Hong Kong Island Police Headquarters Building, Office of the Commissioner of Police


After Han Yili finished speaking, Li Chenghua, Yan Liguo, Cai Yuanqi and others fell silent.

These people all know what the explanation Han Yili is talking about, but no one wants to offend anyone with this kind of explanation, let alone have this explanation fall on them.

"Don't even speak?"

Han Yili said coldly with a cold face.

"Mr. Division Chief, just hold Spidet directly accountable and order him to retire early. It should be enough for the chief of the operations section and the chief superintendent to take responsibility for this incident, right?"

As the deputy director of management, Yan Liguo stepped forward to smooth things over.

"It's not enough. This time the incident was so big that almost a quarter of the police officers came to the scene. Just asking a person who is definitely at fault to bear his share of responsibility will definitely not convince the public."

While Han Yili was talking, he looked at the heads of Li Chenghua, Cai Yuanqi, and Jian Baozhong, the officers in charge of the operations department.

After noticing Han Yili's gaze, Cai Yuanqi gritted his teeth and said,"Mr. Director, Shi Bida. They are my people, and I am willing to stand up and take responsibility. I believe that as the head of the operations department, I will be able to shut up those people like Shen Qiu and Li Wenbin."

"Minister Cai, I like your responsibility very much, but you are not qualified yet. Han

Yili focused his gaze directly on Li Chenghua:"Director Li Chenghua, I hope you can take the initiative to apply for retirement.""

After many hints to no avail, Han Yili directly showed his cards.

"Mr. Director, this matter has nothing to do with me at all. I will never take the initiative to apply for retirement."

Li Chenghua refused directly.

Now, as the deputy commissioner of the police, he works part-time at 490, a major wealthy family in Hong Kong such as Lee Family, and charges one million Hong Kong dollars in consulting fees every month. Once he leaves the police force, If he retires from his position as chief, it is conceivable that the money will be gone.

Li Chenghua still has three years to retire at the age of 55. He is preparing to make a fortune in these three years and return to the UK to retire. How could he be willing to do so? Retire early

"Director Li Chenghua, maybe my wording just now caused you a little misunderstanding. I am not discussing with you, but informing you that if ICAC is involved in the investigation, not only will you be embarrassed, but the police force will be embarrassed as well."

Han Yili stared at Li Chenghua and said quietly


After hearing what Han Yili said, Li Chenghua's face instantly became very ugly. He never expected that Han Yili would threaten him with ICAC.

According to the laws of Hong Kong Island, police officers in the police force can work part-time in companies that have no relevant interests in the police force, but they cannot receive remuneration higher than their regular salary or other gifts.

Obviously, Li Chenghua violated this rule. However, ICAC usually does not investigate ghosts at all, and everyone turns a blind eye. But if Han Yili really asks ICAC to investigate, Li Chenghua will definitely end up in an embarrassing situation.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, Li Chenghua looked up at Han Yili and said slowly:"Okay, Mr. Director, you can see my retirement application tomorrow."

As he spoke, Li Chenghua seemed to have aged twenty years.

He couldn't figure it out. It was clearly Cai Yuanqi's fault, why should he bear the responsibility? And he had to have his head pressed and admitted that it was his fault.

"Director Li Chenghua, the police force will remember your sacrifice, and I will also remember your sacrifice."

Han Yili looked at Li Chenghua and said slowly


Li Chenghua snorted coldly at Han Yili's hypocritical words, and then without even saying hello to Han Yili, he stood up and left Han Yili's office quickly.

"Commissioner Yan Liguo, after Commissioner Li Chenghua retires, I will ask Mr. Hong Kong Governor to appoint you as the Deputy Commissioner of Operations of the Police Force. Regarding Li Chenghua's rudeness

, Han Yili did not take it seriously. Instead, he began to arrange the personnel changes at the top of the police force after Li Chenghua left:"Director Jian Baozhong, you are the director of the Operations and Support Division. When Director Yan Liguo is promoted, , you come to take his place as Deputy Commissioner of Police Management.

After arranging the two deputy directors, Han Yili looked at Cai Yuanqi again:"Minister Cai, although you can be exempted from punishment this time, it is impossible for you to be promoted.""

"Mr. Director, I understand."

Cai Yuanqi nodded and said.

He knew that the ghost guys were protecting him and wanted Cai Yuanqi to take over their team of ghost guys and become the chief of the police department, so Cai Yuanqi was not panicked at all.

"The Operations and Support Division is the Department A of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. It is very important and must not be left in the hands of Li Wenbin or Lu Minghua. Therefore, I plan to let Kang Ruiwei, Director of the Criminal and Security Division, take over as the Director of the Operations and Support Division."

Having said this, Han Yili looked at Cai Yuanqi again and continued:"Minister Cai, Sir Kang will retire in two years. In two years, you will take over."

"Thank you, Mr. Director."

Cai Yuanqi immediately nodded in response.

