Police Headquarters Building, 17th Floor, Conference Room

"Shen Qiu, what our operations department does is the business of our operations department and has nothing to do with you, the director of the operations division of the New Territories South Region!"

Cai Yuanqi never expected that this guy Shen Qiu not only slapped him in the face in front of him, but also dared to ask him how to do things?

This was no longer a slap in the face of Shi Biida, but a slap in the face of Cai Yuanqi in front of everyone. A slap in the face. If he doesn't deal with Shen Qiu this time, Cai Yuanqi will be completely embarrassed.

Thinking of this, Cai Yuanqi immediately said to Li Chenghua, who was standing next to him with an equally ashen face:"Director Li, I suggest that Shen Qiu be dismissed immediately. As Qiu's position, people from the Supervision Department will question Shen Qiu's evil behavior of beating a senior police officer!"

"Minister Cai, if you want to dismiss me from my post, you don’t need to go to such trouble. I can satisfy you now."

Shen Qiu pulled off the epaulettes on his shoulders and threw them at Cai Yuanqi and Li Chenghua. Under Shen Qiu's precise throwing, one epaulette hit Cai Yuanqi's face, and the other epaulette hit Li Chenghua. face

"Shen Qiu, you……"

"Minister Cai, I advise you to shut up now!"

After Cai Yuanqi was slapped in the face by Shen Qiu, his anger surged up instantly. He pointed at Shen Qiu and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Shen Qiu's gloomy voice. He fell unconscious and fell to the ground, his face so swollen that even his mother was shocked. Unrecognizable Shi Bida, Cai Yuanqi seems to have a stuck in his throat

"Sir Shen, calm down, calm down, Sir Cai, Sir Li, everyone please calm down."

At this time, Ou Xinzhong, the commander of the Narcotics Investigation Section, realized from the series of explosive events in front of him, walked quickly between Shen Qiu, Cai Yuanqi, and Li Chenghua, and began to persuade.

Ou Xinzhong is Li Wenbin's person, Naturally, he was leaning towards Shen Qiu. While talking, he picked up Shen Qiu's epaulette and handed it back to Shen Qiu.

"Sir Ou, thank you for your kindness, but today I want to see if the police force still follows the rules, and whether there is any natural justice. A person who made a mistake and was transferred to the Transportation Department will be transferred back to the Operations Department as the director. , and even after having just committed such a big mistake, he can still sit here openly and hold a so-called high-level meeting."

"Cai Yuanqi, Li Chenghua, now it’s not me who wants to give you an explanation, but you who have to give me and all the members of the special operations team an explanation. The entire police force knows that I have a problem with Spidey. If Spidey can’t explain what he did this morning. I would think that he was deliberately retaliating against the special operations team that I, Shen Qiu, brought out."

Shen Qiu said to Ou Xinzhong with a smile, then looked at Cai Yuanqi and Li Chenghua, with a righteous look on his face, and shouted sternly

"Shen Qiu, our operations department will investigate whether Shi Bida made a command error. Now what we want to pursue is your beating of colleagues and senior police officers!"

Hearing Shen Qiu directly change the topic from him beating Shi Bida to Shi Bida's deliberate revenge, Cai Yuanqi immediately spoke, trying to bring the topic back.

"Haha, Cai Yuanqi, in order to protect your subordinates, you are telling lies with your eyes open. A commander, who does not know any intelligence on the scene, neither sent anyone to investigate nor conduct a feint attack, but directly ordered a general attack. This kind of behavior , you, the head of the operations department, still want to investigate? I think you don’t need to be the head of the operations department to avoid embarrassment!"

Shen Qiu stared at Cai Yuanqi and sneered.


"That's enough, Sir Shen. Even if Spidey is at fault, you can't beat your colleagues or senior police officers!"

Seeing that Cai Yuanqi had been dragged into a logical trap by Shen Qiu, he was almost unable to defeat Shen Qiu. After a few minutes of silence, Li Chenghua, who had been holding back his anger, finally couldn't hold it back and shouted loudly.

"Director Li, I said, I can accept any punishment, even if I am expelled from the police force, it doesn't matter, but no one who was at fault for today's action, from top to bottom, can be spared! Shen

Qiu stared at Li Chenghua and said coldly

"Okay, Sir Shen, since you said so, I officially announce that you will be temporarily relieved of your duties. After the Supervision Department has questioned you, the police force will issue the final punishment measures to you."

Li Chenghua skipped arguing with Shen Qiu about whether his actions were right or wrong, and directly dismissed Shen Qiu from his post.

Bang bang bang bang.……

"Director Li, I will wait for the police force’s final punishment measures against me."

