Police Headquarters Building, Supervision Department.

After hearing Ou Xinzhong's report, Li Wenbin rushed here immediately.

"Sir Li, you two chat slowly while I go drink a cup of coffee to refresh myself."

After seeing Li Wenbin arrive, Lu Minghua gave up his office to Li Wenbin and Shen Qiu

"Sir Lu, thank you very much. After Li

Wenbin thanked Lu Minghua, he sat directly opposite Shen Qiu and asked,"Aqiu, what are your plans.""

Unlike Lu Minghua, Li Wenbin was immediately sure that Shen Qiu had his plan after listening to Ou Xinzhong's report.

"Sir Li, I am about to ask Sir Lu to call you and ask you to come.

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and then said:"Sir Li, please help me inform Hong Kong Island Regional Commander Huang Bingyao and New Territories South Regional Commander Guan Yiode, and tell them that I need them to help me at my inquiry meeting tomorrow." do this……"

Shen Qiu repeated the plan he had just discussed with Lu Minghua to Li Wenbin.

After hearing Shen Qiu's plan, Li Wenbin's eyes flashed with excitement. He never thought that the young man in front of him, whom he was most optimistic about, would weave a story in the police force in just over a year. Such a huge network of relationships was so huge that even Li Wenbin was secretly shocked.

"Okay, Aqiu, I will notify you in place."

After pondering for a moment, Li Wenbin nodded and responded.

"Thank you sir Li."

Shen Qiu smiled and thanked him.

Lu Minghua did not restrict Shen Qiu's freedom to communicate with the outside world. In fact, Shen Qiu 130 could have informed Huang Bingyao and Guan Yaode to contact him and tell them his plan, but Shen Qiu still chose The reason why he asked Li Wenbin to tell him the story was very simple. His plan required the cooperation of the Chinese bigwigs in the police force, such as Li Wenbin, Lu Minghua, Huang Bingyao, and Guan Yaode, in order to achieve the best results. It was obviously better for Li Wenbin to communicate with them in person than Shen Qiu informed them that it was more appropriate

"Ah Qiu, caring about our subordinates is what we bosses should do. You don't need to thank me."

Li Wenbin said lightly.

"Sir Li, guess who Gui Lao will let take the blame this time if my plan succeeds, Cai Yuanqi or Li Chenghua? Shen

Qiu looked at the expressionless Li Wenming in front of him and asked with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, I rarely predict things that have not happened yet."

At this point, Li Wenbin's expressionless face revealed a smile:"But this time, I guess it's Li Chenghua."

"Sir Li, my prediction is the same as yours, so I think you should make preparations in advance to fight for the vacant position of Senior Assistant Commissioner of the Police."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Ah Qiu, Kwong Zhili has been with me for fifteen years and is my confidant. If I get promoted this time, I am going to help him win the position of Minister of Criminal Affairs. Once he gets promoted, I hope you will be in charge of O."

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Li Wenbin pondered for a moment, then looked at Shen Qiu and said slowly.

O Ji is one of Li Wenbin's basic bases. Only his absolute confidant, or even his successor, can take charge of O. Remember, what Li Wenbin meant when he said this was obviously very straightforward, that is, Shen Qiu was officially designated as his successor Li Wenbin, but Shen Qiu had to be ranked behind Kuang Zhili.

"Sir Li, of course I will abide by your order."

After hearing what Li Wenbin said, Shen Qiu smiled slightly and replied.

Shen Qiu didn't take Li Wenbin's words to heart at all. After all, given Shen Qiu a few more years, Li Wenbin might not be able to suppress him. If you can control him, Li Wenbin will naturally know who his successor is without Shen Qiu opening his mouth.

And Shen Qiu knows very well that Kuang Zhili is not that loyal to Li Wenbin. He clearly remembers the plot of Han Zhan. After knowing With the support of Lu Minghua, the then Director of the Security Bureau, Liu Jiehui decisively sold Li Wenbin and switched to Liu Jiehui's faction, directly relegating Li Wenbin to the cold palace and retiring early.

However, these are Shen Qiu's judgments and there is no actual evidence, so Shen Qiu naturally I won’t talk to Li Wenbin about this either.

"Ah Qiu, you have a good rest tonight, I will watch your performance tomorrow."

After hearing Shen Qiu's reply, Li Wenbin said a rare wisecrack, and then stood up and left Lu Minghua's office.

