The Governor's Mansion, inside the Governor's Office

"Is this yellow-skinned monkey crazy? In the more than 100 years since the opening of Hong Kong Island, the Governor of Hong Kong has never taken the initiative to meet a Chinese!"

After a brief moment of consternation, He Jinli, with an angry look on his face, immediately cursed. He never expected that there would be Chinese people on Hong Kong Island who dared to ask the Hong Kong Governor to see him. This was no longer an insult to the Hong Kong Governor alone. This is an insult to the entire British Hong Kong government!

"Mr. Governor, let me go talk to Shen Qiu. I am the Chief Secretary for Administration. I took the initiative to go to him, which is enough to give him face."

At this time, Tian Bopei stood up, looked at Yang Ruiying, and said slowly

"Director Tian, ​​you are the chief envoy and the number two figure in the British Hong Kong government. You cannot take the initiative to talk to a Chinese!"

He Jinli immediately expressed his opposition.

"Director He, put away the paranoia you developed in Hong Kong Island. Don’t forget that before we took office, we swore an oath to the Queen. In order to defend the Queen’s interests, we will do anything!"

"Do you feel that your own face is more important than the Queen’s interests?"

This time, Tian Bopei didn't coddle He Jinli anymore, and directly fought back.

After hearing Tian Bo's"990" words, He Jinli's face turned ugly, but he didn't speak again after all.

"Secretary Tian, ​​the British Hong Kong government will remember your contribution, and I will remember your contribution."

Of course Yang Ruiying wanted someone to embarrass him, so he said his good words as if he didn't need money.

"Mr. Governor, I'll leave first."

Tian Bopei ignored Yang Ruiying's praise for himself and quickly left the office.

On the other side, inside the Kowloon City Police Station.

After meeting with the lawyer for half an hour, Li Zhaoji ended the meeting with his lawyer, and then asked him to be interrogated by himself. The uniformed police officer in the room informed Shen Qiu that he wanted to meet with Shen Qiu.

A few minutes later

"Li Zhaoji, have you figured it out?"

Shen Qiu pulled a chair to Li Zhaoji's side, sat on it with a golden sword, and asked with a smile.

"What are you going to ask me to do?"

Li Zhaoji ignored Shen Qiu's question and asked

"Of course, I will ask you to hand over your certificate first, and then you will continue to lurk back to the ghost guy's camp and help the ghost guy, as if nothing happened until I activate you."

Shen Qiu looked at Li Zhaoji and spoke slowly, word by word.

Naturally, he spent so much effort and talked so much to Li Zhaoji not to influence this profiteer, but to instigate him to rebel and leave Li Zhaoji with Guilao and Mu. Next to Yang Quan, he was surprised at the critical moment.

Among the four major real estate developers, only Li Zhaoji met Shen Qiu's conditions. The other three people were too involved with Gui Lao and had done too many evil things for Gui Lao. To instigate rebellion against them, Shen Qiu feels dirty

"What certificate of admission do you want?"

Li Zhaoji is like a beautiful woman who gave up her resistance and allowed herself to be manipulated by Shen Qiu.

"It's very simple. I only need you to do the following things. First, tell me in detail the tricky things you did when you cooperated with Li Bancheng, Guo Delong, and Hu Deyong. I will record the video;"

"Second, give me the ledger of how you bribed Gui Lao’s senior executives over the years;"


Shen Qiu slowly said the petition that Li Zhaoji needed to hand over.

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Li Zhaoji, who had completely given up his resistance, showed a wry smile. He knew very well that as long as he After completing these things according to Shen Qiu's request, he would really let Shen Qiu manipulate him.

But Li Zhaoji knew better that he had no other choice at this time.

Just now, Li Zhaoji's lawyer had detailed what happened outside. After telling him once, Li Zhaoji knew very well that once Shen Qiu took out the recording of his son Li Jiacheng, he, Li Zhaoji, would definitely kill the scapegoat and be thrown out to eliminate the anger of the Yuen Long aborigines.

Either die now, Either he might die in the future, and even a fool knows what to choose.

So, without a moment's hesitation, Li Zhaoji nodded directly and said:"Okay, Sir Shen, I promise you."

Subsequently, under the camera, Li Zhaoji told in detail the evil done by himself, Li Bancheng, Guo Delong, Hu Deyong and others.

As for the account books, Shen Qiu was not in a hurry, as long as he had this recording in hand. , Li Zhaoji is already a piece of fish on his chopping board and can’t run away.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Li."

Shen Qiu said to Li Zhaoji with a smile, then turned and left the interrogation room.


Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Li Zhaoji sighed deeply. He never expected that he had been in the business world of Hong Kong Island for decades and barely encountered any opponents.

As a result, when he was in his fifties, When I met Shen Qiu, I lost everything I had at once.

"Brother Qiu!"

After Shen Qiu left the interrogation room, Shen Qiu's secretary Fang Ting, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, came to greet him.

"Ating, what's going on? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

Under his training, Fang Ting became more and more comfortable with the job of secretary. Shen Qiu directly handed over many things to her, which made Shen Qiu very worry-free.

"Brother Qiu, Chief Secretary for Administration Tian Bopei wants to see you, and he is waiting for you in your office now."

Fang Ting answered.

"Chief Secretary for Administration Tin Bo Pui? Shen

Qiu frowned slightly, and then said to Fang Ting:"Ating, leave that ghost guy alone. When he can't wait to rush you, tell him that I'm still doing important things. I'll wait until he's finished." Of course I will come to see him"

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

After keeping Shen Qiu's words in mind, Fang Ting nodded and then turned and left.

After watching Fang Ting's back go away, Shen Qiu walked towards Li Bancheng's interrogation room again.

"Mr. Li, after meeting the lawyer, you should know that what I said is true, right? Shen

Qiu looked at Li Bancheng who had a solemn expression in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, what exactly do you want to do?"

Li Bancheng has learned that the Yuen Long aborigines have really rioted, and he is also a little panicked.

"Li Bancheng, you have done a lot of immoral things in recent years. Three years ago, you……"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen Qiu did not answer Li Bancheng’s question.I am just thinking about my own memories for Li Bancheng0..

"How do you know this?"

After hearing the first thing Shen Qiu said, Li Bancheng couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Sir Li, you can guess for yourself."

After Shen Qiu said this, he turned around and left the interrogation room, leaving only Li Bancheng who was bowing his head in thought.

A few minutes later, Shen Qiu finally returned to his office

"Director Shen?"

As soon as Shen Qiu walked into his office, a ghost guy sitting on the sofa stood up and asked Shen Qiu with a smile.

After seeing Shen Qiu nodding in recognition, the ghost guy continued:"Director Shen, I am a government affairs official. Tian Bopei, Director-General of the Department, I……"

"Stop, who did you just say you were?"

When Tian Bopei just introduced his identity, Shen Qiu immediately interrupted Tian Bopei's words.

"I am the Chief Secretary for Administration, Tin Bo-pei. Mr. Shen, you should know me, right?"

Tian Bopei said slowly with a cold tone.

"Director Tian, ​​I remember I just told Director Han Yili that I wanted to talk to the Governor of Hong Kong, so……"

Having said this, Shen Qiu shrugged his shoulders, and the smile on his face became brighter:"How about this, Director Tian, ​​we can talk about it after Yang Ruiying retires and you become the Acting Governor?"

Chief Secretary for Administration is on top. The first Hong Kong Governor retired and returned to Hong Kong Island. Before the new Hong Kong Governor took office, he automatically assumed the identity of the Hong Kong Governor and became the Acting Governor.

"Shen Qiu, don't go too far!"

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Tian Bopei had suppressed his anger for a long time and could no longer suppress it. He stood up, pointed at Shen Qiu, and shouted loudly.

"Director Tian, ​​I told you to ask the Hong Kong Governor to come and talk to me. If Han Yili didn’t hear clearly on the phone just now, I will tell you again. Listen carefully and don’t mistranslate my words again."

"Let the Governor of Hong Kong come and talk to me!"

Shen Qiu looked at Tian Bopei in front of him and said slowly, word by word.

"Okay, okay, okay, Shen Qiu, you are very good. I will relay this sentence to Mr. Governor of Hong Kong verbatim. You'd better know what you just did!"

Tian Bopei suppressed his anger and left Shen Qiu's office angrily after saying these words.

"Director Tian walked slowly."

Shen Qiu shouted at Tian Bopei's back, then slowly walked to the desk, picked up the phone receiver, and dialed a number

"Ahua, it's me."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said

"Brother Qiu, what are your orders?"

Ahua's voice came out from the receiver.

"Find a way to spread the news that Lu Hantao is planning to contact the aborigines in other New Territories areas to jointly oppose the ghosts in the New Territories without anyone noticing. Shen

Qiu said slowly

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Zhang Hua nodded immediately and said


After Shen Qiu hummed, he hung up the phone, then walked to the window on the side, looked across the Victoria Strait in the direction of Taiping Mountain, and whispered to himself:"Double kings, four 2s, Yang Ruiying, you guys What do these ghost guys want?".

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