After the division director-level meeting that appointed Shen Qiu as Commander O, Shen Qiu accidentally set two records.

One is naturally the youngest chief of the headquarters department in the history of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and the other is the only chief of the headquarters department who took office during the period of suspension.

However, O Ji is the headquarters of the local faction. Almost all the senior superintendents, superintendents, and chief inspectors in the O Ji headquarters are from the local faction, so even if Shen Qiu is suspended, he can still successfully control the entire O Ji.

In fact, after Shen Qiu took office as Chief Superintendent of O Ji, all the senior superintendents, superintendents, and chief inspectors of O Ji headquarters took the initiative to visit Shen Qiu. After all, the position of Chief Superintendent of O Ji not only represents Shen Qiu’s The chief officers of these people also represent that Shen Qiu will be the future leader of the local faction. It is obviously very important for them to establish a good relationship with Shen Qiu in advance.

However, Li Wenbin only made a phone call to congratulate Shen Qiu, but did not come to see Shen Qiu in person.

Shen Qiu knew his thoughts very well. Li Wenbin was afraid of irritating Kuang Zhili even more. It was foreseeable that during this period, Li Wenbin's thoughts would be on Kuang Zhili.

Regarding this, Shen Qiu was happy to be quiet and began to devote himself to preparing for his wedding to Ruan Mei next month. His main focus was on appeasing his girlfriends.

In seven or eight days, Shen Qiu slept with He Min, Xian Di, Ya Zi, Le Huizhen and others one by one. On the contrary, it was Judy Tang, Wang Fengyi and Guo Kailin. Maybe they came from a wealthy family and were used to seeing men. 02Three wives and four concubines have no objections to Shen Qiu’s marriage.

At noon on the seventeenth day of Shen Qiu's suspension, he received a call from Nanyang

"Brother Qiu, according to the treasure map you gave us, we have found the treasure hidden on the coral island. In addition to a large number of gold objects, there are also a large number of jewelry."

Tian Yangsheng's voice came out from the receiver.

After copying the patrol boats and yachts of the Marine Police, Shen Qiu found that it took seven days to produce a patrol boat, so he did not hesitate for a moment and started producing patrol boats directly.

In After the first patrol boat was launched, Shen Qiu immediately asked Tian Yangsheng to lead the team, cashed in the treasure map he had obtained for more than a year, and found the treasure of Luo Sanpao, the South China Sea robber.

"These are antiques. Bring them back to Hong Kong Island and give them to Dong Weiguo. He can maximize the value of these antiques."

Dong Weiguo's current work enthusiasm is extremely high. He is the kind of person who is born to be a political broker. He is at home in the high-level circles of Hong Kong Island. With his active activities and Shen Qiu's investment regardless of the cost, he is becoming more and more popular. Many ghosts, Mu Yangquan became Dong Weiguo's guest and Shen Qiu's lackey.

A few days later

"Ring ring ring~"

After a busy night with Sandy, Shen Qiu was woken up by the phone ringing.

"Which one?"

After Shen Qiu picked up the phone, he asked

"Brother Qiu, Ahao called me to inform me that he has already communicated with the people from Damao Country. You can take a plane to Prague Airport. People from Damao Country will arrange a transport plane to wait for you in Prague."

The judge's voice came out from the receiver.

Although the national strength of Damao is not as good as before, the ideological confrontation has become more and more intense. People like Shen Qiu who hold passports from the British Hong Kong Government must use formal channels to enter Damao. , the procedure is very cumbersome.

As a window for the red camp to open to the outside world, residents of Hong Kong Island can enter Hungary without a visa, so the fastest way for Shen Qiu to reach Damao Country is just like what the judge just said.

After hearing the judge’s words After these words, Shen Qiu suddenly woke up. Song Zihao and Mark had been staying in Damao Country for almost a month, and finally the good news came back.

"Okay, you inform Ahao that I will take the plane to Prague tomorrow and ask them to arrange the transport plane. I will rush to Damao Country as quickly as possible. Shen

Qiu said immediately

"Okay, Brother Qiu, I'll notify Ah Hao and the others right away."

