"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"


When Shen Qiu walked into the police headquarters building, people greeted Shen Qiu along the way.

Shen Qiu is now as well-known in the police force as Police Commissioner Han Yili. There may even be more police officers who know Shen Qiu than Han Yili.

Shen Qiu was also very kind and everyone nodded in return.

"Sir Shen!"

"Sir Shen!"

When Shen Qiu arrived at Mr. O's office area on the 9th floor, the two senior superintendents of Mr. O, Ruan Baodong and Lu Junguo, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately came up to him and said hello to Shen Qiu.

Then, members of Mr. O's 4th case handling team Superintendent 4 also followed closely to say hello to Shen Qiu.

The structure of the O Ji headquarters is actually very similar to that of the police headquarters. There are two senior superintendents under the Chief Superintendent as deputies. The entire O Ji has 4 investigation teams, led by police officers. Division serves as the team leader.

There are several teams under each investigation team, and the chief inspector serves as the commander.

However, a police officer at the level of the chief inspector is not qualified to wait at the door to greet Shen Qiu.

"Sir Ruan and Sir Lu, from now on we will all be brothers in the trenches, so don’t be so polite."

Whether it is Ruan Baodong, Lu Junguo, or Superintendent 4, they have actually visited Shen Qiu at home, so they are already very familiar with each other.

"Sir Shen, you are here as Chief O. Your face is our O’s face, so you must not be careless."

Ruan Baodong is obviously very good at talking. His words not only praised Shen Qiu, but also gave rationality to their actions.

"I would like to inform you that tonight, I will be the host at the Cointreau Hotel and I will treat all the staff to dinner. I will trouble you in the future. Shen

Qiu said with a smile.

"Okay, Sir Shen, I'll notify you right away. Ruan

Baodong said with a smile.

"Also, have you done what I told you before?"

After exchanging a few words, Shen Qiu brought the topic back to work.

"Sir Shen, it has been arranged that the leaders of the four societies, Xinji, Number Gang, Hongxing, and Liansheng, will come to us to record at one o'clock in the morning."

When Shen Qiu was suspended, he arranged for Lu Junguo and Ruan Baodong to find the leaders of the only four clubs in Hong Kong on the first day after he officially started work. Shen Qiu wanted to have a good chat with them..

O Ji is Li Wenbin’s iron plate. Shen Qiu is not interested in reforming this department, but Shen Qiu is very interested in using O Ji’s authority to reform the Hong Kong underworld.

"Well, after they arrive, arrange for them to wait for me in the conference room. I will go and chat with Sir Li first. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"yes, sir! Ruan

Baodong and Lu Junguo immediately nodded in response after hearing Shen Qiu's order.

Ten minutes later, Shen Qiu came to the office door of Li Wenbin, director of the Criminal and Security Department, knocked on the door, and said with a smile:" Sir Li, it’s me"

"Ah Qiu, please come in."

Li Wenbin's voice came from the office.

When Shen Qiu opened the door, he saw Li Wenbin and Kuang Zhili, who was sitting diagonally across from Li Wenbin.

"Sir Li, Sir Kwong. Shen

Qiu greeted the two of them with a smile.

After seeing Shen Qiu, Kuang Zhili's face darkened slightly, and he forced out a smile:"Sir Shen, I'll go first, and you and Sir Li can chat slowly.""

After that, Kuang Zhili didn't wait for Shen Qiu's reply. After standing up, he left Li Wenbin's office.

"Sir Li, it seems that Sir Kuang has a strong opinion of me."

Shen Qiu sat down opposite Li Wenbin and said with a smile.

"Ah Qiu, please understand!"

"You are good at everything, but you are too young. When you become the Commissioner of Police, you will most likely have to serve for two terms. For a full 10 years, you can succeed Sir Kuang, but Sir Kuang cannot succeed you."

Li Wenbin sighed softly.

This month, he had talked with Kuang Zhili many times, but the results were very poor. Although Kuang Zhili did not have any complaints about Shen Qiu on the surface, he had been with Li Wenbin for so many years, and Li Wenbin could see it at a glance. When he came out, Kuang Zhili was very unconvinced. If he was not convinced, Shen Qiu could overtake in a corner.

The most important thing is that Shen Qiu is now in a trend. If it were before, Li Wenbin could suppress Shen Qiu and let him wait for 5 years, but now The situation is completely different.

Chen Zhijie, Raymond and Shen Qiu all have a good relationship. In addition, many young police officers in the police force have a sense of admiration for Shen Qiu. Now even if Li Wenbin wants to suppress Shen Qiu, he is already The difficulties were overwhelming and he was beyond his capabilities.

Therefore, he could only pinch his nose, accept the trap set by the ghost guy for him Li Wenbin, and train Shen Qiu as his successor Li Wenbin.

"Sir Li, how about I give up for one term?"

Shen Qiu said this deliberately

"Brat, are you teasing me?"

Li Wenbin laughed and cursed, and then continued:"I can only hope that Sir Kuang can figure it out. After saying these somewhat emotional words, Li Wenbin looked at Shen Qiu and continued to ask:"Sir Shen, why did you come to see me?""

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"After a month's rest, I came to work on my first day and met my old boss. Shen

Qiu replied with a smile.

"Stop talking to me about this and tell me what you have to say."

Li Wenbin glanced at Shen Qiu and said lightly

"Sir Li, I am going to set some rules for the Hong Kong underworld and report them to you in advance."

Shen Qiu said with a smile.

"What rules should be established?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Wenbin's eyes moved slightly and he asked

"Very simple, from now on……"

Shen Qiu explained the rules he had already thought of to Li Wenbin in detail.


After listening to Shen Qiu's rules, Li Wenbin pondered for more than ten seconds before nodding and saying:"Aqiu, if this thing is done, it will only bring benefits and no harm to Hong Kong Island. If you go ahead and do it, I will give my full support." you"

"Okay, Sir Li, with your nod, I can boldly go for it, hahaha."

Shen Qiu laughed and said

"Ah Qiu, you kid is too muchMing and Ji Ji are all our own, there is no need to be so cautious."

Li Wenbin then realized that Shen Qiu came to him specifically to report on his work. He was not really reporting on his work, but wanted to inform Li Wenbin that in the future, he, Shen Qiu, would use it to cause trouble.

"Sir Li, this is called respecting the officer, let’s go."

Shen Qiu smiled slightly, then stood up and left Li Wenbin's office.

Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Li Wenbin smiled and shook his head. Before, he had been struggling with who should be his successor, Shen Qiu or Kuang Zhili, but after Gui Lao After helping him make a choice, Li Wenbin became more and more satisfied with Shen Qiu. He believed that even if Li Wenbin retired, Shen Qiu could support the local faction.

Immediately, Li Wenbin thought of Kuang Zhili again, thinking of his former The proud disciple couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart, and at the same time decided to have a good talk with Kuang Zhili in the next two days to untie his knot. On the other hand, after Shen Qiu returned to the O Ji office area, Lu Junguo immediately greeted him He came up and whispered:"Sir Shen, the people from Liansheng, Xinji, Number Gang, and Hongxing have arrived and are waiting for you in the conference room."[]

"OK, take me to the conference room."

Chen Qiu nodded slightly and said calmly.

Today, he will let all the gangs in Hong Kong know that from now on, his rules, Shen Qiu, are the iron rules that all gangs in Hong Kong must abide by.!.

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