Kowloon Hospital

"Brother Qiu"

"Brother Qiu"

"Brother Qiu"……

After Shen Qiu walked into the intensive care unit on the fifth floor, Ma Jun, the current commander-in-chief of the special operations team who was guarding the door, as well as Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua and others stood up and said hello to Shen Qiu.

"How are the 11 injured brothers doing now?"

Shen Qiu walked straight to Ma Jun and asked

"The 11 injured brothers are all out of danger, but 3 brothers need to have their legs amputated and are expected to transfer to civilian jobs in the future.……"

At this point, Ma Jun's tone became heavier:"Brother Qiu, it's all my fault. I didn't take good care of my brothers.""

"Now is not the time to hold people accountable. Tell me in detail, what happened?"

Shen Qiu looked at Ma Jun in front of him and said slowly.

"Brother Qiu, this is what happened. Early this morning, our special operations team received a call from Operation Section Chief Shi Biida. He asked us to cooperate with the Narcotics Investigation Section to arrest the international drug lord Ice Queen. Then we……"

Listening to Ma Jun's description, Shen Qiu's face became worse and worse. It can be said that 90% of the responsibility for this operation lies on Shi Biida. Without intelligence, he neither sent anyone to investigate nor Instead of feinting, just let two members of the special operations team rush into the warehouse to arrest people.

As a result, the gang of drug traffickers after the ice set up many traps in the warehouse, causing the special operations team to suffer heavy losses. That is to say, the special operations team was the most trained and well-equipped, so they managed to escape from the many traps 02.

But of the 42 team members, 8 died and 11 were injured. This is still a huge loss for the Special Operations Team, especially since 6 of the 8 people who died were when Shen Qiu was the chief instructor of the Special Operations Team. The veterans are top notch in terms of personal ability and loyalty.

Every time such a team member is sacrificed, it is a huge loss for Shen Qiu.

"okay, I get it."

After listening to Ma Jun's report, Shen Qiu, whose expression had become extremely cold, said lightly.

Then, Shen Qiu continued:"Let's go, take me to see the brothers."

A few minutes later, under the leadership of Ma Jun, Shen Qiu walked into the ward where the special operations team members were. Except for the four people who were still operating in the operating room, the other seven team members were all here.

"Brother Qiu!"Brother Qiu!""

"Sir Shen!"Sir Shen!""

The members of the special operations team, the first batch, when Shen Qiu was the chief instructor, usually called Shen Qiu Brother Qiu, while the members of the special operations team who came later were all called Sir Shen.

Shen Qiu swept these The wounded man glanced at him, and then said slowly:"Everyone is good, and they have not disgraced me, Shen Qiu.""

"Brother Qiu, don’t say that. It’s because we have no ability and fell into the trap of drug dealers. Unfortunately, Adu and Ayun both……"

A special operations team member with his head wrapped in gauze lowered his head and spoke sadly.

"I don’t blame you for this, I only blame that loser Spida. Damn it, risk my brother. I won’t let him go. You wait, I want him to kneel in front of you, kneel before the dead Adu, In front of Ah Yun and the others, I apologize to you and beg for your forgiveness!"

Shen Qiu looked at his injured men and made his promise.

"Brother Qiu!"Brother Qiu!""……

After Shen Qiu finished speaking, all the members of the special operations team present looked at Shen Qiu with moved expressions.

Only after you join the work can you realize how valuable it is to have a boss who protects you from wind and rain and can seek justice for you when something goes wrong.

"You guys take good care of yourself and I'll go seek justice for you."

After that, Shen Qiu turned around and left the ward.


"Brother Qiu, do you want me to summon all the brothers from the special operations team? We will accompany you to the police headquarters to seek justice for the brothers!"

Ma Jun quickly followed Shen Qiu and said loudly

"When I was a senior inspector, I was able to drive that loser Spidet out of Yau Tsim Police Station. Now I am at the same level as him. If I still need your help, wouldn’t I be able to live longer and go back? Don’t worry, I am enough on my own.. Shen

Qiu turned to look at Ma Jun and others, and said with a smile.

"Brother Qiu……"

"Okay, the one with the flowers on your shoulders will follow me, and the others will be on standby."

Looking at the eyes of Ma Jun, Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua and others, Shen Qiu finally decided to take them all the way to the police headquarters.

