, even if it does not directly fail, is still far away from success."

Similar to Shen Qiu's plan to steal the sky, Gui Lao also has a plan to steal the sky.

Before the 1970s, people in Hong Kong generally hated Gui Lao, both ordinary people and businessmen. This was exactly the case in the 1950s. In the 1960s, many patriotic businessmen emerged, such as Lei Yingdong, Bao Yugang, etc.

After discovering this trend, Gui Lao intervened to a certain extent and suppressed Lei Yingdong, Bao Yugang and others, but the effect was very poor.

Therefore , , the then Governor of Hong Kong, MacLehose, immediately formulated a plan to support Chinese businessmen like Li Bancheng. After they became tycoons, they would compete for the right to speak in the business world, train new Muyang dogs for the ghosts, and use these Muyang dogs to control The economic lifeline of Hong Kong Island.

Especially after signing the return agreement with the mainland, the British Hong Kong government increased its efforts to promote this plan. If Li Bancheng and others are to be abandoned because of a few words from the aborigines, not only the ghost guys but The huge amount of resources invested in Li Bancheng and others in 2016 will be in vain, and it will also affect the subsequent training of Muyang dogs.

Killing chickens in front of monkeys can scare monkeys, let alone killing dogs in front of dogs. Alright.

Ring ring ring~[]

Just after Tian Bopei said this, his cell phone rang in his pocket.

"Which one? Tian

Bopei took out his mobile phone and asked.

Then, his expression suddenly changed, he looked at the Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying sitting in front of him, and slowly said:"Mr. Hong Kong Governor, Lu Zhilian from ICAC just came to us. The British Hong Kong Government Headquarters forcibly took away Director of Housing McGinn, Director of Planning Department Chan Ho-man, and Director of Development Department Hodik!"

Hearing Tian Bopei's words, Yang Ruiying's expression changed, and the expressions of Ou Hunter, He Jinli, and Han Yili also changed. At this moment, all the ghosts in the Hong Kong Governor's Office realized that this must be Shen Qiu again. Otherwise, it would not have happened so quickly and by chance!

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