A few days later, Shen Qiu took his little secretary Fang Ting and took up the post of New Territories South Headquarters.

"Sir Shen, after I heard the news that you were coming, I have been looking forward to waiting for you to take up the post. With your help, there is finally hope that the myriad problems at the New Territories South Headquarters can be solved."

Commander Guan Yaode of the New Territories South Headquarters looked at Shen Qiu, who was a few years older than his son Guan Zu, with a sincere smile.

He said this sincerely. Guan Yaode, like Huang Bingyao, is not a member of the police. In any of the three major Chinese factions of the police force, he can be a director-level police officer. In addition to his own abilities, it also has a lot to do with his wealth and age.

Guan Yiu-tak is 52 years old this year. The retirement age of Hong Kong Island Police officers is usually 55 At about 26 years old, that is to say, Guan Tak-yao will retire in three years, and his career will basically stop at the commander of the New Territories South Headquarters.

And Shen Qiu is only 26 years old. Unless the high-level ghost guys of the"837" police force make a collective announcement, Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to promote Shen Qiu to a director-level police officer within 3 years.

Therefore, for Guan Yaode, Shen Qiu is not a threat to him. He is even willing to delegate power to Shen Qiu, a young hero, and sell him a favor. After all, Guan Yaode's wife is also a wealthy businessman. Maybe in the future, his wife will need Shen Qiu's help in business affairs.

"Sir Guan values ​​me so much, which puts me under a lot of pressure. I am afraid that I will not do well and betray Sir Guan's trust."

Shen Qiu also replied with a smile.

"How could it be possible? Sir Shen's ability is obvious to the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force. Don't be so modest. Guan

Yaode laughed loudly, and then continued:"I have arranged a welcome party in the afternoon. Tonight, I will be the host of the Fujin Restaurant in Tsuen Wan. I will welcome you and introduce you to other constitutional committee-level police officers from the headquarters."

"Sir Guan, you are too polite. It is my job, as a newcomer, to treat you seniors to dinner."

There was a humble smile on Shen Qiu's face.

Guan Yaode's office was also full of harmonious atmosphere.


At this moment, the door of Guan Yaode's office was pushed open, letting the expressions on Shen Qiu and Guan Yaode's faces The smile faded. Shen Qiu looked back and saw a handsome young man wearing an auxiliary police uniform, standing cautiously at the door.

"Guan Zu, how many times have I told you to knock on the door before entering the office? Have you turned a deaf ear to my words?"

After Guan Yaode saw the person coming, he directly reprimanded him.

Hearing Guan Yaode's words, Shen Qiu immediately realized that the handsome young man at the door was Guan Yaode's son, Guan Zu.

Just by listening to Guan Yaode's tone, Shen Qiu could You can guess that this is because he, an outsider, was present. Otherwise, Guan Yaode would not only scold him even more ugly, but he might also punch him.

"Sorry, Dad."

At this time, Guan Zu faced his father who was not completely autistic, so he lowered his head and apologized to Guan Yaode.

"Damn, did I tell you that you have to show your duty when you are at the police station?"

Guan Yaode's anger, which had declined, was aroused again.

"Sorry, sir."

Guan Zu immediately continued.

"Sir Shen, I'm sorry to make you laugh. This is Quanzi Guanzu. After he returned home from studying abroad in Amilika, he was asked to work outside. He couldn't do anything well and often caused me trouble. I had no choice but to do it. You can let him serve as an auxiliary police officer and stay by your side, and you will feel more at ease."

After scolding Guan Zu, Guan Yaode was a little embarrassed and explained to Shen Qiu with a smile.

After hearing his father's words, Guan Zu looked at Shen Qiu in surprise. He never thought that his father would actually treat him like this. Shen Qiu, a young man who looked not much older than himself, was so polite.

"Sir Guan, Azu is a talented person and will definitely become a talented person in the future."

After Shen Qiu heard Guan Yaode's words, he immediately reacted. No wonder Guan Zu had such a deep understanding of police firearms, police action plans, organization, etc. It turned out that he had specially studied in the police station.

Shen Qiu knew it very well. Guan Zu is indeed a talent, but he was suppressed too hard by Guan Yaode and became more and more extreme. Now it seems that Guan Zu has not evolved into the Mask Zu. Maybe...

Shen Qiu's original plan was that Guan Yaode was because of Guan Yaode. Because of the disaster Zu caused, he was forced to retire early. The vacant commander position at the New Territories South Headquarters could naturally be taken over by him, the director of the Operations Division.

But after seeing Guan Zu's appearance, Shen Qiu had an idea New idea.

This kid can recruit so many wealthy young men to work for him. In addition to being from a wealthy family, his personal charm is also extremely high. If he operates well, he will not only have one more talent, And you can also draw Guan Yaode's forces into your own faction0..

"Forget it, I just ask him not to get me into trouble, and thank God."

Although he said this, there was an imperceptible hope in Guan Yaode's eyes. Obviously, he also hoped that his son would become a talented person, but Guan Yaode was really not good at education. After that, Guan Yaode shouted sharply at

Guan Zu :"Look at Sir Shen, he's only a few years older than you. He's already the chief superintendent, and his future is limitless. If you were one-tenth, no, one percent of Sir Shen's ability, I would burn incense and pray to Buddha.."

Hearing his father's words, Guan Zu lowered his head even lower. However, Shen Qiu's keen perception allowed him to know that Guan Zu glanced at him secretly when he lowered his head. Obviously, Guan Zu was indifferent to his father's words. He was still very concerned about it.

After scolding Guan Zu again, Guan Yaode asked:"What do you want to see me for?"

"Sir, there is a document that needs your signature."

Guan Zu lowered his head, walked to Guan Yaode, and handed a document to Guan Yaode.

"He was timid and had no masculinity at all, so he went to work."

Guan Yaode glanced at the document casually, signed his name, threw the document back into Guan Zu's arms, and said coldly

"……"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guan Zu was obviously used to being beaten, so he turned around and left Guan Yaode's office with the documents in hand.

"Hey, Sir Shen, I made you laugh."

After Guan Zu left, Guan Yaode said with a helpless smile.

"Sir Guan, if you believe me 3.0, I will transfer Azu to stay with me for a few months. Maybe you will be surprised."

Shen Qiu decided to take the initiative and recruit Guan Zu

"Sir Shen, you are willing to do this for me. I thank you before it's too late. With an excellent person like you taking care of it, Azu can polish even a piece of scrap metal."

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, a smile appeared on Guan Yaode's face.

He really wanted his son Guan Zu to become a talented person. As long as Shen Qiu could make his son change a little bit, let alone hand Guan Zu over to Shen Qiu. Even if Guan Zu is allowed to hang out with Shen Qiu, Guan Yaode is willing.

After all, he only has one son, and all his hopes are on this son.

"Sir, thank you for your trust."

As Shen Qiu finished speaking, the first meeting between the top and second-in-command at the New Territories South Headquarters came to an end.……

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