The news that Deputy Commissioner Shen Qiu of Kowloon City Police Station will be transferred to the New Territories South District and promoted to Director of Operations soon spread throughout the police force at lightning speed.

All the police officers who heard the news thought of the 26-year-old Chief Superintendent.

At the age of 26, he was praised as a young hero for being a chief inspector. He has a bright future. The 26-year-old chief superintendent, this...

In addition, Zhang Panshi, Li Bancheng, Li Zhaoji, Li Jiacheng and others suddenly testified against Guo Delong and Hu Deyong. An individual hired a murderer with the intention of murdering Lu Hantao from the Lu family in Yuen Long.

Guo Delong, who was born as a traitor, could never have imagined that he would have two fathers and run around in Hong Kong for decades, and that he would eventually fall into trouble when he was over sixty years old.

Shen Qiu has prepared a complete chain of evidence for Guo Delong and Hu Deyong, ensuring that the Secretary for Justice, He Jinli, will lose the case if he comes to help them.

Even Shen Qiu did not use this evidence. After Li Bancheng and Li Zhaoji met with Guo Delong and Hu Deyong and chatted for a few words, the two people no longer struggled at all and directly announced their guilty plea.

This is the sorrow of Mu Yang Quan, life and death are all in the hands of the ghost.

After settling the matter at the Kowloon City Police Station, Shen Qiucai came to Yuen Long and relayed the terms he negotiated with the Hong Kong Governor to Lu Hantao and other aboriginal village chiefs

"Sir Shen, thank you. If it weren't for your help, those ghost guys wouldn't have been able to make such a big concession."

Lu Hantao and several other village chiefs from aboriginal villages stood in front of Shen Qiu and thanked Shen Qiu sincerely.

"It all depends on you to help me build momentum so that I can force the Hong Kong Governor to make concessions. Without you, I can't do anything."

Shen Qiu is very humble.

"Sir Shen, I heard from Ahua that your girlfriend is Judy Tang from Shimao Real Estate. If she is willing, we can cooperate with her. She will provide the money and we will provide the land to establish a development company together."

In return for Shen Qiu, Lu Hantao decided to cooperate with Shen Qiu

"You provide the land and hold 60% of the shares, and Judy Tang contributes the money and holds 40% of the shares. The day-to-day management of the company will be left to Ah Hua, so you can rest assured and so can I. What do you think?"

Ahua told Lu Hantao about Shen Qiu and Tang Judy, and it was naturally Shen Qiu's request. Don't look at Shen Qiu's current conditions, which seem to be very cost-effective for Lu Hantao and other aborigines. As long as the land is released, he can hold 100% of the shares. 60, but in fact, there are 6 aboriginal villages in Yuen Long, and these villages are bound to divide the 60% of the shares.

By then, Shen Qiu will be able to control one or two of them as long as he takes over The Yuen Long Development Company will then issue additional shares, diluting the shares held by these aborigines, and Shen Qiu will ultimately control the entire company alone.

However, the reason for Shen Qiu's holding is not to make money, but to convert Yuan Long into The aborigines like Long are completely tied to him.

Shen Qiu will not give him any less money.

This model will not only be used in Yuen Long, but also in Tuen Mun, Tsuen Wan, Tai Po, North District, and Shatin , Saigon and other areas.

Maybe after seeing the greed of village chiefs and clan elders, most aborigines will hope to let Shen Qiulai hold the controlling stake

"Okay, then I’ll leave it to Sir Shen."

Lu Hantao thought about it carefully, and after finding that there was no problem, he agreed.

"Also, Mr. Lu, the real culprits who hired a murderer to kill your wife have been found out. They are Guo Delong and Hu Deyong from the four major real estate developers. Why are they two people? You are so smart, you should be able to figure it out."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused for a moment, then patted Lu Hantao's shoulder and whispered:"Sorry, Mr. Lu, this is all I can do."

"Sir Shen, you don’t need to say sorry. I am very satisfied with the current result. I believe that Ayu’s soul in heaven will also rest in peace."

Lu Hantao naturally understood what Shen Qiu meant. All four major real estate developers must have been involved in this matter, but Gui Lao saved Li Bancheng and Li Zhaoji.

"Soon, the Hong Kong Island Police Force will set up a security department specifically responsible for safeguarding the rights of you aborigines. The members will be recruited from your aborigines. You can recruit some good talents in the past few days. Sign up to join this department when the time comes.."

Shen Qiu continued.