Lu Minghua returned to his office more than ten minutes after Li Wenbin left the office. Apparently he had just talked with Li Wenbin. many things

"Sir Shen, do you need me to have a phone call with Director Hong from the Hong Kong Affairs Office? He has a very good impression of you. If I can help you, he probably won't refuse."

Lu Minghua looked at Shen Qiu in front of him and said with a smile.

"Sir Lu, there is no need to trouble Director Hong. This time is different from the previous Kowloon Walled City incident. Last time it was a matter related to ordinary people. Director Hong's words can naturally scare those ghost guys. This time it is us. Regarding matters within the police force, Director Hong's words will only be counterproductive and self-defeating."

After the Kowloon (acfg) Walled City incident, Shen Qiu had a meal with Director Hong. At that meal, Director Hong was trying to win over Shen Qiu overtly or covertly, hoping that Shen Qiu would be openly patriotic. But

Shen Qiu did not. Nodding in agreement, there are many ways to be patriotic. As long as Shen Qiu climbs high enough and is strong enough, he can be more patriotic. It's the same this time. If the mainland is allowed to intervene in this matter, maybe Gui Lao will be exposed. Table, after all, Shen Qiu forced the ghost guy to make concessions. That was only a matter within the British Hong Kong government. If the mainland forced the ghost guy to make concessions, the level of conflict would have to rise several levels. At present, Shen Qiu's rank has not yet reached that level.

"Well, Sir Shen, Director Hong is very optimistic about you. He has asked me to be the intermediary several times and wants to ask you to have tea."

After Shen Qiu defeated the aborigines in the New Territories, his united front value became even higher. Obviously, Director Hong is really hungry for talents.

"Hahaha, Sir Lu, Director Hong is so polite. He could just make an appointment with me. I will definitely go to the appointment."

Shen Qiu laughed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Shen, if you say that, Director Hong will be very happy. Now that this matter is over, the three of us will make an appointment to taste West Lake Longjing. The Longjing you gave me last time is still not authentic. The authentic Longjing in Hong Kong Island is Can't buy it."

Lu Minghua has something to say.

"Sir Lu, whether Longjing is authentic or not is secondary. The key is that it is Longjing, and that is enough."

Shen Qiu also looked at Lu Minghua and said slowly


After Shen Qiu said this, both Shen Qiu and Lu Minghua laughed.

On the other side, in the office of the Commissioner of Police, the atmosphere was unusually gloomy.

"Mr. Director, that’s what happened just now."

Li Chenghua recounted in detail what happened in the conference room when Shen Qiu slapped Shi Bida and hard-faced him and Cai Yuanqi.

"Director Li, do you think Shen Qiu is such an impulsive person?"

After thinking for a moment, Han Yili looked up at Li Chenghua and asked

"Mr. Director, this is also where I am confused."

Li Chenghua shook his head and said

"The director of the Supervision Department is Lu Minghua. During the last Kowloon Walled City incident, Director Hong of the Hong Kong Office suddenly spoke up, explaining that even if Shen Qiu is not from the mainland, he still has a close relationship with the mainland. This time Lu Minghua will definitely try his best to help Shen Qiu."

"Director Li, please keep an eye on Lu Minghua. No matter what Shen Qiu's plan is, Lu Minghua must be the first one to make any changes."[]

After an analysis, Han Yili grasped what he thought was the most important point.

"Okay, Mr. Director."

Li Chenghua immediately nodded and responded.

"In addition, our police force cannot punish Shen Qiu too harshly this time. After all, Shen Qiu has two cards: the Kowloon Walled City and the New Territories Aboriginals. If he is forced to death, the Hong Kong Governor and the British Hong Kong Government will Very troublesome"

"Mr. Director, how are you going to punish him?"

After hearing what Han Yili said, Li Chenghua frowned and asked

"Let Shen Qiu be the chief officer of the Public Relations Department. He is the star policeman of our police force. Letting him deal with the media in Hong Kong Island is also his strength."

Han Yili said quietly

"Mr. Director, this is definitely a brilliant idea. It is really appropriate for this guy Shen Qiu to go to the Public Relations Department."

After hearing what Han Yili said, Li Chenghua showed a smile on his gloomy face. Obviously, he was very satisfied with Han Yili's arrangement for Shen Qiu.

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