Police headquarters building, O's office, conference room.

Number gang leader Hu Yong, Xinji leader Xu Huayan, and Liansheng uncle Deng Wei sat together, while Gao Jin sat in a corner of the conference room, isolated by the other three, which also made the atmosphere in the conference room very heavy.

Relying on the power of destroying Dongxing Society, Gao Jin completely eliminated all the forces that opposed him in Hongxing and became the de facto leader of Hongxing.

After completely digesting Eastern Star's territory and Lian Sheng's territory in Tsuen Wan, Hong Hing has become the de facto largest society in Hong Kong Island.

This also caused Gao Jin to be jointly excluded by the other three societies. Hongxing Society had many conflicts with the Number Gang, Xinji, and Liansheng, and there was a possibility of a war at any time.

Just then: a creak~ the sound of opening the door broke the heavy atmosphere in the conference room

"Superintendent Shen!"Superintendent Shen!""

"Superintendent Shen!"Superintendent Shen!""

After seeing that the person who walked in was Shen Qiu, Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, and Gao Jin"377" immediately stood up and said hello to Shen Qiu. Let alone

Shen Qiu's previous dealings with the Hong Kong community Biao Bing With Shen Qiu's current status, Hu Yong, Xu Huayan and others must also maintain enough respect for Shen Qiu.

"We are all old acquaintances, why are you so polite? All sit down."

Shen Qiu pressed his hand and motioned for the four of them to sit down.

"Superintendent Shen, I wonder what your orders were when you asked us to come here?"

After sitting down, Deng Wei, the oldest among the four, was the first to speak and asked with a smile.

"Everyone, you should all know that O Ji is a department created to manage associations like yours. Managing and restraining you well is my greatest contribution as the commander of O Ji."

"Today I asked a few of you to take some time out of your busy schedule to come here. The purpose is actually very simple. There are a few main things that I want to inform you of."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Superintendent Shen, please speak."

Deng Wei asked slowly.

"First, from now on, large-scale fights between associations will not be allowed on Hong Kong Island;"

"Second, it’s your job to make money, but don’t cross the line. If someone sues me, don’t blame me for not giving you face;"

"Third, if there are big gangs or other out-of-town gangs causing trouble on Hong Kong Island, you are obliged to cooperate with our investigation."

Shen Qiu slowly spoke out his three conditions.

After hearing these conditions from Shen Qiu, except for Gao Jin, the faces of Hu Yong, Xu Huayan and Deng Wei all changed.

Shen Qiu's three conditions , instead of restraining them, they simply treat their societies like hunting dogs. They are not allowed to make trouble or make things big. If people from other families come to make trouble, they will help bite people. This is……

"What, you have different opinions? Shen

Qiu glanced at Hu Yong, Xu Huayan and Deng Wei and asked with a smile.

"Superintendent Shen, it stands to reason that you have just taken over as the commander-in-chief of O Ji. We, the people, have to give you face no matter what."

This time, it was Xu Huayan who spoke:"But, Superintendent Shen, these three conditions of yours are really……"

At this point, Xu Huayan paused for a moment, glanced at Shen Qiu's face, which was still calm, and then continued:"Those of us who come out to hang out are actually doing it for money. If we can avoid fighting, it will naturally be better for us, but the tree is big There are dead branches. Our Xinji alone has 20,000 members, Hongxing also has more than 20,000, the number gang has almost 30,000, and Lian Sheng has 50,000. How can we guarantee such a large number of members? There will be a few criminals"

"In addition, Superintendent Shen, you should also know that the gang of big circle boys always run away when they are done. It is difficult for your police force to catch them, let alone those of us who come out to fool around."

"Superintendent Shen, it’s not that we don’t give you face, it’s that we really can’t meet these conditions."

Xu Huayan slowly spoke out his difficulties.

"Is that what you mean too?"

After Xu Huayan's words fell, Shen Qiu looked at Hu Yong, Deng Wei, and Gao Jin, and asked lightly.

