Police Headquarters, Auditorium

"Hold accountable!"Accountability!""Accountability!""……

Not long after Shen Qiu's words fell, under the leadership of Ma Jun and others, the entire auditorium exploded instantly. This time, almost all the inspectors stood up and shouted these two words loudly.

Under this situation, holding Spidet accountable has become politically correct.

Even the inspector who followed the ghost must stand up and support Shen Qiu at this moment. After all, no one dared to publicly say that the grassroots police officers were the tools of the senior police officers, and the senior police officers could command them to die.

Even though many senior police officers did do this before, there are some things that can be done but cannot be said.

These things have not been exposed. There was no four-liang weight before the weight was put on the scale. Once it was exposed and the weight was put on the scale, even Qianjin couldn't stop it.

Looking at Shen Qiu with a righteous look on the stage, Han Yili, Li Chenghua, Cai Yuanqi and others finally understood why Lu Minghua wanted to engage in this so-called innovation and let Shen Qiu be questioned in front of so many inspectors and military uniforms.

Their purpose is what Shen Qiu said just now, Shen Qiu wants to kidnap the entire police team to stand up for him.

Once the police announced that they would pursue Spideer's responsibility02, then Shen Qiu would be able to escape heavy punishment from the police force. After all, Spideer had made such a big mistake. He, Shen Qiu, was furious for a moment, and during the dispute, he accidentally... I used a little too much strength, is that okay?

The key point is that after Shen Qiu said these words, he was the embodiment of justice who stood up for the lower-level police officers. If the top police officers want to deal with Shen Qiu, they must consider the thoughts of more than 20,000 lower-level police officers.

And this is what Shen Qiu said to Lu Minghua, the general trend!

"Shen Qiu, Shi Bida's command mistake and you beating him are completely different things. Don't confuse them!"

Li Chenghua is still unwilling to surrender and is making a final struggle.

"Director Li, as I just said, there is a cause and an effect. These two things are not two different things at all, they are the same thing!"

Shen Qiu turned around, looked at Li Chenghua, and pushed him back.

"Shen Qiu, I see you are just messing around!"

Li Chenghua suppressed his anger, stared at Shen Qiu and said loudly

"Director Li, does it have anything to do with you that the Operations Department transferred a Chief Superintendent who was demoted to the Transportation Department for making mistakes back to such an important department as the Chief Officer in such an unusual way? Otherwise, why are you so excited? Don't you care about justice?"

Shen Qiu directly turned against the guest and began to question Li Chenghua.

"Shen Qiu, you are such a mouthful! I can suspend you right now for insulting your boss!"

Li Chenghua finally couldn't hold back his anger. He stood up suddenly, pointed at Shen Qiu, and cursed angrily.

"Director Li, I think you are angry, right? I was suspended by you yesterday. If you want to suspend me now, you have to reinstate me first.

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face. Then, without waiting for Li Chenghua to speak, Shen Qiu continued:"Director Li, don't change the subject anymore. Now please tell me about Spideer 's appointment as the Chief Superintendent of the Operations Division." , give an explanation to all our police officers!"


Hearing that Shen Qiu actually started to question him, and looking at the half-smiling expression on Shen Qiu's face, Li Chenghua's eyes darkened, and he almost fainted from anger on the spot. He took a few rough breaths and stared at the already reddened man. His eyes were fixed on Shen Qiu, and he was about to speak.

"Mr. Director, I think Sir Shen is right. The police force must investigate Spider, investigate the operations department, and give an explanation to everyone in the police force. The eight men who died in the line of duty yesterday cannot be allowed to die with their eyes open, otherwise the entire police force will All brothers will be heartbroken!"

At this time, Li Wenbin, who was sitting behind Han Yili, suddenly stood up, looked at Han Yili who was sitting in front of him, and said slowly.

After hearing Li Wenbin's words, Han Yili's already livid face became even more... She became even uglier than her dead mother.

Cai Yuanqi, who was sitting next to Han Yili, stood up, pointed at Li Wenbin and shouted loudly:"Li Wenbin, you……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mr. Director, what Sir Shen and Sir Li said is right. I also think the police force must give an explanation!"

Han Yili was interrupted by Huang Bingyao just as he spoke.

Then Guan Yaode also stood up. Chen Zhijie, Kwong Zhili, Lei Meng, Chen Xinjian, and dozens of chief superintendents and senior superintendents all stood up and asked the top brass of the police force to take action against Speder. Then , almost all the inspectors present stood up again. Although they did not speak again, they had already expressed their views to the senior officers of the police force.



I don’t know who passed the news outside the auditorium and told the uniformed police officers outside. In an instant, the sound of mountains and tsunami was like overwhelming mountains and seas, and it was transmitted into the auditorium, and it was introduced to Han Yili, Li Chenghua, In the ears of Cai Yuanqi and others

"Director Li, listen to the voices of the police officers. Our Hong Kong Island Police Force is as powerful as it is today, not because of the prestige of the top brass, but because of the guns and sticks of the police officers."

Shen Qiu stared at Li Chenghua in front of him and said slowly, word by word.

"Shen Qiu, you……"

Li Chenghua, who had just sat down, was so angry that he stood up again. However, as soon as he spoke this time, he was interrupted by Han Yili:"Okay, Director Li, stop talking."

After that, Han Yili was in the auditorium. In full view of more than a thousand people, he slowly walked up to the stage, took the microphone in Lu Minghua's hand, and said slowly:"The top brass of the police force will definitely give an explanation to all the police officers regarding the matter of Spida. In addition,……"

Speaking of this, Han Yili looked at Shen Qiu

"Mr. Director, although it was not my intention to injure Superintendent Spida, it was indeed because of me that he was injured. I am willing to compensate him for all expenses including medical expenses, lost work time, etc."

Chen Qiu looked at Han Yili with a smile and said[]

Han Yili looked at Shen Qiu deeply, and then continued:"Shen Qiu had an argument with Superintendent Spida because of his excitement, which resulted in Superintendent Spida being injured. The police force will suspend Shen Qiu for one month."

After hearing what Han Yili said, Li Chenghua was about to speak immediately, but his words were drowned in a burst of cheers.

Seeing the more than a thousand inspectors cheering and smiling happily in front of him, Li Chenghua instantly understood why Han Yili made such a decision.

The effect of force is mutual. They, the high-ranking gangsters, can use their own power to suppress the Chinese police officers in the police force. Naturally, the Chinese police officers in the police force can also unite and use the power of the police force to force them, the high-ranking gangsters.

It's just that there are too many Chinese police officers in the police force, and there is almost no one who can hold this trend together.

Thinking of this, Li Chenghua looked at Shen Qiu, who was smiling and accepting the cheers of the crowd, with deep fear in his eyes!

From this moment on, Shen Qiu's threat level in the eyes of the high-ranking gangsters in the police force and the gangsters like Cai Yuanqi was comparable to that of Li Wenbin and Lu Minghua.

It is from this moment on, Shen Qiu, that the situation has become a success!.

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