Police headquarters, in the auditorium.

After the cheers died down, Shen Qiu looked at Han Yili, who was standing not far away, and said loudly:"Mr. Director, I accept the punishment imposed on me by the police department, but I hope that before I am suspended, I can command special operations. Team, to avenge the eight guys who died in the line of duty."

After Shen Qiu finished speaking, the system's voice sounded in his mind:

"Publish mission: kill Ice Queen and members of 24 Delta Special Forces, and snatch 50 million US dollars used for trading new drugs. Mission reward: Can summon the characters Doctor, White Eyes Ghost, Baroness, Scarlett, and Blake from Cobra Special Department , Duke, Heavy Artillery) (from the movie"G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra"》)"

After hearing about this mission from the system, Shen Qiu became more determined to avenge the eight members of the special operations team.

At the same time, Shen Qiu also learned why the special operations team he trained according to the training methods of mainland scouts suffered such heavy casualties. It turned out that Amilika's Delta Special Forces was involved.

As the world's number one special operations force, the fact that the Special Operations Team was able to survive under the hands of these people has proven that the training plan formulated by Shen Qiu for the Special Operations Team is very effective.


After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Han Yili looked deeply at Shen Qiu, then looked at the more than a thousand police inspectors in the audience, then nodded slowly and said:"Sir Shen, I will give you 3 days."

"Thank you, Mr. Director."

Chen Qiu put his legs together and saluted Han Yili, then turned and looked at the more than a thousand police inspectors in the audience, especially the excited-looking inspectors from the special operations team such as Ma Jun and Yazi.

Especially Ya Zi, the moment she looked at Shen Qiu, her eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

After looking around at everyone present, Shen Qiu looked sincere and said loudly:"Thank you everyone."

After that, Shen Qiu bowed deeply to everyone.

Bang bang bang...

As Shen Qiu bowed, thunderous applause erupted from the audience. At this moment, Shen Qiu really looked like a general returning from victory in ancient times. , head held high, walked toward the exit of the auditorium amid applause.

More than 20 inspectors from the special operations team, including Ma Jun, Yazi, Zhu Xuming, Luo Jianhua, etc. followed Shen Qiu one after another, surrounding Shen Qiu. Walked out of the auditorium.

Then, Qiu Gangao, Qin Fangliang, Liu Baoqiang, Qiu Zhipeng, Fang Ting and other dozens of inspectors also stood up and left their seats, following Shen Qiu. At this moment, in front of everyone's eyes, Shen Qiu was no longer A police officer, a chief superintendent, and a big boss of the police force. He wants to lead his subordinates to carve a place for him in the police force. He will be engraved in the history of the police force. name.

Bang bang bang...

After Shen Qiu left the auditorium, he was greeted with even fiercer applause. The thousands of uniformed police officers guarding outside the auditorium all focused their eyes on Shen Qiu. On the body.

Shen Qiu stood at the door of the auditorium, pressing down with his hands. In just a few seconds, the scene returned to calm.

"Thank you."

Like in the auditorium, Shen Qiu also bowed deeply to these uniformed police officers. Then, Shen Qiu continued:"Everyone, our colleagues, eight brothers of the special operations team died in the line of duty. I have applied to Mr. Director, and I will personally lead the brothers from the special operations team to avenge the eight brothers who died in the line of duty."

At this point, Shen Qiu raised his voice and shouted with full force:"Brothers, please remember that you are a member of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. No matter what grievances you suffer, the Police Force will always be there for you. It is your strong backing. This time I will let those international drug traffickers know that if they offend our Hong Kong Island Police, they will not be able to escape even if they run to the ends of the earth!"

After Shen Qiu finished speaking, the thousands of young uniformed police officers present were already excited. They all looked at Shen Qiu with admiring eyes, wishing to draw their guns and follow Shen Qiu. At this moment, Shen Qiu didn't look like The Director of Operations, New Territories South Region, is more like the Commissioner of Police.

An hour later.

Marine Police Regional Office Building

"Brother Qiu, Jiaju’s signal came from here."

Ma Jun pointed to a transistor monitor in front of him and said. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the failure of the special operations team's mission yesterday, the people from Ice Queen and Delta Special Forces also evacuated Hong Kong Island immediately , as one of the commanders, Chen Jiaju tried his best to keep up with these people. He carried a signal tracker and kept transmitting the location of the Binghou group back to the police force.

This is what Shen Qiu dared to do with thousands of people. The reason why a uniformed police officer is convinced.

There is a small red dot on this old-fashioned transistor monitor. Obviously, this is where Chen Jiaju is now.

"Where is this place?"

Shen Qiu asked.

"There is an uninhabited island 27 kilometers away from the main island of Hong Kong. The island is covered with tropical rainforest. Although it is not large in area, the environment is very complex."

Ma Jun reported to Shen Qiuhui

"Is the environment complex? Even if they are hiding in hell, I will find them out. You should inform Jiaju first and ask him to evacuate the island."

Speaking of this, Shen Qiu turned to look at Tang Qilin, the commander of the Marine Police Region who was standing not far away, and said with a smile:"Sir Tang, please give me all the vacant boats of the Marine Police. This time The scale of our operations will be huge"

"Don't worry, Sir Shen. Mr. Director Shen has just spoken to me on the phone and asked me to fully cooperate with you. Our Marine Police now has 11 speedboats and 7 patrol boats, all of which can be used by you, Sir Shen."

As the commander of the Marine Police Region, Tang Qilin's police rank is actually higher than that of Shen Qiu. He is also the Assistant Commissioner of the Police.

But the tradition of the Hong Kong Island Police Force is that the land police are higher than the marine police, let alone Shen Qiu. A land policeman with a bright future and already a big boss.

Although Tang Qilin has a higher rank than Shen Qiu, he is very polite to Shen Qiu.

"Okay, thank you very much, Sir Tang."

Shen Qiu said to Tang Qilin with a smile. After saying that, Shen Qiu looked at Ma Jun again and said:"A Jun, this time besides the women's universityIn addition, the entire special operations team was dispatched to avenge the brothers who died in the line of duty!"[]

"yes, sir! (Okay, Zhao)"

Ma Jun responded loudly immediately, and then quickly left Yun.

In just ten minutes, the special operations team was assembled. Shen Qiu led more than 300 members of the special operations team to board 18 ships. The ship sailed towards the outlying island where Bing Hou and others were hiding.

Of course, Shen Qiu also copied these patrol ships and speedboats into the production list of his shipyard.

After Shen Qiu left, Tang Qilin immediately picked up his mobile phone, dial next number

"Mr. Director, Shen Qiu has already set off with his people."

After the call was connected, Tang Qilin said


On the other end of the phone, Han Yili, with a gloomy expression, responded lightly, then looked at Li Chenghua, Yan Liguo, Cai Yuanqi and others sitting in front of him and said slowly:"Shen Qiu has already led people to deal with those international gangsters. Now we We should discuss what kind of explanation should be given to Shen Qiu, to Li Wenbin and Lu Minghua's gang, and to all the police officers before Shen Qiu comes back."

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