After meeting Thomas from the Delta Force, Xia Junxian picked up the phone receiver on his desk and dialed a number

"My name is Xia Junxian, and I want to meet Kuang Zhili tonight."

After the call was connected, Xia Junxian said calmly.

After knowing that the Delta Special Forces would take action against Shen Qiu, Xia Junxian decided to strike while the iron was hot and dismantle the local faction of the police force in one fell swoop, or in other words, control the local faction of the police force.

That day In the evening, Kuang Zhili was chatting with his fiancée Qiao Dali

"Albert, I have a friend who wants to visit you tonight. Qiao

Dali said to Kuang Zhili with a smile.

"You have so many friends, who is it?"

Kwong Chi-li knows that his fiancée is a barrister and has connections with many upper-class people on Hong Kong Island. He does not exclude contact with his fiancée's friends, which is also very beneficial to his career.

"You'll know when he comes later. Qiao

Dali said with a smile.

Naturally, she would not tell Kuang Zhili that she had been recruited by MI7 when she was studying in the UK. After graduating from university, through the relationship of MI7, she successfully became a barrister and then returned to She went to Hong Kong Island to join the Political Department.

By chance, Qiao Dali met Kuang Zhili, who was studying for a master's degree in law. The two soon fell in love and became lovers.

"So mysterious?"

Kuang Zhili asked with a smile.

Ding dong~ ding dong~

Just at this moment, the doorbell rang.

"My friend is here. Qiao

Dali said with a smile, and then stood up to open the door. Kuang Zhili also followed behind his fiancée, preparing to welcome the guest together.

However, when Kuang Zhili saw the person coming, he was stunned.

Because the person coming was political. Minister, Xia Junxian

"Sir Kuang, why are you so surprised to see me?"

Xia Junxian looked at Kuang Zhili who was in a daze and said calmly.

"Minister Xia, what can you do?"

Kuang Zhili's eyes flashed with vigilance, and he took a deep look at his fiancée.

If he still can't tell that his fiancée is from the Political Department, then he has been in the police force for so many years.

At this moment , Kuang Zhili was shocked and frightened. What was shocking was that the woman he had been sleeping with for several years was actually from the Political Department. What was scary was that he was almost defenseless against Qiao Dali. This woman knew many of his secrets.

"Sir Kwong, don't be nervous, I just want to chat with you."

Xia Junxian sat directly on the sofa, as if this was his home.

Strictly speaking, this is indeed Xia Junxian's home, because this house was provided to Qiao Dali by the Political Department. In this house, the Political Department installed countless bugs and heard many things about Kuang Zhili and the local people. The secret of pie

"Minister Xia, what do you want to talk to me about? Kuang

Zhili said slowly with serious eyes.

"I want to promote you as the leader of the local faction of the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Xia

Junxian's words directly caused Kuang Zhili's expression to change:"Mr. Xia, this joke you made is not funny at all.""

"Sir Kwong, I never joke with others. Xia

Junxian said calmly.

Then, without waiting for Kuang Zhili to speak, Xia Junxian continued:"Sir Kuang, Shen Qiu will die in two months at most, and Li Wenbin will be arrested by ICAC. At that time, you can lead the local people to cause trouble. The top brass of the police force will take advantage of the situation and promote you to the director of the operations department. At that time, you will naturally become the leader of the local faction."

"By the way, the reason why ICAC arrested Li Wenbin was handled by you. O recorded the incident of making false accounts and paying allowances to undercover agents."

Xia Junxian, the old man, is here with a leisurely look on his face. Apparently, he has already made up his mind about Kuang Zhili.


After hearing Xia Junxian's words, Kuang Zhili's face became very ugly.

As Li Wenbin's appointed successor and Li Wenbin's most trusted confidant, when Li Wenbin served as the commander-in-chief of O Ji, he, Kuang Zhili, helped seven O Ji undercover agents change their names and send them to live abroad. Give them subsidies, and this money is all money saved by O Ji by making false accounts.

The annual amount is a huge 3 million Hong Kong dollars. According to the provisions of the Hong Kong Civil Service Integrity Ordinance, it is enough for him, Kwong Zhili, and the chief executive Li Wenbin who led the matter to be invited by the ICA to drink New Year coffee.

Kuang Zhili knew very well that no matter how Xia Junxian knew about this, he had no choice now.

"Minister Xia, if Sir Li knew about this, he would definitely suspect that I betrayed him. As long as the news about him gets out, it is impossible for me to take over his job."

Kuang Zhili shook his head and said. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He said this not to reject Xia Junxian, but to ask Xia Junxian to promise that this matter will not involve him. Kuang Zhili

"Sir Kuang, don't worry, Li Wenbin secretly supports the undercover people, not just those O Ji, we have dug out his other lines through your line. As long as you cooperate with our political department, you will never be exposed."

Xia Junxian said slowly

"Okay, Minister Xia, I promise you."

Kwong Chi-li pondered for a long time before nodding in response.

He has been working in the police force for fifteen years. He has devoted all his youth to the police force. Kuang Chi-li will never allow his career to end here, not to mention that in Hong Kong Island, there is no shame in defecting to a ghost

"Sir Kwong, you are very motivated. The University of Hong Kong should soon approve your master's degree application. By then, you will be the one with the highest academic qualifications among the director-level police officers in the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force, and your future is limitless."

After Xia Junxian said this calmly, he left Kuang Zhili's house directly.

"`Albert, I am actually doing this for your own good. Hong Kong Island is still a place where the British are in charge. If you work with the British, your future will be better than if you work with Li Wenbin.……"

"Okay, Delly, I get it, I'm tired, leave me alone for a while."

After Kuang Zhili said these words, he walked into the second bedroom and closed the door.

Obviously, although he agreed to change his family, he did not forgive Qiao Delly for deceiving him.


Qiao Daili looked at the door of the second bedroom with a glint in her eyes, and then pretended that nothing happened and returned to the master bedroom.

Obviously, this woman has no feelings for Kuang Zhili.[]

The next day, Prague International Airport.

Shen Qiu took two women, four men, and six ghost bodyguards with him. As soon as he walked out of the airport, he saw a typical Slavic man holding a sign with Shen written on it. He was obviously the one who came to pick up Shen Qiu.

"My name is Shen Qiu, take me to meet Song Zihao and Mark."

Shen Qiu walked to the side of this Slavic man and said lightly.

"Mr. Shen, please come with me."

The strong Slavic man glanced at Shen Qiu and the several bodyguards behind him, and then took them into several Volga cars and arrived at a military airport on the outskirts of Prague.

Here, Shen Qiu has seen him for almost a year Song Zihao and Mark, who had not met before, hooked up.

"Brother Qiu!"

"Brother Qiu!"

After seeing Shen Qiu, Song Zihao and Mark immediately came up to greet Shen Qiu.

"Ah Hao, Mark, time is precious, let’s set off now to Damao Country."

After exchanging a few words with Song Zihao and Mark, Shen Qiu couldn't wait to board a military transport plane and headed for Damao Country.

Now for Shen Qiu's power in Southeast Asia, a few guns and cannons are of little use..

If you want to influence this entire region, you must have strong ships and cannons, and you must have the powerful strength to crush the monkey countries in Southeast Asia. At present, only the Damao Kingdom can give Shen Qiu the strength to achieve all this.

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