"yes, sir!"

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Ma Jun, Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua and others immediately put their legs together and said loudly


Half an hour later, Shen Qiu, Ma Jun, Zhu Xuming and others quickly walked into the police headquarters building

"Ah Qiu, that Shi Bida was having a meeting with Li Chenghua, Cai Yuanqi, and people from the Narcotics Investigation Division in the conference room on the 17th floor."

As soon as Shen Qiu entered the headquarters building, Yao Zi came up to him and whispered to Shen Qiu.

On the way to the headquarters, Shen Qiu asked Yao Zi to come to the police station first to find out where Shi Bida was.


Shen Qiu nodded slightly, and then walked quickly outside the elevator. After seeing the queen's crown and two stars on Shen Qiu's shoulder badge, the police in the elevator immediately said hello to Shen Qiu:"Hello, sir!"

"Everyone, please borrow this elevator."

Shen Qiu said lightly.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, the policeman in the elevator immediately walked out, and then watched Shen Qiu, Ma Jun, Yazi and others get into the elevator.

"When did the police force have such a young chief superintendent?"

"You don’t even know Shen Qiu? The 26-year-old Chief Superintendent is the only one in the Hong Kong Island Police Force."

"The look in Sir Shen's eyes just now was so scary, he felt like he was trying to eat someone. The people following him seemed to be members of the special operations team. What were these people going to do? They wouldn't be like a year ago, admonishing soldiers, right?"

"More than a dozen people are admonishing you, are you out of your mind, can you say this? I think Sir Shen looks like he wants to kill someone. Do you know what happened today? What made Sir Shen so angry?"

While the group of police officers were discussing, Shen Qiu had already led people to the 17th floor of the police headquarters building and walked straight to the conference room not far away.

"Sir, Director Li Chenghua and Minister Cai are having a meeting inside. Before the meeting, they have told us that no one can disturb them without their consent."

Before Shen Qiu reached the door of the conference room, the 4th Army uniform guarding the door immediately stopped in front of Shen Qiu and said

"go away."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shen Qiu swept aside the four military uniforms with a wave of his hand, and then kicked open the door of the conference room. There was a loud bang, which instantly filled the conference room. Li Chenghua, Cai Yuanqi, Shi Bida and several chief superintendents and senior superintendents of the Narcotics Investigation Division were shocked.

"Shen Qiu, we are having a meeting, who allowed you to come in?"

After seeing clearly that the person coming was Shen Qiu, Cai Yuanqi reacted first, pointed at Shen Qiu and shouted loudly

"Have a meeting with your mother, and I will settle the score with you later!"

Shen Qiu snorted coldly, and then like a tiger descending from the mountain, he rushed directly in front of Shi Biida, grabbed his collar, and forcibly lifted him up from his seat.

"Shen Qiu, you are crazy, these 437 days……"


Before Shi Biida could finish his words, Shen Qiu slapped her hard on the face.


Shocked, angry and in pain, Shi Bida stared at Shen Qiu and was about to speak again.


Shen Qiu slapped him again with his backhand, interrupting Shi Biida's words.



A total of nineteen slaps hit Shi Bida's face firmly. Under Shen Qiu's full blow, Shi Bida was slapped and fainted.

At this time, Shi Bida had been beaten to the point of being reduced to a human form.

Because Shen Qiu's speed was too fast, Cai Yuanqi, Li Chenghua and others finally recovered from their shock when the nineteen slaps were over.

"Shen Qiu, you are crazy. You beat up a senior police officer in front of me and Director Li Chenghua!"

Cai Yuanqi pointed at Shen Qiu and shouted loudly

"Because of this trash, the special operations team lost 8 brothers and injured 11 brothers. I just slapped him 19 times, which was an advantage for him."

Shen Qiu looked at Cai Yuanqi and said coldly.

While speaking, Shen Qiu's right hand loosened, and the unconscious Shi Biida slid to the ground like a dead dog, making a muffled thud.

Looking at this scene, Cai Yuanqi was shocked and angry. He pointed at Shen Qiu and was speechless for a while.

"Director Li, you are the deputy director of operations. Director Cai, you are the director of the operations department. The members of the special operations team are also your subordinates. Now please tell me what you did after so many brothers died!"

Shen Qiu looked at Cai Yuanqi and Li Chenghua and said slowly, word by word.

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