Governor's Mansion, Governor's Office

"Director Han Yili, please inform Shen Qiu to come to the Hong Kong Governor's residence. Tell him that I want to talk to him in person."

After Yang Ruiying heard that ICA Zhilian had forcibly arrested three directors of the British Hong Kong government, she did not hesitate and directly decided to negotiate with Shen Qiu.

Many times, the first time is the most difficult.

The first time Yang Ruiying was I felt very aggrieved when I was forced to negotiate with Shen Qiu, but after the first experience, it felt much smoother and there was no feeling of humiliation. It was natural for me to say that I wanted to talk to Shen Qiu in person. Even the other ghost guys in the Hong Kong Governor's Office didn't feel anything unusual.

After hearing Yang Ruiying's words, Han Yili immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Qiu's number, and then... while Yang Ruiying was waiting for the ghost guys in Hong Kong When the Governor's Mansion was discussing how to deal with the aborigines in Yuen Long, inside the Kowloon City Police Station

"Mr. Li Zhaoji, how did you sleep last night?"

Shen Qiu walked into the interrogation room where Li Zhaoji was and asked with a smile.


At this time, Li Zhaoji had a haggard look on his face, but he was still in good spirits. He glanced at Shen Qiu and said nothing.

"I have promised your lawyer to meet with you, but before you meet with the lawyer, there is an interesting passage that you can listen to."

After that, Shen Qiu put a Walkman in front of Li Zhaoji.

Li Zhaoji looked at Shen Qiu suspiciously, then put the headphones into his ears and pressed the play button of the Walkman.

Then, Li Zhaoji's expression A sudden change.

Although the sound coming from the headphones was a little fuzzy and distorted, Li Zhaoji could still tell that it was a conversation between his son Li Jiacheng and Zhang Panshi, and the content of the conversation was that Li Jiacheng forced Zhang Panshi to kill Lu Hantao.

This For a moment, Li Zhaoji's face became very ugly. He knew very well that if this recording was spread, his son would definitely be thrown out to take the blame, and he, the father, would definitely not be able to escape.

"Shen Qiu, you……"

"Mr. Li, don't worry, we'll talk slowly after you finish meeting the lawyer."

As soon as Li Zhaoji spoke, he was interrupted by Shen Qiu. After saying this with a smile, Shen Qiu did not give Li Zhaoji another chance to speak, and turned around and left the interrogation room. Looking at

Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Li Zhaoji She clenched her fists so hard that even her knuckles turned white.

After leaving Li Zhaoji's interrogation room, Shen Qiu walked straight into Li Bancheng's interrogation room.

"Mr. Li Bancheng, did you sleep well last night?"

Shen Qiu said what he just said and said to Li Bancheng with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, you really surprised me that you were able to hold on for so long, but I think you won’t be able to hold on anymore, right?"

Unlike Li Zhaoji, Li Bancheng was obviously more confident and even took the initiative to use words to fight back against Shen Qiu.

"Mr. Li, I disappoint you. It’s not that I can’t bear it anymore, but that your ghost masters can’t bear it anymore. This morning, the aboriginal people in Yuen Long occupied the Yuen Long Police Station and the Yuen Long Government Building."

At this point, the smile on Shen Qiu's face became even bigger:"As far as I know, the aborigines in Yuen Long have contacted the aborigines in other areas of the New Territories, such as Tai Po, North District, Shatin, Tuen Mun, Sai Kung, and Tsuen Wan. The indigenous people in the area are preparing to take action and occupy local police stations and government buildings. Shen

Qiu looked at Li Bancheng, whose face was getting worse and worse, and asked with a smile:"Mr. Li, guess how long the ghost guy can carry it?""

Originally, Lu Hantao's influence was indeed not that great, but he couldn't stand Shen Qiu, who gave him blood transfusions and money.

This time, Shen Qiu directly gave Zhang Hua a full 500 million Hong Kong dollars, with the purpose of organizing the New Territories aboriginal riots through Lu Hantao and forcing the ghosts. He gave in.

Originally, this group of aborigines were angry with ghosts and real estate developers. They did not resist collectively because the aborigines were indeed poor and needed money to organize troubles. There are nearly 20,000 people in the entire Lujia Village, even if organized A protest team of 1,000 people would bankrupt Lujiacun just for food, so there was no way. If they were not forced to a dead end, there would generally be no large-scale resistance. It is precisely because of this that Li Bancheng and others Only real estate developers dare to force the aborigines of the New Territories. Otherwise, each of these 200,000 aborigines could drown Li Bancheng and others with a mouthful of saliva. How could they dare to offend them?