The judge immediately replied


Shen Qiu hung up the phone after humming, and then immediately dialed Zhang Hua's number.

"Ah Hua, let Dong Weiguo choose some European-style valuables from the last batch of antiques, preferably from Russia. I want them in the morning."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said immediately.

This time, he went to Damao Country for the great harvest. As long as aircraft carriers, frigates, destroyers, and submarines could be copied, he would copy them to his own shipyard..

It is a pity that the mercenaries trained by Wang Jianjun in Jinshanjiao have just been sent to the battlefields of Lao Burma, Luzon and a few African countries. It will take some time to unlock the tank factory and aircraft factory. By then Shen Qiu still needs to make another trip to Damao Country

"Okay, Brother Qiu, I'll arrange it right away"

"In addition, help me book seven more plane tickets to Prague tomorrow. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

This time he went to Damao Country and planned to bring several characters from the Cobra Special Forces he had just summoned. These people are all ghosts. They can not only hide around themselves to protect themselves, but also do some things. , something that he, Song Zihao, and Mark were inconvenient for Chinese people to do.

The next day, Shen Qiu took the Baroness, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Heavy Cannon, the Duke and others on an international flight to Prague in Europe.

In Shen Qiu On the same day they left Hong Kong Island, several officers from the Amilika Delta Special Forces also came to Hong Kong Island. As soon as they walked out of the aircraft factory, several police officers from the Hong Kong Political Department greeted them and smiled at them. A Delta Force officer said:"Colonel Thomas, we are police officers from the Political Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Our Minister Xia Junxian is waiting for you in his office. Please come with me.""

The strong ghost guy at the head glanced at the ghost guy from the Political Department, did not speak, just nodded slightly, then got into the car driven by the ghost guy from the Political Department, and quickly left Kai Tak Airport.

20 Minutes later, three cars slowly drove into the underground parking lot of a building.

On Hong Kong Island, no one could have imagined that the famous Political Department headquarters would be hidden in the headquarters building of Li Bancheng Changjiang Group.

Soon, Delta Special Colonel Thomas from the army met Xia Junxian, the director of the Political Department of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hello, Colonel Thomas."

In front of this American colonel named Thomas, Xia Junxian completely put away his British aristocratic arrogance and took the initiative to say hello.

"Xia Junxian, Qiao from your MI7 told me that no matter what we want to do as 947 on Hong Kong Island, your Political Department can help us. Thomas ignored Xia Junxian's greetings and said calmly.

The Political Department of the Hong Kong Island Police takes orders directly from the Hong Kong Governor on Hong Kong Island. In the UK, the person who manages the Political Department is not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Scotland Yard, but MI7.

Also It was precisely because the chief of MI7 greeted Xia Junxian that the always proud Minister of Political Affairs lowered his stance.

"I don’t know, Colonel Thomas, you just arrived, what are you doing?"

Xia Junxian put away his enthusiasm and asked calmly.

He knew very well that the colonel of the Delta Special Forces in front of him was not only a colonel, he was also a commander of the CIA task force.

"20 days ago, two teams of my men were wiped out by the Hong Kong Island Police. The leader of the team was said to be a Chinese named Shen Qiu? Thomas asked calmly.

After hearing Thomas's question, Xia Junxian's eyes flashed with joy. He was racking his brains, thinking about how to deal with Shen Qiu, but he didn't expect that these people from the Delta Special Forces were also watching. Fuck Shen Qiu

"Yes, Colonel Thomas, are you ready?"

Xia Junxian asked knowingly

"Xia Junxian, help me collect intelligence. When we find an opportunity, we will take action to kill this Shen Qiu. Our Delta Force has never suffered such a heavy loss. This Shen Qiu will definitely die."[]

Thomas said coldly

"Don't worry, Colonel Thomas, our political department will fully cooperate with your actions and help you kill that Shen Qiu."

Xia Junxian's face barely showed a smile.

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