While Wu Wu, Lei Yaoyang and others were killed by Tian Yangsheng, Gao Jin and Feng Yuxiu also led a large number of Hongxing members from the New Territories into the territories of East Star in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.

With the camel captured and all the top bosses killed, the members of Dongxing were like a piece of loose sand, beaten so hard that they had no power to fight back. In addition, Zhang Hua had already used money to win the battle with Liansheng and Dongxing. Star, Xinji, and Number Gang bribed many people in these large societies. In this situation of internal and external cooperation and internal and external difficulties, Dongxing only lasted for a few hours before it completely collapsed.

When Luo Tuo was released from the New Territories South headquarters at noon the next day, no one came to pick him up. In desperation, Luo Tuo had no choice but to take a taxi home.

Just as the camel was about to get into the car, a gunman quickly walked up to the camel, took out the Black Star from his arms, and shot the camel three times in the head.

Bang bang bang~

With these three gunshots, East Star, which had been rampant on Hong Kong Island for decades, was declared dead.

Compared with Dongxing, He Lian Sheng's luck is much better. Only the Tsuen Wan hall was swept away, and other halls were not affected.

Of course, everyone in He Liansheng would not know that Shen Qiu did not deal with He Liansheng like he did Dongxing. The reason was simply because in five months, He Liansheng would start the next speaker election.

Shen Qiu plans to help someone sit in this position, and then gradually encroach on Hesheng and Lian Sheng. Finally, 110, the oldest society in Hong Kong Island, will become like Hongxing and the Hop Sing Gang, and become a knife in his hand..

At noon that day.

Shen Qiu stood by the window and had a panoramic view of the scene where the camel was shot, and then watched the gunman flee quickly after killing the person.

This gunman was a South Vietnamese man hired by Zhang Hua through an intermediary in South Vietnam. Even if he was caught, no information would be revealed, so Shen Qiu watched with great interest as the South Vietnamese man fled madly in the traffic and finally disappeared. Enter an alley.

Dong Dong Dong~

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Then, Guan Zu's voice floated in:"Sir Shen, I am Guan Zu"

"Please come in."

Shen Qiu turned around and said with a smile.

As the door was pushed open, Guan Zu's handsome face that could be an idol on TVB appeared in front of Shen Qiu.

"Sir Shen, what do you want from me?"

Guan Zu secretly glanced at Shen Qiu, who was a few years older than him but only one level below his father, and asked at the same time.

"Azu, from now on, if you work with me, just call me Brother Qiu. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.


Guanzu was a little confused when he heard that Shen Qiu asked him to do things with him.

"Close the door."

When Shen Qiu saw Guan Zu's expression, he knew what the boy was thinking now and said lightly.

Boom~ (acdg) As the office door was closed, Shen Qiu continued:"Azu, live with your father. It must be very hard, right?"


Faced with Shen Qiu's question, Guan Zu remained silent.

Shen Qiu was not surprised at all by Guan Zu's reaction. He and Guan Zu only had a one-time relationship. If Guan Zu confided his feelings to him in just one sentence, then Shen Qiu would be really surprised.

Shen Qiu slowly walked up to Guan Zu and said with a smile:"Do you have the urge to overthrow everything your father protected, so that the whole Hong Kong Island can see what you are capable of, and let your father see, What’s unique about you?"


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Guan Zu's eyes flashed with surprise, but he immediately lowered his head to prevent Shen Qiu from seeing the surprise in his eyes.

"What are you going to do? Robbing a bank? Kill the police? Blow up police headquarters?"

Shen Qiu's tone became heavier with each sentence, as if one stone after another was pressing on Guan Zu's heart. This made Guan Zu very uncomfortable. He subconsciously wanted to escape from this office and the man in front of him.

"Guan Zu, give up these childish thoughts. So what if you do this? Do you think your father will regret everything he did? Don't punish yourself for his mistakes. Shen

Qiu said slowly.

