That night, Fujin Hotel

"Sir Shen, I am in a hurry this afternoon and I did not have time to formally report to you. I am CID Commander Hou Yuanan.……"

"Sir Shen, I am Commander Zhai Xuehu of O Ji.……"

Guan Yaode had a very good impression of Shen Qiu, especially when he offered to bring his son Guan Zu, so at tonight's reception banquet, Guan Yaode reciprocated the favor and directly gave up the center position, making Shen Qiu the leader of the ceremony. The absolute center of the feast.

The constitutional committee-level police officers at the New Territories South Headquarters also understood what Guan Yaode meant, and they all approached Shen Qiu enthusiastically.

"You are all seniors in the police department. I will need your cooperation in my future work."

Shen Qiu was also very polite, without any youthful energy, which made everyone present feel like spring breeze.

Just when the officers of the New Territories South Headquarters were pushing cups and changing cups in the box, a burst of noise came into the box, and then, The door to the box was violently pushed open.

Shen Qiu looked up and saw a young man with a dragon and a phoenix carved on his body. He looked at them, the officers of the New Territories South Headquarters, with a fierce expression. And behind this young man 02 people Behind him, a middle-aged man in a black suit who looked like the hotel manager was sweating profusely and begging for mercy from the young man:"Boss, there are really guests in this private room. I have prepared another one for you." A private room can never be worse than this one."

"Look at your mother, our eldest brother likes to discuss things in this private room. I don’t care what method you use, just free up this private room for me. I will come back in 5 minutes. Don’t let us help you clear the place."

The young man said sharply

"Boss, you……"

"Your mother, how dare you talk nonsense? Tonight, our boss, Big D, is discussing business with Luotuo, the leader of Dongxing. You have made our boss unhappy. Believe it or not, I will bring people to destroy this shabby hotel of yours!"

Before the hotel manager finished speaking, he was grabbed by the young man.

Then, the young man looked at Shen Qiu, Guan Yaode and others, and shouted loudly:"Hey, you guys listen up, eat somewhere else. have you understood?"

"Sir Zhai, it seems that the societies in New Territories South are very active?"

Hearing what this young man said, Shen Qiu turned to look at O ​​Ji Commander Zhai Xuehu and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, I made you laugh."

Zhai Xuehu's face was very ugly. He never expected that on the first day his immediate boss took office, a blind gangster would look for trouble in front of his boss.

After hearing the conversation between Shen Qiu and Zhai Xuehu, the young and confused man Zai's heart immediately skipped a beat, and he quickly said:"It turns out that the bosses are Sirs. They just blamed me for being blind. Eat slowly and don't disturb me.""

"Sir Zhai."

Chen Qiu said lightly.

If it was an unknown young and Dangerous boy, Shen Qiu might have just made a fool of him, but this guy just mentioned Big D and Luo Tuo, two old acquaintances of Shen Qiu..

Shen Qiu is worried about where to burn the three fires just after taking office. Of course, Shen Qiu will not let go of firewood like Big D and Luotuo. Not to mention, Dongxing and Heliansheng, in the New Territories The power is the strongest. When the four major real estate developers deal with the New Territories aboriginal people, their efforts are no less than that of the Number Gang and Xinji, especially Dongxing, who fights Hong Xing very fiercely.

Now Big D's Ma Zai is in front of Shen Qiu By jumping like this, in one word, they have a way to die.

"Just like Big D from Lian Sheng and Camel from Dongxing, right? Go and tell these two guys that I, Zhai Xuehu, am here to catch up with my superior. If they disturb my interest, tell them to come over and apologize to my superior immediately."

After hearing Shen Qiu's hint, Zhai Xuehu stared at the young and Dangerous boy who was about to run away, and said coldly


This young and Dangerous boy didn't actually know Zhai Xuehu, but seeing Zhai Xuehu's aura, he knew even without using his brain that he had bumped into a big shot in the police force. He couldn't help but look bitter and left quickly.

On the other side, in a villa in Tsuen Wan

"Mr. Luo, I heard that Kunsha in Jinshanjiao is being defeated by a mainland boy named Wang Jianjun. It is getting more and more difficult to get goods from Jinshanjiao. You still have a way, and you can still get goods from Jinshanjiao. Get the goods."

Big D smiled and said to the camel sitting in front of him.

"As long as you put some effort into it, it's not difficult to get the goods, but with so many goods on hand, it's difficult to clear them all. Luo

Tuo looked at Big D and said with a smile.

As the most prominent speaker among the nine districts of Lian Sheng, Big D is all in Tsuen Wan. Luo Tuo now controls the supply of goods in Kam Shan Kok and urgently needs to seize the market. Because of this, he Only this East Star leader would personally come to Big D and want to push the goods into Tsuen Wan.

"Mr. Luo, if you are wise and don’t tell secrets, I will pay 190 for other people’s goods. Your supply is so large, so the cost must be lower than others. I will give 185. You should have no objection, right?"

Big D said with a smile, his price is for 10 grams. After getting it, 10 grams of powder will be mixed with 90 grams of other things, and then sold to fellow Taoists for 20 grams per gram, which is equivalent to 10 times the profit.

"188, everyone should send it."

Luotuo's eyes narrowed, and then he replied with a smile.

"Then it's settled. Big

D was obviously very satisfied with the price of the camel:"Mr. Luo, I have prepared a table of meals in the hotel. Please be sure to enjoy it.""

"Hahaha, Big D, you are serious."

Luotuo laughed.

At this moment

"Boss!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The young and Dangerous boy who was in the Fujin Hotel just now hurried to the front of Big D and shouted hurriedly.

"I'm holding your mother in my mouth. Your father is dead. Are you in such a hurry?"

Big D glanced at his subordinates and said with an unhappy look on his face.

"Brother D, I was in the Fujin Hotel just now. I wanted to help you book your favorite private room. When I saw someone in there, IThey had a few words, but someone on the other side said he was Zhai Xuehu and asked you and Mr. Luotuo to meet him.……"

"What? Did you just say Zhai Xuehu?"

The young and Dangerous boy was interrupted by Big D before he finished speaking.

"Yes, boss."

Looking at the shocked Big D in front of him, the young and Dangerous boy immediately realized that he was in trouble and whispered.

"I hold your mother in my arms and ask you to order a meal, but you can cause trouble for me. If you are not my brother-in-law, I will kill you, you bastard!"

Big D kicked his little brother to the ground, pointed at him, and yelled.

Then, he turned to look at Luo Tuo, and said apologetically:"Mr. Luo, that Zhai Xuehu is from New Territories South. Commander O, he called the two of us to go over, you see……"

"Let's go, Big D, just think we are unlucky."

There was a hint of imperceptible anger in Luotuo's eyes, but he said lightly

"Mr. Luo, I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you. In this way, the price of my purchase is still 190, so I will consider it as my compensation."

Big D showed a trace of gratitude on his face when he saw Luo Tuo being so happy.[]

"Big D, from now on we are all partners, so there is no need to be so polite."

Hearing Big D's words, Luo Tuo felt better.

After talking to Luo Tuo, Big D turned around again, pointed at his brother-in-law, and cursed angrily:"I'll take your mother in my mouth, and I'll deal with you when I come back.!"

After that, Big D left quickly with the camel.

If Big D knew what would happen next, he would definitely beat his brother-in-law to death on the spot.……

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