In an ice room on Changping Street, Jimmy held a cup of iced coffee and looked through the window at the colorful flowers and girls soliciting customers across the road, sighing inwardly.

Jimmy has been a little annoyed lately.

His boss, Guan Zaisen, got addicted to gambling after getting addicted to drugs. He was either smoking or gambling every day. A few days ago, Guili Gao from the number helper talked to him on the phone. Guan Zaisen owed 500,000 yuan. Guili.

Guili Gao threatened Jimmy that if he didn't pay back the money within a week, he would chop off Guan Zisen's hands.

In fact, Guili Gao secretly chopped off Guan Zisen's hands. Jimmy didn't have much objection, and maybe he could help Guan Zisen quit gambling in a physical sense.

But Guillory informed him about Jimmy, and that was different.

If Jimmy doesn't save his boss, it will do a lot of damage to his reputation in the world. Moreover, Guan Zisen also helped him a lot before he took drugs. Looking at Guan Zisen's hands being chopped off, Jimmy actually still has a problem. Diandian couldn't bear it.

So there is no other way, Jimmy can only make his men work harder, the girls will be more tired to pick up customers, and the boys will run more errands to sell discs.


At this moment, a young man in a crisp suit and meticulously combed hair, who looked out of place with this Changping Street of a certain era, walked into the ice room and sat directly opposite Jimmy~

"Hi Jimmy."

Zhang Hua looked at Jimmy holding coffee in front of him and said with a smile.

"Who are you?"

Jimmy looked at the unfamiliar Zhang Hua in front of him and asked with confusion.

"Do something for me and I'll give you 1 million Hong Kong dollars."

Zhang Hua directly took out an HSBC check with the number 1,000,000 written on it and pushed it in front of Jimmy.

"who are you?"

Jimmy glanced at the HSBC check in front of him, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then, he looked at Zhang Hua and asked this question again.

"In five months, there will be the election of spokesperson for Helian Sheng. My boss has selected you. He wants to support you as the spokesperson for Helian Sheng. This 1 million will be used to buy your voting certificate."

Zhang Hua directly stated his purpose.

Now for a small person like Jimmy, Shen Qiu can change his life with just one sentence. There is no need to play any tricks at all. He just puts out the conditions in an upright and upright manner. Regardless of whether Jimmy accepts it or not, he He is destined to become a chess piece in Shen Qiu's hands.

"To support me in selecting people to talk about things, I can buy a certificate of investment worth 00,000 yuan? Are you crazy?"

Zhang Hua's words were a bit beyond Jimmy's understanding, which made Jimmy subconsciously think that the man in front of him was probably a lunatic.

"You can take this check and cash it at HSBC Bank in Tsim Sha Tsui now. I'll wait for you here."

Obviously, Zhang Hua had already anticipated Jimmy's reaction. He said calmly without hesitation.


Jimmy took a deep look at Zhang Hua, who had a calm face, then picked up the check in front of him, stood up and left.

An hour later, when Jimmy sat back in front of Zhang Hua again, there was no doubt on his face anymore, only a look of shock.

He never expected that the check with a denomination of 1 million was actually a bearer check and could be cashed at any time.

"What, is the verification complete?"

Zhang Hua looked at the shocked Jimmy in front of him and asked with a smile.

"What do you want me to do?"

Jimmy didn't ask any more nonsense about why he chose me, but asked directly.

Jimmy knew very well that a person who could throw out a bearer check of 1 million was definitely a big shot that he couldn't mess with. Faced with such a person, All he can do is cooperate

"Jimmy, you are very smart. If you talk nonsense with me, even if my boss chooses you, I will advise my boss to give up on you and choose someone else. Zhang

Hua said with a smile, and then continued:"Go and kill Guili Gao, seize his territory, and rescue your boss Guan Zisen. This is the certificate of surrender you are going to give us.""

"Guili Gao is the straw sandal of the number gang. He has hundreds of brothers who steal people from him and kill him. I don't have the ability."

Jimmy is also a bachelor and directly expressed that he is not strong enough.

"Don’t worry, since we ask you to do it, we will definitely let you do it."

After Zhang Hua finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the next number. When the call was connected, he said calmly:"You can come here."

A few minutes later, Fu Guang led two of his gangster men into the ice room.

"Jimmy, this is Fu Guang. He will be your right-hand man from now on. He can help you with anything, including Guili Gao. Zhang

Hua paused slightly at this point:"But Jimmy, listen carefully, you have to kill Guili Gao. Fu Guang and the others will record the process. This is the certificate you have to give us.""


After listening to Zhang Hua's words, Jimmy pondered for a long time. Finally, he slowly shook his head. Just when he was about to refuse, Zhang Hua spoke again:"Jimmy, my boss can promise you, as long as you choose Helian." You can talk things over, help him control the whole Heliansheng, and he can give you your freedom"

"Why should I trust you?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

0 Please give me flowers.

Jimmy immediately asked.

"Jimmy, you are just an insignificant person now. Do you have any value for us to lie to you? To be honest, it is very easy for us to frame you as a murderer."

Zhang Hua stared at Jimmy and spoke slowly, word by word.

After listening to Zhang Hua's words, Jimmy lowered his head and remained silent for a long time, then raised his head, looked at Zhang Hua, nodded and said,"Okay!"

After he joined He Lian Sheng, he has been working at the bottom for nearly 10 years. He has always been a fourth-year-old and a low-level groom. Now he has finally waited for this opportunity. No matter what, he must seize it.

As for that A fatal video?

Jimmy thinks Zhang Hua is right. A small person like him has no value even if he is deceived, because no matter what Zhang Hua says, Jimmy can only choose to believe it. This is the tragedy of a small person.


After Shen Qiu took office, he immediately set out to destroy Dongxing, making the underworld in the entire southern New Territories area fearful.

But in the next more than a month, Shen Qiu did not make any big moves. Until one night, when Shen Qiu was discussing with Judy Tang the big issue of whether to reproduce offspring, the system voice sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for unlocking the shipyard permission."

After hearing the prompt sound from the system, Shen Qiu's eyes flashed with joy. Shen Qiu originally thought that plundering 10 ships would be easy to complete, but it turned out that the requirements of this task were a bit outrageous. No matter the person or the ship, it would be easy to complete. It must be Shen Qiu's.

This caused Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and others to waste several months to accumulate a few armed merchant ships. Wang Jianguo personally led the team and spent several months cruising in Malacca until today. Just completed this task[]

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu intensified the discussion with Tang Judy. Faced with Shen Qiu's sudden change of speed, Tang Judy was defeated in less than 10 minutes.

After taking care of Judy Tang, Shen Qiu browsed his lord interface in his mind.

At this time, the icons of shipyards in numerous military factories were already on. Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Qiu directly placed a shipyard on the territory. Soon, an interface for producing ships appeared in front of Shen Qiu.

There were only two options on the interface, one was a large gambling ship and the other was a large cruise ship. Shen Qiu gave it a try and found that it would take six months to produce a large cruise ship.

Looking at the production interface in his mind, Shen Qiu knew that maybe he should find time to leave Hong Kong Island and go to Da Mao Country...

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