After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Li Bancheng's face became very ugly. He looked deeply at Shen Qiu and said slowly:"Shen Qiu, you went too far this time and provoked a civil uprising. Let me see how you end up!"

"Li Bancheng, please don't accuse me wrongly. It was clearly your group of unscrupulous real estate businessmen who started the civil uprising. The ghost guy wants to use their heads to stabilize these aboriginals. What he wants is your heads, not mine. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, you have told me so much, what do you want?"

At this moment, Li Bancheng's decades of qi-nurturing skills were completely destroyed, and he asked angrily.

Because he suddenly realized that what Shen Qiu said was all true, and it had really triggered a civil uprising. The first person to die must be They real estate businessmen, as for Shen Qiu, Gui Lao might not only not deal with him, but also ask him to do things, at most it would be to settle accounts after the fall, but by that time, the grass on Li Bancheng's grave might be half a meter high.

"Your lawyer has applied to see you, and I have approved his application."

Shen Qiu ignored Li Bancheng's question, and after saying this with a smile, he turned around and left.

Li Bancheng looked at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, his originally excited face gradually calmed down, and whispered to himself:"What on earth does he want? What do you want me to do?"

A few minutes after Shen Qiu left Li Bancheng's interrogation room, his cell phone rang in his pocket. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hello, who is this?"

Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and asked

"Shen Qiu, it’s me, I’ve already captured him."

Lu Zhilian's voice came out from the receiver.

"ok, thank you for your hard work, Director Lu."

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

0Please give me flowers0

"If you're polite, don't say anything, and send me the evidence as soon as possible. Otherwise, if that ghost guy Li Zuming wants me to release him, I won't know how to deal with him. Lu

Zhilian said angrily.

"Director Lu, haven’t I already taught you? Take those ghost directors to a safe house that only you know, and then no matter what your boss asks you, you pretend not to understand. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, don’t you have any evidence? Lu

Zhilian said quietly

"Director Lu, I must have the evidence, but I can’t give it to you yet. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.[]

"So when are you going to give me the evidence?"

Lu Zhilian obviously wants to break the casserole and ask the truth.

"Director Lu, let's put it this way, some things are more deterrent when hidden than when exposed. Shen

Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

After saying this, Shen Qiu ignored Lu Zhilian and hung up the phone directly.

He asked Lu Zhilian to help arrest people, not for the purpose of letting ICAC arrest those ghosts. The long rope to the law is based on the Civil Service Law specially created by the British Hong Kong government to deal with ghosts. Even if those ghost directors are convicted, they will retire early and do not even have to pay fines. What is the meaning of such a punishment? , it’s better to use these ghost guys in exchange for greater benefits.

Ring ring ring ~

Just when Shen Qiu was thinking wildly, the ringtone of the mobile phone in his hand rang again

"Sir Shen, I am Han Yili."

Shen Qiu had just pressed the answer button, and the voice of Police Commissioner Han Yili came from the receiver of the mobile phone. Obviously, Han Yili was in a hurry now.

"Mr. Director, what are your orders? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile, as if he would really listen to Han Yili's instructions.

"Sir Shen, Mr. Governor of Hong Kong would like to invite you to the Governor's residence. There are some things that he would like to discuss with you in person."

Han Yili said.

"Haha, Mr. Commissioner, our Kowloon City Police Station is very busy today. I don’t have time to go to the Governor’s House and ask the Governor to come to see me at the Kowloon City Police Station. I will wait for him here."

After that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone without giving Han Yili a chance to reply.

Beep beep ~

On the other end of the phone, Han Yili was dumbfounded when he heard the busy signal coming from the receiver of the phone.

"Director Han, what did Shen Qiu say?"

Looking at Han Yili who was a little dull, Yang Ruiying asked.

"Mr. Governor, that Shen Qiu is crazy. He asked you to go to the Kowloon City Police Station to meet him."

Han Yili turned to look at Yang Ruiying, with a hint of disbelief when he spoke.

After Han Yili's words fell, the Hong Kong Governor's office fell silent instantly, and the faces of all the ghosts present showed expressions of disbelief..

The average Chinese in Hong Kong can brag about it for half a year once they visit the Governor's mansion. Now Shen Qiu actually asks the Governor to find him. Is this because the world has changed, or is Shen Qiu crazy... 9...

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