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Guan Zu finally couldn't help but burst out:"What do you know?" Do you know how I have lived all these years? If I do well, the old guy never praises me. If I don't do well, he will hit or scold me. I am a human being, not his pet!"

"So, Guan Zu, are you interested in doing something more interesting?"


Guan Zu never expected that after listening to his venting, Shen Qiu would react like this?

"What's the point of robbing banks, killing police officers, and blowing up police headquarters? It's nothing more than a temporary show of prestige. People won't think you're shy, they'll just think you're crazy. If you want to do something, you have to do things that make others respect you. Shen

Qiu looked at the dull Guan Zu in front of him and said quietly.

"whats the matter?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guan Zu asked subconsciously

"My girlfriend Judy Tang has opened a gun shop, and I will arrange for you to be the supervisor there. There are many second-generation rich people like you in Hong Kong who like to play with guns and enjoy excitement. Get to know more people like this and wait until the opportunity comes. Mature, I will arrange for you to go to Jinshanjiao to kill drug dealers, and to Nanyang to kill pirates. 100% live-fire drills will ensure that they are fully satisfied."

Shen Qiu said lightly.

"Then what?"

Guan Zu said a little puzzled.

"You studied abroad in Amalika. Did you know that there is a National Rifle Association in Amalika?"


"Azu, listen up, the more people you get to know and the closer the relationship you establish with them, then you will form a big network, and then you can set up an organization like the Rifle Association on Hong Kong Island, and You are the president of this organization"

"Think about it, people who can join this organization are either rich or noble, and as the president, what can you get from it? Azu, you are a smart person, you don’t need me to elaborate, right?"

Shen Qiu looked at Guan Zu and said slowly word by word.

Shen Qiu must make the best use of a social butterfly like Guan Zu. It would be a pity to let him become a policeman.

"Sir Shen, why are you helping me like this? Is it because of my dad?"

Guan Zu looked up at Shen Qiu and asked

"Because of you, I can see from your eyes that you are the same person as me, a person who is extremely eager to prove himself. Of course, your father must have played a role, but the most important thing is that you are worth it. I'll help you."

Looking at Guan Zu, Shen Qiu said sincerely[]

"Thank you, Sir Shen, no one has ever trusted me like you."

At this moment, Guan Zu was moved

"Come on, Azu, remember, people must rely on themselves."

Shen Qiu directly plagiarized the doctor's motto.

Guan Zu did not speak again, but nodded heavily.

After Guan Zu left, Shen Qiu took out his mobile phone and dialed the next number

"Ah Hua, it's me, the person I asked you to find, have you found it?"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu asked

"Brother Qiu has been found, but he is still just a groom on Changping Street, selling some pirated CDs."

Zhang Hua replied.

Hearing Zhang Hua's words, Shen Qiu was slightly startled. The person he asked Zhang Hua to find was none other than Jimmy from Lian Sheng. Shen Qiu was going to push Jimmy to the top, and then ask Jimmy to cooperate with him. The person who arranged Shen Qiu in Heliansheng gradually took control of the entire Heliansheng.

Jimmy only wanted to do business, and Shen Qiu was very confident in manipulating him.

However, now that the election is only 5 months away, Jimmy is still just a Ordinary grooms don't know whether it's because the world line has changed, or whether Jimmy will have adventures in the next few months.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu said:"Ahua, what are your arrangements next?……"

Since Jimmy is still a nobody now, Shen Qiu will directly let him rise quickly and become a big shot in Heliansheng.

A real big shot has the ability to turn stone into gold. Even an ordinary person can become dazzling as long as he is chosen by a big shot. There is no doubt that Shen Qiu is a real big shot now.

Jimmy was chosen by Shen Qiu. Even if he didn't have any adventures, Shen Qiu would create them for him.

Or to put it another way, it’s not up to Deng Wei’s gang and the uncles from Liansheng to decide who will talk to Liansheng now, it’s up to Shen Qiu!.

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