Late at night, police headquarters

"Wang Bao, your lawyer is here to bail you out. You can leave now."

Wu Zai walked into the detention room and said to Wang Bao who was locked in the cell.

After becoming Chief Superintendent of O, Shen Qiu removed Wan Zai, Long Legs and others who were already senior inspectors from Yau Tsim Police. The anti-gangster team of the agency was transferred to work at the O Ji headquarters.


Hearing Wuzai's words, Wang Bao had a look of doubt on his face. He was shot by anesthesia bullets and fell into a coma. He didn't wake up until half an hour ago. As a result, the gang of police officers recorded by O didn't ask any questions or even see him. Then let him go.

After shaking his still dizzy head and pondering for a few seconds, Wang Bao's eyes flashed with fear.

At this moment, he thought of Dongxing Longtou Camel, who was killed by a gunman outside the police station. That guy Shen Qiu made such a big fight to capture Wang Bao, but apparently let him out so lightly, then... There is only one possibility, Shen Qiu wants him to die

"I want to see my lawyer!"

Wang Bao shouted immediately.

He doesn't dare to leave the police station now. He will at least wait until daytime tomorrow. When he arranges everything and ensures that he can survive, Wang Bao will not leave the police station.

"Your lawyer is waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor. You can leave now."

Wuzai opened the door of the cell while talking.

"I'm very dizzy now and I want to apply for hospital help."

Wang Bao made up his mind that Lai Yao should stay at the police station.

"Take 760 him out!"

Unfortunately, Wuzai had obviously been ordered by Shen Qiu to escort Wang Bao out of the police station.

As his voice fell, several uniformed police officers poured into the cell, trying to escort Wang Bao out of the cell.

"Today's car accident on Lin Cheung Road in Mong Kok was planned by me. I killed the two policemen and two tainted witnesses from the Mong Kok Police Station. I admit it!"

Wang Bao, who was as fat as a brown bear, shook off the control of several uniformed police officers and shouted at the policeman standing at the door of the cell.

After hearing Wang Bao's words, several The uniformed police officer who controlled him was confused. Is there anyone in this world who would confess on his own initiative in order not to leave the police station?

"What are you doing in a daze? Send him away from the police station!"

Yu Zai, however, seemed to have heard nothing and said loudly to several uniformed police officers. Then, he turned to the uniformed police officer guarding the room outside the detention room and shouted to a few more people to help. Seeing that he had not taken the initiative to confess. Wang Bao's heart was completely cold, and he finally shouted loudly:"I want to see Shen Qiu, please, let me see Shen Qiu."

At this moment, Wang Bao didn't have the arrogance of a gangster. Instead, he looked like a drowned dog, a drowned dog praying for a way out.

Wuzai looked at Wang Bao coldly and said lightly:"Who is Sir Shen? The dwarf mule can see you if you say you can?"

"As long as Sir Shen agrees to see me, I can (adaf) tell him a secret that will definitely satisfy him."

Wang Bao didn't care about anything else and shouted loudly.

"You'd better satisfy Sir Shen."

After hearing Wang Bao's words, Wuzai's eyes flashed, and then he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Sir Shen, it’s me, Wang Bao……"

The policeman repeated to Shen Qiu in detail what Wang Bao had just said.

"Okay, take Wang Bao to the interrogation room, and I'll have a chat with him."

On the other end of the phone, after hearing what the police said, Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

He originally wanted to scare Wang Bao and ask him to do things for him, but now he not only scared this guy, but also made one more for free. Secret.

Half an hour later.

Sitting on the iron chair, Wang Bao was feeling uneasy. After hearing the creaking sound of the door opening, he immediately looked towards the direction of the interrogation room door.

A young man caught his sight. Wang Bao He recognized at a glance that this young man was Shen Qiu.

"Sir Shen."

Wang Bao immediately took the initiative to say hello to Shen Qiu.

"Wang Bao, it's very late now. I'm not in the mood to chat with you. If you have any secrets, just tell me."

Chen Qiu walked up to Wang Bao and said lightly.