He didn't need to think about it to know that Lu Hantao and other aboriginal village chiefs would definitely find ways to put their cronies into this department. This was also Shen Qiu's purpose. This department was filled with people from these village chiefs. , so that this department can operate unimpeded in the New Territories.

And when these people work under Shen Qiu, Shen Qiu has 10,000 ways to brainwash these people and make them switch to Shen Qiu's sect.

"Okay, Sir Shen, I will remember your words."

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Lu Hantao's eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded in response.

"Let the folks go home. After a busy day, it's time to rest. Shen

Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

After Shen Qiu and Lu Hantao and others met, the Yuen Long aboriginal armed protest that shocked Hong Kong Island came to an end, and the entire Hong Kong Island seemed to have returned to its former tranquility.

It’s just that Few people know that that night, Shen Qiu met with the village chiefs of a total of 23 aboriginal villages in 7 districts in the New Territories and reached an agreement with them. Shen Qiu invested a total of 9.7 billion Hong Kong dollars to assist these aboriginal villages. Seven regional development companies were established.

Since then, Shen Qiu has taken the most solid step towards becoming the Governor of the New Territories.

The next day, Kowloon City Police Station

"Sir Shen, I have only been here a few months and you are going to the New Territories South headquarters. I feel so uncomfortable."

Fang Ting's aggrieved expression, combined with her cute face, makes her look like a little doormat.

"Wow, you are still uncomfortable after being promoted to inspector in a few months, then all 20,000 uniformed soldiers in Hong Kong will cry."

Shen Qiu touched Fang Ting's head and said with a smile.

I don't want to be an inspector, I just want to stay with you, Sir Shen! Fang Ting thought to herself while saying on her lips:"Sir Shen, If you go to the New Territories South Headquarters to be the Director of Operations, you will definitely be busier than at the Kowloon City Police Station, and you will definitely need a secretary more, so just take me there with you."

0request flowers

"I'll think about it."

Shen Qiu had actually prepared Fang Ting's orders, but looking at the cute face of the girl in front of him, he couldn't help but tease her.

"Don't think about it, Sir Shen, just promise me."

Fang Ting took Shen Qiu's hand and swayed it gently, coquettishly. She didn't notice the slight friction between Shen Qiu's arm and her less plump soft part.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, you are the inspector now, sir, so be more dignified."

Chen Qiu felt that if the friction continued, the gun would go off, so he quickly agreed. After all, the news that he was about to be promoted had spread today, and there must be many people coming to visit him. This is not a good place to rectify Fang Ting.

"Know it."

Fang Ting stuck out her tongue and let go of Shen Qiu's hand.

At this moment.

Dong Dong Dong~

There was a knock on the door.

"Meiko, what are you doing standing at the door? Come in and sit down."

Shen Qiu looked at Yaozi who was standing at the door with three flowers on his shoulders and said with a smile. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After seeing that Shen Qiu had guests, Fang Ting immediately resumed work After saying hello to Meazi, he walked out of Shen Qiu's office and thoughtfully closed the office door.

"How dare I come in? If I influence Sir Shen to pick up girls, wouldn't it be a heinous crime? Yazi rolled her eyes at Shen Qiu. Even though she was 3 meters away, Shen Qiu could smell the vinegar.

"It's so sour, Meiko, can you smell it? Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"I asked you why you have been working overtime at the police station every day recently. It turns out that Jinwu is hiding your beauty. Why, you are used to eating these two dishes from me and Ah Zhen. Do you want to change your appetite?"

Ya Zi walked up to Shen Qiu. Although her face was full of smiles, the words she spoke were filled with gloomy wind.

"Yes, if you are used to eating raw seafood, you should refresh yourself with some wild vegetables from the mountains."

Shen Qiu directly followed what Yazi said, and then Yazi's hand touched Shen Qiu's waist, and then pinched hard...


"Meiko, do you want to be so cruel? You're going to pinch me as hard as you can. I'm flesh, not iron."

Shen Qiu deliberately pretended to be pinched and begged for mercy.

"I'm afraid that Sir Shen's waist will be tired, so I'll help him refresh himself."

When Yazi said this, she couldn't stand it anymore. A smile appeared on her face, and then she continued:"Aqiu, why did you think of going to the Southern District of the New Territories?"

"The commander of the New Territories South District is named Guan Yaode. He has only one son named Guan Zu."[]

Shen Qiu smiled slightly, and then said an answer that seemed to have nothing to do with Meazi's question.

"Then what?"

Yezi asked with a confused look on her face.

"Then? You will naturally know when the time comes."

At this moment, Shen Qiu's mind has already remembered the famous saying: Azu, stop it, there are all adults outside.…earth….

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