Han Yili nodded slightly, and finally said:"The vacated director of the Criminal and Security Department, I plan to use this position to provoke a fight between Li Wenbin and Lu Minghua. Our previous strategy needs to change. We cannot let the local faction and the mainland faction get too close, we must let them fight!"

At the same time, an island more than 20 kilometers away from Hong Kong Island

"Commander Mike, when will your ship arrive?"

A middle-aged woman with a Latin flavor looked at the bald blond guy in front of her and asked.

This woman was the internationally renowned drug trafficker Ice Queen, and the bald blond guy was Lieutenant Colonel Commander Mike of the Delta Force.

As we all know, the largest drug trafficker in the world is the CIA, and only the CIA can allow Delta Force to escort their drugs.

"The typhoon in Nanyang has just passed, and they should arrive tomorrow."

Mike said calmly.

Originally, the transaction between the two parties should have ended yesterday, but because of the passage of a typhoon in Nanyang, ships transporting new methamphetamines were temporarily docked at ports in Nanyang and did not dare to go out to sea.

"It's best to let them speed up a little bit. We have killed so many Hong Kong police, and they will definitely chase us."

Bing Hou said with some worry.

"They are just a bunch of trash. As long as they dare to come here, we will kill as many as they come."

Mike said calmly.

At this moment, loud explosions ~ mouth boom ~ mouth boom ~ bursts of violent explosions passed into the ears of Mike and Binghou. The shock caused by the explosion made Binghou's face turn violent. A change:"People from the Hong Kong Island Police are here?"

"Madam, don't be so panicked, it's just a small scene. After saying this with a smile, Mike picked up the walkie-talkie and asked:"Thomas, what's going on?""

"ohmygod they used white phosphorus bombs, fuck, how could they have white phosphorus bombs!"

A shocked voice came into Mike's ears. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Of course, the Hong Kong Island Police Force does not have white phosphorus bombs, but Hong Kong Island was once a material transfer station for Japanese devils to invade Southeast Asia. The Japanese devils play with these inhumane equipment without any moral burden.

Shen Qiu also copied the white phosphorus bomb in the hands of the judge and produced a batch. This time it happened to be used by the Delta Special Forces. He is good at jungle warfare. Right? Then don’t fight them and burn them out!

Dozens of rocket launchers fired free white phosphorus bombs onto this small island. The island originally had an area of ​​less than 1 square kilometer. It was soon impossible to protect the ice queen and other drug dealers, as well as the people of the Delta Force.

Several unlucky drug dealers and a Delta Force soldier were even burned alive.

In desperation, Mike could only take the remaining Delta forces with him. Soldiers from the army, Bing Hou and others broke through and prepared to flee to Nanyang by boat. Now they no longer care about dealing in new drugs. It is more important to save their lives first.

However, after they walked out of the jungle, they knew what despair meant.

Dozens of special operations teams The snipers were already ready, and these people were sniped as soon as they left the jungle.

Then, more than 200 members of the Special Operations Team landed on the island, and each team of 10 people killed the remaining Delta Force members. As well as the international drug lord Bing Hou, they were all killed.

After killing these people, the system's voice sounded on time in Shen Qiu's mind:

"Congratulations to the host. Mission: kill the Ice Queen and 24 members of the Delta Force, and snatch 50 million US dollars used to trade new drugs. Mission reward: can summon characters from the Cobra Special Forces (Medical Officer, Snake Eyes, White Ghost, Baroness, Scarlett, Blake, Duke, Heavy)."

After Shen Qiu listened to the system's prompt tone, the intercom in his hand came with a sound: rustling~

Then, Ma Jun's voice came from the intercom:"Brother Qiu, everyone has been killed, we Seven brothers were injured, but fortunately none of them were life-threatening."

Delta Special Forces is worthy of being the number one special forces force in the world. They were forced to do this by Shen Qiu and were able to injure 7 members of the special operations team. It's no wonder that they have the confidence to guard this small island next to Hong Kong Island. Island and other new types of methamphetamine.

Firstly, they were absolutely confident in their own strength. Secondly, they probably didn’t expect that someone could really hold on to the hull of the ship with willpower and float in the sea for more than an hour, keeping tight. He followed them.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu looked at Chen Jiaju, who was wrapped in a blanket and had a pale face, and said with a smile:"Jiaju, those guys from Binghou have all been killed. We have avenged our brothers.""[]

"Okay, that's good, that's good……"

After hearing the good news, Chen Jiaju breathed his last breath, and he, who was already exhausted, fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Qiu walked to Chen Jiaju, took off his uniform, covered Chen Jiaju's body, and saluted him.

This super policeman is indeed a qualified policeman and deserves Shen Qiu's salute.

In the evening, when Shen Qiu and others returned to Hong Kong Island with more than forty corpses, the entire Hong Kong Island police force was shocked again, and Shen Qiu's name once again spread throughout the police force.

From this night on, Shen Qiu completely became the spiritual totem of the special operations team and the eternal commander of this special operations team.……

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