"Mr. Governor, would you like to have a cup of tea and let's chat slowly?"

After Han Yili left his office, Shen Qiu looked at Yang Ruiying who was sitting in front of him with a calm expression and said with a smile.

"No need for tea, Mr. Shen, just state your conditions directly."

Yang Ruiying looked deeply at Shen Qiu and said slowly.

"First, the aborigines in various areas of the New Territories have established regional development companies in the form of village collectives. All their aboriginal lands can only be developed by development companies in the region, and capital from other regions is not allowed to participate."

Although the development company Shen Qiu mentioned was established in the form of a collective, the actual controlling shareholders will always be family patriarchs and elders like Lu Hantao.

Through these development companies, Shen Qiu can tie these patriarchs and elders into On his own chariot, this is equivalent to tying all the more than 200,000 aborigines in the New Territories to his own chariot.

Moreover, there are examples of the four major real estate developers in the past. These aborigines in the New Territories have no regard for capital and consortium. They were so disgusted that they couldn't find any other partner in Hong Kong except Shen Qiu.


Yang Ruiying agreed to this request without hesitation.

Now that the aborigines in the New Territories are out of control, this condition proposed by Shen Qiu will not cause any loss to the British Hong Kong government.

"Second, severely punish the criminals who committed crimes against the indigenous people when acquiring the rights of the indigenous people, especially the murderer who killed Lu Hantao's wife Lu Zhangwanyu and the mastermind behind the scenes."

Shen Qiu continued

"Mr. Shen, who are you referring to as the mastermind behind 680?"

Yang Ruiying's eyes narrowed and she asked slowly.

Keeping Li Bancheng, a role model for Muyang dogs, is one of Yang Ruiying's bottom lines in this negotiation. He is very sensitive to Shen Qiu's request.

"Mr. Governor, our police are still investigating who is the mastermind behind this, but one thing is certain, the mastermind must be a big shot with great hands and eyes."

Chen Qiu looked at Yang Ruiying and said with a smile.

He also knew very well that Li Bancheng was Gui Lao's bottom line. Once something happened to this famous Muyang dog, Gui Lao would lose not only the hundreds of dollars invested in him in the past ten years. 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and a lot of potential Muyang dogs will be lost. After all, the specially bred Muyang dogs cannot be saved by ghosts. Other Muyang dogs also have to think about whether they will be sold at any time. Because of this, Shen Qiu would only spend time on Li Zhaoji and Li Bancheng before. The purpose was to get rid of the other two of the four major real estate developers, Guo Delong and Hu Deyong. Then Li Zhaoji, Tang Judy, Guo Jinfeng and others would take action. After Guo Delong and Hu Deyong They ate meat from their corpses.

As for Li Bancheng? It’s not that he won’t retaliate, the time has not yet come!

"Hong Kong Island is a society governed by the rule of law. We must severely crack down on this kind of bad behavior that blatantly kills Hong Kong Island citizens."

Seeing that Shen Qiu did not hold on to Li Bancheng, Yang Ruiying also agreed to Shen Qiu's second condition.

"Third, I hope that Mr. Governor of Hong Kong can set up villagers’ autonomous committees in the aboriginal areas of the New Territories, so that many things can be handled by the villagers’ autonomous committees themselves, eliminating conflicts in the bud, and preventing Mr. Hong Kong from doing what he has been doing these days. So worried. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

The reason why he put forward this condition was to give legal management rights to the chiefs and elders of the major aboriginal villages. In this way, Shen Qiu could control several chiefs and elders. Take control of an Aboriginal village

"Okay, is there a fourth condition?"

Yang Ruiying readily agreed to this condition. The aboriginal villages in the New Territories were originally semi-autonomous. Letting them set up villagers' autonomous associations would have no impact on Gui Lao.

In the end, Gui Lao's core interests are still in Hong Kong. For the New Territories, as long as they don't cause too much trouble, they won't pay much attention to the island area and Kowloon area.

"The last condition is that I hope that the British Hong Kong government can approve the establishment of security teams in seven areas in the New Territories: Yuen Long, Tuen Mun, Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan, Sai Kung, Tai Po, and North District to protect the legitimate rights and interests of local aborigines from thugs. harm."