"Sir Shen, Jiang Tiansheng, the original leader of Hongxing, also has a younger brother named Jiang Tianyang. Recently, he has contacted me and said that he hopes that I can help him get back Hongxing from their Jiang family."

Wang Bao immediately said to Shen Qiu

"That's it?"

Shen Qiu glanced at Wang Bao and said lightly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sir Shen, everyone in Hong Kong knows that Gao Jin has a close relationship with you. Jiang Tianyang must also know that if he wants to get Hongxing back, he must first deal with you, Gao Jin's backer. He has been operating in Thailand for more than ten years, and The local warlord has a good relationship and it is very likely that he will hire a mercenary team to come to Hong Kong Island to assassinate you."

Wang Bao saw Shen Qiu's expression and quickly continued to speak.

Hearing Wang Bao's words, Shen Qiu's eyes also flashed with helplessness. This is why he wants to support Jimmy to control and Lian Sheng, and let Gao Jin do everything. Do it, and let Gao Jin get all the benefits, once or twice, maybe others haven't reacted yet, but after a lot of times, it's basically like giving Gao Jin a clear card. What they don't know is that Gao Jin and Shen Qiu are not It's just a cooperative relationship, but only Shen Qiu's order is followed

"Wang Bao, just this little information cannot save your life."

Shen Qiu said quietly

"Sir Shen, I can also do things for you like Gao Jin. I can help you lure Jiang Tianyang to Hong Kong Island so that you can solve this worry."

Wang Bao looked anxious as if he were trying to grasp the last straw.

"The people who are going to attack you tonight are people from the four major societies. Wang Bao, I can give you a night. You should understand what I mean, right? Shen

Qiu looked at Wang Bao and said slowly


Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Wang Bao was stunned for a moment, then a trace of thought flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes were full of shock.

At this time, Wang Bao has completely understood what Shen Qiu means. Shen Qiu wants to use his name to kill all the leaders of the four major societies in Hong Kong and change the underworld in Hong Kong. This...

Wang Bao is completely attracted by Shen Qiu. This plan shocked Shen Qiu, but if it had been anyone else, Wang Bao would have thought that person was crazy.

After a few minutes, Wang Bao came back to his senses. He looked at Shen Qiu, nodded heavily and said,"Sir Shen, I understand what you mean. Let me meet with my subordinate Aji, and I will arrange everything.""[]

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face, and then he turned and left the interrogation room.


Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Wang Bao's eyes were full of helplessness. He knew that what he did for Shen Qiu tonight would make his life very difficult in the future, but living hard is better than being miserable. Better to die.

At this time, he had no choice.

Half an hour later, Aji quietly left the police headquarters building with several of his men.

Then, another half hour later, Wang Bao walked out of the police headquarters building alone.

Looking at the gloomy night scene in front of him, sadness flashed through Wang Bao's heart. Then, he saw a car driving straight towards him, full of murderous intent. Even Wang Bao looked at it. When the gunman arrived in the car, the hand holding the pistol had reached to the car window.


Just when the car was about to pass Wang Bao, it seemed that someone shot out the front tire. The car flew into the air in front of Wang Bao and rolled several times on the road before stopping. Come down.


Just at this moment, a jeep stopped in front of Wang Bao


Tian Yangsheng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to Wang Bao and said.

Without any hesitation, Wang Bao opened the door of the jeep and got in. He understood that once he got in this car, he would be handing over his life to Shen Qiu was killed, but Wang Bao understood better that this was his only way to survive.

When passing by the overturned car, Wang Bao saw Tian Yangsheng sitting in the passenger seat casually throwing a grenade into the car. Inside the car, there was a loud bang.

"I used to think that I was a nobody, but today I realized how ridiculous I used to be."

At this moment, Wang Bao's face was full of a self-deprecating smile.

One word can force him to kill someone, one word can determine the fate of the gangster, and one word can plunge the Hong Kong underworld into chaos. This is the real truth. A big man can turn the clouds with one hand! Cover the rain with the other!.

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