The Governor's Residence.

Ring ring ring ~ a cell phone ringing


Yang Ruiying picked up the phone and asked.

Then, Yang Ruiying's face suddenly darkened and became extremely ugly:"Okay, Director Tian, ​​I'll wait until you come back. After saying that

, Yang Ruiying slowly put the phone on the table, then looked at Ou Hunter, He Jinli, and Han Yili who were looking at her curiously and said:"This guy Shen Qiu, let me go to the Kowloon City Police Station to talk to him." talk"


He Jinli cursed directly with a curse word, and the faces of Ou Hunter and Han Yili were also extremely ugly. The dignified

Hong Kong Governor took the initiative to find a Chinese to sue for peace. This is simply...

At this moment, the Hong Kong Governor's office fell into In the silence, Ou Hunter, He Jinli, and Han Yili were all waiting for Yang Ruiying's decision...

Half an hour later, Tian Bopei, with a gloomy face, quickly walked into the Hong Kong Governor's office.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, please talk directly to the aborigines in Yuen Long. Shen Qiu, a Chinese, is simply bullying others!"

As a ghost guy who has worked in Hong Kong for almost thirty years, Tian Bopei is definitely half a Chinese expert, and he can pick up all the idioms and proverbs at his fingertips.

"I just had a phone call with ICAC's Commissioner Galactic, and it turns out that even Galactic didn't know where Lu Zhilian had taken the three directors."

After listening to Tian Bopei's words, Yang Ruiying did not respond directly, but said something that seemed to have nothing to do with it.

But Yang Ruiying's words made Tian Bopei calm down. Lu Zhilian's hand clearly meant to tell Tian Bopei Lu Zhilian, the senior leader of these ghost guys, is a pawn of Shen Qiu.

If he skips Shen Qiu and goes directly to negotiate with the Yuen Long Aboriginal people, who knows what moves Shen Qiu will make? The current situation is not what ghost guys like them want. The question of how to play chess was that Shen Qiu forced them to sit across from him and finish the game with him.

Of course, Gui Lao could also choose to overturn the table and forcefully arrest Shen Qiu and Lu Zhilian, and then pay It cost a lot to appease the aborigines in Yuen Long.

But there is only one question, is it worth it?

At this moment, whether it is Yang Ruiying, Tian Bopei, or several other high-level ghosts of the British Hong Kong government, they all understand that they These ghost guys have been pinned to the chessboard by Shen Qiu, and they must finish this game of chess that is bound to lose with him. The only suspense now is how much they ghost guys will lose.

This makes the Hong Kong Governor's office once again fell into silence

"Mr. Governor, in the name of the Commissioner of Police, I will summon Shen Qiu to the police headquarters, and then you can talk to Shen Qiu at the police headquarters."

After pondering for a long time, Han Yili came up with this compromise.

The British are such a stubborn race. Before they are completely convinced, they will try their best to maintain their noble personality, even if it is just for a little bit. In order to save face, we should do everything we can to maintain our so-called dignity.

"That's fine."

After hearing Han Yili's words, Yang Ruiying pondered for a moment and nodded. Ring, ring, ring~

Suddenly, a phone ringing attracted the attention of everyone in the Hong Kong Governor's office.

"Which one?"

Yang Ruiying picked up the phone receiver and asked.

Then, Yang Ruiying didn't know what he heard. His old face suddenly became even more old-fashioned. After a few seconds of silence, he slowly said:" Okay, I understand, Minister Xia, your entire political department will be mobilized to keep an eye on those people and they must not cause any trouble."

After saying this, Yang Ruiying slowly put down the phone receiver, then looked at Tian Bopei and others, and said helplessly:"Everyone, I think I have to go to the Kowloon City Police Station."

After Yang Ruiying finished speaking, Tian Bopei, Ou Hunter, He Jinli, and Han Yili all had a look of shock on their faces.

They were still thinking about how to neutralize Shen Qiu's offensive, but Yang Ruiying immediately gave in?

"Mr. Governor, what happened? Tian

Bopei immediately asked

"The Political Department has just discovered the news that the aboriginal people in Yuen Long are planning to join the aboriginal people in North District, Tai Po, Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan, Sha Tin, and Sai Kung to occupy local police stations and government buildings to stage armed protests."

Yang Ruiying said slowly with a gloomy face.


At this moment, the whole office was silent. Shen Qiu's double kings and four 2s were played. Only then did these ghost guys realize in shock that they couldn't afford it at all.

"Director Han, please accompany me to the Kowloon City Police Station. I believe that Shen Qiu will be the same as the last Kowloon Walled City incident. He not only has to make demands for the indigenous people, but also for himself."

Yang Ruiying's face returned to normal at this moment, she looked at Han Yili and said slowly

"Okay, Hong Kong governor student."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Han Yili stood up and responded.

"Let's go."

Yang Ruiying let out a long sigh, and then walked out of the office door.

Half an hour later.

Kowloon City Police Station

"Sir Shen, Brother Yi’s car stopped at the door of our police station."

Bo Zai, who was guarding the police reception desk at the entrance of the Kowloon City Police Station, looked at the Mercedes-Benz sedan with license plate 1 at the entrance of the police station, and reported to Shen Qiu with a phone receiver.


Originally, Brother Yi came to the Kowloon City Police Station in person, which was enough to shock Bo Zai, but after seeing an old man getting out of the Mercedes-Benz, Bo Zai couldn't help but uttered a curse word

"Sir Shen, the Hong Kong Governor, the Hong Kong Governor got off Brother Yi’s car."

Bo Zai looked at Yang Ruiying, Han Yili and others walking towards the gate of Kowloon City Police Station and said quickly 447

"Bo Zai, relax a little, the Governor of Hong Kong is not the emperor, why are you so excited? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, that's the Governor of Hong Kong. I've only seen him on TV, but I didn't expect...he came in!"

Bo Zai said nervously.[]

"Bring him to my office."

After that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone.

When Yang Ruiying walked into the police station and saw that no one came to greet him, the number one person in Hong Kong Island, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes. Then, he looked to the side of the police station. , Bo Zai is holding the phone with a dull expression on his face.

"Mr. Governor, please follow me. Sir Shen is waiting for you in the office."

The moment Bo Zai looked at Yang Ruiying, he remembered what Shen Qiu had just told him, and said to Yang Ruiying with a smile.

"Thank you."

Until then, Yang Ruiying still maintained his so-called gentlemanly demeanor and thanked Bo Zai very politely.

But after Bo Zai walked up the steps to the second floor, Yang Ruiying whispered to Han Yili beside him :"Director Han, be mentally prepared. Shen Qiu's conditions this time will definitely be more stringent than those in the last Kowloon Walled City incident."

At this moment, Yang Ruiying didn't know that the next hour or so would be described by himself in his later autobiography as the most torturous and darkest hour in his life.

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