On the night when Shen Qiu wiped out Queen Bing and the Delta Special Forces.

After several months of intensive construction of the MG Club located at the foot of Lion Rock, the tourist apartments on the top of the mountain and the cable car connecting the club at the foot of the mountain have been completed. Now almost 90% of the high-end and wealthy families in Hong Kong Island have become residents here. member.

After the golf course and dog racing track are completed, Dong Weiguo is confident that the MG Club will become a top club as famous as the Jockey Club and the Royal Yacht Club.

At about ten o'clock that night, a Mercedes-Benz car slowly stopped at the entrance of the MG Club. Soon, two slightly drunk ghosts got out of the car, put their arms around each other, and walked towards the MG Club.

"Sir Li, don't think so much. I'm here to be my host tonight. You can have a good time here and relieve the depression in your heart."

The speaker's name is Mikoyang. He is the deputy director of the Correctional Services Department of the Security Bureau of the British Hong Kong Government, and the person he is speaking to is Li Chenghua, who was just forced to retire early by Han Yili.

"Hey, Mi Gao, I just know now that you are my friend in the entire Hong Kong Island. Fuck, those bastards usually have sharper noses than dogs. They knew that I was forced to retire by that bastard Han Yili, so they pretended do not know anything."

Li Chenghua cursed angrily. Obviously, at this time, he was very dissatisfied with the high-level ghost guy and the wealthy Chinese family he usually made friends with.

Hearing Li Chenghua's complaining words, Mi Gaoyang's eyes moved slightly and he said with a smile:" Sir Li, others may not know it, so don’t think too much about it."

Of course Mi Gaoyang will not tell Li Chenghua that he has been bribed by Dong Weiguo and is now working for Dong Weiguo's boss. And tonight, the task Dong Weiguo gave him was to bring Li Chenghua to the club and then arrange a coincidence for Li Chenghua to meet Dong Weiguo. On the one hand -.

What surprised Mi Gaoyang was that Dong Weiguo was so well-informed. Li Chenghua was forced to retire early not long ago, but Dong Weiguo could predict this in advance.


Hearing Mikoyang's words, Li Chenghua snorted coldly. He obviously did not agree with Mikoyang's words, but he did not complain anymore. After all, Mikoyang came to make him happy, and Li Chenghua didn't want to disgrace him. The interest of my only friend in Hong Kong Island

"Mr. Michael, shall we arrange your old place?"

Mikoyang and Li Chenghua had just walked into the MG Club. Ruby, who had been waiting for a long time, walked up to Mikoyang with a smile and asked with a smile.

"Yes, in addition, I will arrange an extra set of the items that I usually play. I must let my friends have fun tonight. Sorry for bothering Sister Ruby."

Mikoyan said to Ruby with a smile.

"Mr. Michael is so polite. You are our most distinguished guest at MG, and your friend is naturally our most distinguished guest at MG."

Ruby's words and deeds are all very elegant and dignified, and there is no trace of the former prostitution. Facing such a woman, the two ghost guys, M Gaoyang and Li Chenghua, only have appreciation in their eyes, without a trace of evil thoughts. After all, , who knows what big boss is behind such a woman?

"Xiaoyu, take two guests to the 7th floor. Ruby turned to an equally dignified beauty and said with a smile.

Soon, under the leadership of Xiaoyu, Mikoyang and Li Chenghua got into the elevator.

"Mi Gao, who is that Ruby just now? Are you so polite to her?"

Li Chenghua asked curiously.

"It is said that she is the woman behind the club."

Mikoyang said in a low voice.

"Who is behind this club?"

Li Chenghua is even more curious.

"No one knows who the boss behind the scenes is. Some say it is Amilika's consortium, some say it is a noble from his ancestral family, and some say it is a wealthy Chinese from Southeast Asia. Only one thing is certain, Dong Weiguo is willing to be a dog for this person."

Speaking of this, Mi Gaoyang said with a smile:"Sir Li, you should know about Dong Weiguo, right?"

"Of course, in the past six months, he has been the most prominent person in the upper echelon of Hong Kong Island, and his relationship has almost reached the point of being the Governor of Hong Kong."

Li Chenghua nodded and responded.

"Sir Li, I have a good relationship with Dong Weiguo. Otherwise, if I come forward and ask him, you can have a chat with him and see if your affairs have turned around?"

Mikoyang seized the opportunity and started his deception.


After hearing Mi Gaoyang's words, Li Chenghua pondered for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment:"Mi Gao, will this trouble you too much?"

"Sir Li, what are you talking about? We are friends, and if you can keep your position as deputy director, it will be a good thing for me, right?"

