Mong Kok, inside a detached house

"Ah Ji, I will leave Hong Kong Island by boat tonight to avoid the limelight. I trust you the most in the entire society. I will leave the public accounts of the society to you for the time being."

Wang Bao looked at Aji standing in front of him and said slowly

"Brother Bao, what are you doing?"

Hearing Wang Bao's words, Aji was a little confused.

"Shen Qiu is not a simple guy. I not only disobeyed him, but also killed the police and tainted witnesses. He will definitely take action."

Speaking of this, Wang Bao sighed deeply:"The man named Wang has too much evidence about me. If I don't kill him, I will be sentenced to at least ten years, even if I know that it will attract Shen Qiu. For that matter, I have to kill him too."

Obviously, Wang Bao wouldn't want to challenge Shen Qiu's majesty unless he had to.

"Brother Bao, those notes from the Hong Kong Police Force have no evidence and will detain you for a maximum of forty-eight hours."

Aji said.

"Haha, Ah Ji, if it were Chen Guozhong or other police officers, I would never leave, but Shen Qiu is different. He does things without evidence or rules."

"Chen Minhong, Luo Tuo and the others are the best examples."

Wang Bao said quietly, his face no longer had the domineering attitude he had before in Mong Kok after twelve o'clock in the evening.

After saying this, Wang Bao did not wait for Ah Ji to speak, and continued:"I have already informed the brothers who have joined the club. Keep a low profile during this period. No matter what Shen Qiu does to the Viper Gang, you must endure it. As long as the people and money are there, we will have a chance to make a comeback."

"Brother Bao, I……"

Aji never expected that Wang Bao, who used to be so arrogant in the past, would be so timid, even fearful, when he saw the man named Shen Qiu.

"Aji, you must keep my words in your heart."

Looking at the expression on Aji's face, Wang Bao knew that it would be useless to explain too much to Aji. Only those who have become the top leaders of the society will know how terrible Shen Qiu is.

"Okay, Brother Bao."

Even though he was very puzzled, Aji, who had long been accustomed to obeying Wang Bao's orders, still nodded and agreed.

But Wang Bao and Aji didn't know that just outside their room, a man with dyed blue hair The young man looked a little nervous, as if he was waiting for something.

The Viper Gang is also a front-line society on Hong Kong Island. It is very powerful in Mong Kok and Sham Shui Wad. Naturally, it is also a key observation target of the police force. Ten of them were sent to this society. There are several undercover agents, and this young man with blue hair is one of them. He has reported Wang Bao's current location to his superiors, and is now anxiously waiting for the police arresters to arrive.


Right here At that moment, the door of the independent house was knocked open with a loud bang.

But a few seconds later, the blue-haired young man saw heavily armed members of the special operations team appearing in front of him.

"Police, put your hands up, don't move.!"

The horse army leading the way shouted loudly.

Without any hesitation, the young man raised his hands and shouted loudly:"One of our own, Wang Bao is in the room."


After hearing the young man's words, the Ma Jun who led the team did not hesitate for a moment and directly contacted him. Several special operations team members beside him raised the door hammer and once again knocked open the door of the room in front of him.

Then, Ma Jun saw that there was no one in the room, except for an open window.

Seeing this scene, Ma Jun smiled slightly.

In order to capture Wang Bao, the special operations team dispatched more than a hundred members and had already surrounded this independent house.

Outside the independent house, after hearing the noise, Wang Bao and Aji immediately ran away from the window. As soon as their feet stepped on the road in the alley, a dozen heavily armed special operations team members surrounded them.

"Raise your hands, squat down!"

The leader, Chen Jiaju, shouted loudly.

Being pointed at by more than a dozen guns, even if Wang Bao and Aji were invincible behind them, they could only squat down obediently according to Chen Jiaju's order.

"Ah Ji, my car is parked at the entrance of the alley. Later we will join forces to kidnap a policeman, and then……"


Before Wang Bao could finish his words, he heard several gunshots, then he felt a pain in his body, and then a strong feeling of dizziness emerged in his mind. He turned to look at Chen Jiaju and others. People, their eyes were full of disbelief, as if they were saying, why don’t you guys practice martial ethics? We all squatted down and surrendered...

Then, Wang Bao and Aji both fainted and fell to the ground.

"Take them back to the police station."

Chen Jiaju said lightly.