After laying the groundwork for the three conditions, Shen Qiu finally showed his fangs.

Cooperate to establish a company and control the finances; establish a villagers' autonomous committee to control the administration through the clan elders; and finally establish a security team to control the force. If Yang Ruiying agrees to Shen Qiu's four conditions, it will be equivalent to handing over all three major powers : military power, finance, and administration. If Shen Qiu operates on this basis for a few years, the entire New Territories and more than 200,000 aborigines will become Shen Qiu. The most important thing is that Shen Qiu can also slowly squeeze out the control of the British Hong Kong government from these seven areas in the New Territories. By then, Hong Kong Island will have two Hong Kong governors, one in charge of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. Gui Lao, the governor of Hong Kong, and the other is Shen Qiu, who is in charge of the New Territories.

Of course, Shen Qiu also knows that Yang Ruiying will not agree to this condition under any circumstances. The reason why he proposed this condition (acci) is just to draw out the other party. A condition.

Sure enough:

"This condition touches the bottom line of our British Hong Kong government and I cannot agree to it."

Yang Ruiying has been in the political arena for decades. After thinking about it for a while, she realized Shen Qiu's sinister intentions and refused decisively.

"Mr. Governor, this is also the bottom line for the aborigines of the New Territories. They can make concessions in terms of quantity and scale, but they must not make concessions in terms of availability. Shen

Qiu also replied forcefully.

"Mr. Shen, is this what you mean, or is it what the New Territories aborigines mean?"

Yang Ruiying stared at Shen Qiu and said quietly.

He is threatening Shen Qiu. If you insist on this, then I would rather go directly to negotiate with the aborigines in the New Territories.

"Mr. Governor, what I mean is what the aborigines of the New Territories mean."

Facing Yang Ruiying's sinister eyes, Shen Qiu did not dodge, looked into Yang Ruiying's eyes, and said with a smile.

If you have the guts, go talk to the aborigines in Yuen Long! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That means there is nothing to talk about. Yang

Ruiying said slowly.

He can agree to the first three conditions because the British Hong Kong government cannot control the aborigines in the New Territories. It is a good deal to give them a little autonomy in exchange for them not making trouble.

But in the end If Yang Ruiying nodded and agreed to this condition, the British Hong Kong government would be completely embarrassed. Yang Ruiying would rather flip the table than agree.

"Mr. Governor, why don't we each take a step back."

Just when Yang Ruiying was about to lift the table, Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"you say. Yang

Ruiying took a deep breath, calmed down her mood, and said

"Since the Governor of Hong Kong does not agree to the establishment of security teams in various regions, it should be okay to set up a security protection department in the New Territories to protect the rights of these indigenous people from being infringed, right? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, please be more specific."

Yang Ruiying's eyes moved and she said

"This security department is attached to the New Territories South District of the police force. The director of the Operations Division serves as the commander. It recruits 200 to 300 New Territories Aboriginal people as members of this department. It is responsible for coordinating the conflicts between the New Territories Aboriginal people and the outside world. What do you think? ?"

Establishing an armed department to legally control the major aboriginal villages in the New Territories is Shen Qiu's real purpose.

Compared with the conditions of the security team, for Shen Qiu, this department is easier to control, and as long as there are sufficient funds, it can be done Recruiting more people and putting them under the name of this department is actually no different from setting up security teams in various regions. It just gives the ghosts a step up.[]

As long as Yang Ruiying agrees to this condition and allows Shen Qiu to develop for a period of time, he will still be the governor of the New Territories.


After hearing Shen Qiu's condition, Yang Ruiying pondered for a long time before slowly speaking:"Mr. Shen, I hope that peace will return to New Territories as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Mr. Governor, it is my duty as a police officer to maintain law and order on Hong Kong Island."

A bright smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face.

"I hope what you said is true."

Yang Ruiying looked at Shen Qiu deeply, and then stood up slowly. He understood that he, the governor of Hong Kong, had once again failed miserably in front of the young Chinese in front of him!.

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