Hu Yong and Deng Wei, the two old tricksters, did not speak, but nodded slightly, while Gao Jin also pretended , then nodded.

"OK, I am a very democratic person. Since you all have opinions, I will modify the conditions."

"There are so many people in your association that you can't control everyone. It does make sense. That's it. Whoever commits an offense should be handed over and let our police force handle it."

"When gangs from the big circle and other places come to cause trouble, you only need to provide us with clues, such as when they smuggled themselves to Hong Kong Island and when they left. I believe that there are more than 100,000 people in your 4 societies. There should be no problem in asking for this information. Bar?"

Shen Qiu modified his conditions very democratically. However, after hearing Shen Qiu's conditions, the faces of Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, and Deng Wei became even more ugly. In their view,

Shen Qiu's modification The two conditions are not as good as the original version.

Selling his brother? If other people in the club knew about this, even Xu Huayan, who said everything in Xinji, would be criticized, let alone Hu Yong and Deng Wei. They may be pulled down directly and expelled from the club.

As for betraying the big boys? Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, and Deng Wei are very relaxed. The big boys have a small burden to retaliate against the police, but they are very courageous to retaliate against the young and Dangerous boys. There have been so many times that if the big gangster comes to Hong Kong again, instead of robbing money and killing people, he will go directly to the homes of the three of them and shoot them to death indiscriminately....

After exchanging glances, it was Deng Wei who spoke:"Superintendent Shen, we……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"We at Hongxing have no objections and will fully cooperate with Superintendent Shen’s work."

Before Deng Wei finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gao Jin. This also made the faces of Hu Yong, Xu Huayan and Deng Wei change drastically once again.

"Deng Wei, what did you just want to say? Shen

Qiu asked with a warm smile on his face.

"Superintendent Shen, can you change the conditions? It’s okay to betray the big boy. It’s against the rules of the society to betray your brothers."

Deng Wei bit his dentures and said

"Deng Wei, your words reminded me that there is still one thing I haven’t said to you."

When Shen Qiu said this, the smile on his face suddenly faded. He stared at Deng Wei, Hu Yong, and Xu Huayan and said coldly:"Listen carefully, I don't care what rules your club has, as long as I, Shen Qiu, If you remember one day, you will tell me my rules"

"Superintendent Shen……"

As soon as Xu Huayan finished speaking, Shen Qiu interrupted him coldly:"Do you think our O is a vegetable market where we can still bargain? Listen clearly, I am here to inform you today, not to discuss with you!"

"If you can do these things, then you are good and I am good. If you can't do it, then you have to try our O Ji's methods to see if it is you, the dwarf mules, who have the toughest rules, or we, O Remember the rules!"

Shen Qiu stared at Xu Huayan, Hushu Yong, and Deng Wei with a frosty face, and said slowly word for word.

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, the expressions of Deng Wei, Hushu Yong, and Xu Huayan changed. It was even uglier than a dead mother, but none of the three people dared to shame Shen Qiu and left. They could only sit quietly on chair 1.2. It was neither a promise to Shen Qiu nor a refusal to agree to Shen Qiu. Unfortunately

, Shen Qiu wanted to set rules for them today. How could he let them go just because they didn't speak?

"Why, are you all mute? Or do you want to try to see if your club is stronger than Dongxing? Dongxing has been able to hold on for half a night, but you can hold on for an entire night?"[]

Shen Qiu looked at Deng Wei, Hu Huyong and Xu Huayan and said quietly

"Superintendent Shen, I understand what you mean. We at Xinji will fully cooperate with you!"

"Superintendent Shen, our gang will also fully cooperate with you!"

"Superintendent Shen, so are we and Lian Sheng."

After hearing Shen Qiu's clear threat, the eyes of Deng Wei, Hu Yong, and Xu Huayan trembled fiercely, and finally they chose to lower their heads in front of Shen Qiu.

"That's right, stay here at noon, I'll treat you to a lunch box, and see if the police box lunch is to your liking!"

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

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