Shen Qiu looked at Li Chenghua, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile.

I don't know why, but when he saw the smile on Shen Qiu's face, Li Chenghua felt a chill in his heart, which actually gave him a creepy feeling.

"Take Sir Shen to the Supervision Department!"

Li Chenghua subconsciously avoided Shen Qiu's gaze and shouted loudly to several military uniforms standing at the door of the conference room.

"Brother Qiu!"Brother Qiu!""……

Ma Jun, Luo Jianhua, Zhu Xuming and others who were also standing at the door of the conference room saw this and immediately swarmed up and blocked the door of the conference room. As long as Shen Qiu gave the order, even Cai Yuanqi and Li Chenghua would take action directly.

"Don't be so nervous. Director Li is the Deputy Commissioner of the Police. He has the power to subject me to questioning by the Supervision Department. Shen

Qiu smiled and said to Ma Jun and others, then turned to look at Li Chenghua and Cai Yuanqi, and continued:"Director Li, Minister Cai, remember, you owe me and the special operations team an explanation.""

Go on, Shen Qiu walked straight out of the conference room. The 4th military uniformed police officer at the door did not dare to touch Shen Qiu. He could only protect him and walked with him to the Supervision Department.

"Director Li, this guy Shen Qiu is really abominable. He has no boss, no rules, and no discipline. This time, the police force must deal with this black sheep severely!"

Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Cai Yuanqi gritted his teeth and said fiercely

"Let's take Sir Shi to the hospital first. I always feel that this matter is not that simple."

Unlike Cai Yuanqi, who looked hateful, Li Chenghua's face was full of doubts. He had fought against Shen Qiu and had learned about Shen Qiu's methods. Shen Qiu, a young man, would definitely not be beaten in public on impulse. People who do things like others.

Shen Qiu did this and gave himself such a chance to deal with him. There must be a conspiracy in it, but Li Chenghua knew better that in the situation just now, if he didn't deal with Shen Qiu, then he, they The face of these high-ranking police officers will be completely lost.

Therefore, even if he knows that Shen Qiu must have a conspiracy to do this, Li Chenghua will dismiss Shen Qiu from his post and let him accept questioning from the Supervision Department.

"'Minister Cai, I will report this matter to the Director immediately. After you send Sir Shi to the hospital, you will also come to the Director's office immediately."

After saying this, Li Chenghua quickly left the conference room.

Cai Yuanqi looked at Ou Xinzhong's leaving figure, with a stern look in his eyes. Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:"Call an ambulance."

Looking down at the unconscious Shi Bida, Cai Yuanqi's face became more and more ugly.

After Li Chenghua left, Ou Xinzhong also left the conference room immediately. Shen Qiu was dismissed from his post and was questioned about this matter. He needed Report to Li Wenbin immediately

"The storm is coming!"

After walking to the corridor, Ou Xinzhong looked at the gloomy sky outside the window and whispered to himself.

Ten minutes later, in the office of Lu Minghua, the director of the Supervision Department,

"Sir Shen, you were impulsive this time. No matter how big the mistake Shi Bida made, you couldn't beat him in front of Cai Yuanqi and Li Chenghua, because you would be very passive."

Lu Minghua looked at Shen Qiu sitting in front of him, shook his head and said

"Sir Lu, I just wanted to beat Spidet in front of them on purpose. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Looking at your expression, I know you must have some plans. Can you tell me?"

Lu Minghua actually knows that Shen (Nuo Zhao) Qiu must have a way to deal with it, but he also really feels that Shen Qiu doesn't need to be so impulsive and can definitely live a long life.

"Sir Lu, this time I ask you to question me, I hope you will do this……"

Shen Qiu slowly spoke out his plan. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Shen, you want... something?"

After hearing Shen Qiu's plan, Lu Minghua thought for a moment, and then looked at Shen Qiu fiercely. Obviously, he understood what Shen Qiu wanted to do, but then he He shook his head and said,"Sir Shen, it's too risky for you to do this."

"Sir Lu, I am different from other police officers. It is not that I need the police force, but the police force needs me. Shen

Qiu looked at Lu Minghua and said with a smile.


After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Lu Minghua fell silent. Indeed, the Kowloon Walled City and the New Territories aborigines were Shen Qiu's trump card. He just beat Spidey, the Muyang dog, and the ghost man would make Shen Qiu drink three drinks as a penalty at most. , I will never break up with Shen Qiu because of this.

After seeing that Lu Minghua understood what he meant, Shen Qiu smiled slightly and continued slowly:"Besides, Sir Lu, don't those gangsters in the police force like to use their power to suppress others? This time, I will let them see, What is the general trend!".

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