That night, the news that Shen Qiu, Director of the Operations Division of the New Territories South Region, stood up for his former subordinate and beat up the Chief of the Operations Section, Chief Superintendent Spidet, spread like thunder throughout the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force.

Along with this news spread throughout the police force, there was also the news that Spida's blind command resulted in the death of 8 members of the special operations team and the injury of 11 others.

Originally, Shen Qiu was already the idol of all the young policemen in Hong Kong. Now, his behavior of disregarding his own future in order to stand up for his subordinates has gained the collective admiration of these young policemen. And Spidey is like the opposite of Shen Qiu, at least in the eyes of the police. In the minds of most of the police force, Spida's reputation had reached its peak.

One is a boss who is willing to stand up for oneself, and the other is a boss who deceives oneself. I like the one and hate the other, but I can choose with my brain.

Canton Road, outside an independent house

"Sir Huang, don’t give me any more gifts-"

"Sir Li, walk slowly."

Hong Kong Island Regional Commander Huang Bingyao watched Li Wenbin get into a black Crown car and leave, then turned around and returned to his home.

"Dad, what does Sir Li have to do with you? Is it related to Aqiu?"

Huang Bingyao had just walked into the door of his house. Before he even closed the door, Yazi appeared in front of him and asked.

"Meiko, do you make no sound even when you walk? Scared me. Huang

Bingyao glanced at his daughter who suddenly appeared behind him and said angrily.

"What, dad, you are obviously distracted. Let’s not talk about this anymore. Were you and Sir Li just talking about Aqiu?"

Meaiko can't leave Shen Qiu without saying a word.

If Shen Qiu hadn't spoken today, she would have wanted to kidnap Shen Qiu. Watching Shen Qiu stand up for the people of the special operations team, Meako is a member of the special operations team. , I was indescribably moved.

Huang Bingyao and Li Wenbin were talking in the study just now. I don’t know if he was deliberately guarding her. Yazi was pressed against the door and didn’t even hear what the two people were talking about, so he came in a hurry. Ask Huang Bingyao

"Yes, Sir Li told me about Shen Qiu's plan. I knew this guy was not the kind of person who would get ahead of his subordinates. Huang

Bingyao said with a smile.

"What plans does Aqiu have? Can you tell me?"

After hearing Huang Bingyao's words, Yazi's eyes lit up and she immediately asked.

"Today’s plan is still a secret among the top brass of our police force. As for the specific content, you will know tomorrow."

Huang Bingyao waved his hand, smiled and talked, and walked towards his bedroom.

"Dad, please, just tell me, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep tonight."

Knowing that Shen Qiu had a plan, but she didn't know anything, Yazi immediately became anxious.

"Just stay up if you can't sleep. Huang

Bingyao said with a smile.

"Dad! If you do this, I will ignore you for three days!"

Ya Zi said angrily.

After hearing what Ya Zi said, Huang Bingyao turned to look at Ya Zi and said seriously:"Ya Zi, it's not that dad didn't tell you, but this plan is very important to Shen Qiu. No mistakes are allowed."

Speaking of this, Huang Bingyao paused for a moment, and then there was a flash of appreciation in his eyes:"In a sense, Shen Qiu's plan will change the structure of the entire police force. Yazi, you have a very good taste in picking men. Yes, dad is very happy"

"That is! Of course my eyesight has improved……"

Before Yazi finished speaking, she saw Huang Bingyao quickly walked into his bedroom and closed the bedroom door.


Meiko was speechless about this.

The next morning, as soon as the police officers at the police headquarters went to work, news came from the Supervision Department.

This time the questioning of Shen Qiu will be held in the auditorium of the police headquarters. All police officers above the supervisory level can come to the auditorium to observe.

According to Lu Minghua, Director of the Supervision Department, this is a bold innovation by the Supervision Department, which will allow police officers across Hong Kong Island to know the questioning process and the absolute fairness of questioning, which is of great significance for promoting the rule of law in the police force.

This inquiry meeting will be led by five director-level police officers. The chief officer is Deputy Director Li Chenghua, the adjutants are Director Jian Baozhong of the Operations and Support Division, Director Kang Ruiwei of the Criminal and Security Division, and Director of the Personnel and Training Division. Ji Weiyou, Director of the Supervision Department Shi Jieming.

An inquiry team composed of a deputy commissioner of police and four senior assistant commissioners of police is unprecedented in the history of the police force. This shows that the top brass of the police force attach great importance to this inquiry. degree.

It wasn't until this moment that many people came to their senses. This time was not only a questioning meeting against Shen Qiu, but also a contest between the Ghost Faction of the Police Force and the Local and Mainland Faction of the Police Force.

0 Flowers requested.

If the Gui Lao faction defeats the joint efforts between the local and mainland factions this time, then from now on, almost 10 years until Hong Kong Island returns, the Gui Lao faction will be in charge of the Hong Kong Island police force. , both the localists and mainlanders have to step aside.

Some good people in the police force have already described this inquiry as the inquiry of the century, which means that the impact of the results of this inquiry will most likely directly affect the end of the 20th century.

After the news spread, many inspector-level police officers from the police force rushed to the headquarters to witness the Question of the Century. In addition, more off-duty uniformed police officers also rushed to the police headquarters.

Some of these uniformed police officers wanted to join in the fun, but more of them wanted to come and support their idol, Shen Qiu.

Inside the headquarters building.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Li Chenghua stood by the window, looking at the crowds of heads not far away around the police auditorium, with an extremely indifferent expression.

Li Chenghua was not surprised by Lu Minghua's sudden attack. What surprised him was that so many police officers came to the scene and how many of them supported Shen Qiu.

"Director Li, it’s almost time."

Behind Li Chenghua, a member of the questioning team, Director of the Supervision Department Shi Jieming said

"Okay, let's go, directors."

Li Chenghua looked back at Jian Baozhong, Kang Ruiwei, Ji Weiyou, and Shi Jieming, with a smile on his face.

Li Chenghua was not worried at all about Shen Qiu's trial. The five questioning officers were all ghosts, and it would be easy to convict Shen Qiu. , Now Li Chenghua is worried about how the local and mainland factions will react after Shen Qiu is convicted.

Soon, Li Chenghua and the other five people passed through the crowd and walked to the door of the police auditorium.


Just when Li Chenghua and others were about to enter the police auditorium, suddenly there was a burst of noise behind them, followed by:

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"……

The voices greeting Shen Qiu and the voices supporting Shen Qiu reached Li Chenghua's ears overwhelmingly and continuously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, Li Chenghua's face looked extremely ugly... Yi...

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