Mikoyang replied with a smile.

"Mi Gao, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Chenghua looked at Mi Gaoyang with a grateful face and said thank you.

After hearing what Li Chenghua said, Mi Gaoyang said to Xiaoyu who was standing at the elevator entrance:"Beautiful girl, help me bring a message to Mr. Dong. I am Mi. Gao Yang wants to bring a friend to meet him"

"Okay, Mr. Michael."

Xiaoyu turned around, bowed slightly, and replied with a smile.

Ten minutes later, in a room on the 7th floor of the MG Club,

"Mr. Michael, Mr. Dong invites you."

Xiaoyu walked into the room and said to Mi Gaoyang and Li Chenghua who were chatting. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Mi Gaoyang nodded slightly, and then took Li Chenghua and Xiaoyu to the 8th floor of the club.

A few minutes later, Li Chenghua saw for the first time one of the most popular figures in the upper class of Hong Kong Island, Dong Weiguo.

"Hi, Michael, who is this gentleman?"

Dong Weiguo was very polite. He first said hello to Mikoyang and Li Chenghua with a smile.

"Mr. Dong, this is my good friend, Deputy Commissioner of Police Li Chenghua."

Mikoyang said with a smile.

"Mi Gao, the former deputy director, I was just forced to retire early."

Li Chenghua corrected him immediately.

After Li Chenghua's words fell, Mikoyang took the opportunity to say:"Mr. Dong, there is something I want to ask you for help. Sir Li just said……"

Migaoyang probably told Dong Weiguo about Li Chenghua's forced retirement, and then continued:"Mr. Dong, Sir Li is a good friend of mine. Can you help Sir Li?" 0

Asking for flowers 0

Listening After finishing Mi Gaoyang's words, Dong Weiguo pondered for a moment, and then looked at Li Chenghua, who had a hint of hope on his face, and said slowly:"Sir Li, I like making friends the most, and I also like helping friends the most. Since you If you are Mi Gao's friend, then you are naturally my friend."

Having said this, Dong Weiguo paused slightly:"Li sir, I don't like to lie to my friends, and I won't lie to my friends. I have nothing to do about your matter for the time being.."

After hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Li Chenghua's face darkened, but he still politely thanked Dong Weiguo:"Mr. Dong, I still want to thank you."

"Sir Li, I haven’t finished speaking yet. Dong

Weiguo smiled slightly:"I can't do anything now, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to do anything in the future. According to Li Sir, it was Police Commissioner Han Yili who forced you to retire. I really have no way to deal with him now, but as far as I know, Han Yili is the one who forced you to retire." Giri is approaching his age. Once he leaves, things may not turn around for you."

"Mr. Dong, what do you mean?"

Hearing Dong Weiguo's words, Li Chenghua's eyes lit up.

"Sir Li, our MG Club is short of a security consultant. I wonder if you can give us some advice. However, the monthly salary is not high, only 100,000 Hong Kong dollars a month. The main purpose is to let you stay in Hong Kong Island. It won't be so boring. If you have free time, you can also accompany me to play golf and have afternoon tea with the big guys in Hong Kong Island."

Dong Weiguo gave such generous treatment for one purpose, which was to tie Li Chenghua aboard the MG Club ship.

As long as Li Chenghua was tied to the MG Club ship, he would have no other choice but to be a dog for Shen Qiu..

However, at this moment, Li Chenghua didn't know that this was Dong Weiguo's sugar-coated bullet. He said a little embarrassedly:"Mr. Dong, how can you be so embarrassed?"……"

"Sir Li, I just said that if you are Mi Gao's friend, then you are my friend, and since your identity is here, you can just think that I am investing in you in advance."

Dong Weiguo interrupted Li Chenghua and said with a smile.

"Mr. Dong, thank you very much."

At this moment, Li Chenghua, who had a bright smile on his face, did not see the hint of joking flashing in M ​​Gaoyang's eyes sitting next to him.

Li Chenghua didn't even know that from this moment on, he had signed the devil's contract. From now on, his name will fall into the abyss created for him by Shen Qiu, and he will never be able to recover!

The next day, a piece of bombshell news once again shocked the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force.[]

Due to command errors, the special operations team suffered heavy losses. Chief of the Operations Section of the Police Operations Department, Shi Bida, was dismissed, and Deputy Chief of Operations of the Police Force, Li Chenghua, resigned.

But no one knows how much damage and shock Li Chenghua, the deputy commissioner of the police who retired early, will bring to the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force and even the entire British Hong Kong government in the future!.

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