Before the operation, Shen Qiu gave their special operations team a death order to capture Wang Bao alive. For safety reasons, they specially brought tranquilizer bombs to ensure that nothing went wrong.

After Ma Jun and Chen Jiaju arrested At the same time as Wang Bao, the other members of the special operations team, with the cooperation of the Mong Kok Police Station and the Criminal Intelligence Division, captured almost all the senior leaders and leaders of the Viper Gang back to the police station.

And all the middle and high-level leaders of the Viper Gang were After being captured by the police, the four clubs, Hongxing, Xinji, Number Gang, and Lian Sheng, were like sharks that smelled blood. They tore the leaderless Viper Gang into pieces and ate them bite by bite. (Watch the storm. For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That night, in the police headquarters building, in the Oji conference room

"Four of you, I'm sorry to bother you to come and visit us so late."

Shen Qiu looked at the four people Hu Xiyong, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei and Gao Jin in front of him and said with a smile.

"Sir Shen, if you have any orders, just tell me on the phone. We will do whatever we can."

Xu Huayan replied.

"It would be better to talk to you face to face about what I will ask you to do later, lest you say I am unfair. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"Sir Shen, just tell us what you need us to do."

Hu Xiuyong obviously had no interest in hearing Shen Qiu's accusation anymore and said directly

"You should know about Wang Bao, right? Shen

Qiu glanced at the people in front of him and said quietly.

"Sir Shen, Wang Bao's matter has nothing to do with us, and now that others have been caught by you, and the Viper Gang has been wiped out by your O-ji, what else do we need to do?"

Xu Huayan, Hu Huyong, and Deng Wei all looked at Shen Qiu with a trace of doubt in their eyes.

"On the first day after I took office, I told all the associations in Hong Kong about my rules. As a result, Wang Bao not only violated my rules, but also killed two policemen in public. He was only arrested and sentenced to a few years. , it’s not enough to wipe out the Viper Gang."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused for a moment, then looked at Xu Huayan, Hu Yong, Deng Wei, and Gao Jin, and slowly said word by word:"You four societies will draw lots, and the society that draws the dead lot will do something. Li, help me kill Wang Bao"[]


After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Xu Huayan, Huo Yong, and Deng Wei were stunned on the spot. They had been around for decades, and they had never heard anyone from the police force make such a request to them.

Let several of their societies draw lots of life and death to kill people?

Do you, Shen Qiu, really think that you are the boss, and that you use Number Gang, Xinji, and Lian Sheng as your subordinates?

"Why, if you don't want to draw lots, then I will directly designate a club to do the work, but the designated person should not say that I, Shen Qiu, am unfair."

Looking at the hesitation in the eyes of Xu Huayan, Hu Huyong and Deng Wei, Shen Qiu said lightly

"Sir Shen, you are a policeman. Isn't it bad to use this method?"

Deng Wei has lived for seventy years, but he never thought that one day, he, a young and dangerous boy, would persuade people to abide by the law, and he would also persuade a policeman to abide by the law.

"Deng Wei, are you teaching me how to do things now?"

Shen Qiu glanced at Deng Wei and said quietly

"Don't dare."

Deng Wei hurriedly shook his head and denied.

(Li Qian's) Viper Gang has been almost eaten by your four societies, and they want to get benefits from me, but they don't want to help me do things. Do you think I, Shen Qiu, am easy to talk to, or do you think I, Shen Qiu, have a good temper? Shen

Qiu's voice became colder and colder. He pointed to the door of the conference room nearby and said coldly:"Did you see it? The door of the conference room is right there. Those who are willing to draw lots can stay. Those who are not willing to draw lots can do it now." leave"


After hearing Shen Qiu's words, the faces of Xu Huayan, Hu Yong, and Deng Wei all became extremely ugly, but in the end, no one dared to leave the conference room.

"Since some of you have no objections, let’s start drawing lots."

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's originally cold face, and he spoke slowly, word by word.

A few minutes later

"Xu Huayan, it’s your fault tonight. Shen

Qiu looked at Xu Huayan, who had a gloomy face, and said with a smile.

Xu Huayan, who was in an extremely unhappy mood, did not speak, but nodded slightly.

However, whether it was Xu Huayan who was in an unhappy mood, or Hu Huayong, who was in a better mood, Deng Wei, they No one knew that from the very beginning of the treasure hunting operation, it was not the Wang Bao that was captured, but the Number Gang, Xinji and He Liansheng.……

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