Late at night, in the East District of Hong Kong Island, in the villa area of ​​Brammar Hill.

In addition to the top villa areas on Hong Kong Island such as Victoria Peak, Kadoorie Hill, and Repulse Bay, the next tier is the BMW Hill villas. The villas on the top of the mountain can even see the Victoria Strait, although the night view of the coast in the Eastern District is not comparable to that of Central or Tsim Sha Tsui. Than, but still brightly lit.

Generally speaking, the people who live here are not as rich as those in the top villa areas, but they are richer than the people in the Kowloon Tong villa area. They belong to the class between the rich and the wealthy, and Xu Huayan, the leader of Xinji, lives here.

"Second Master, don’t worry, I’m hiring a veteran this time, so there’ll be no problem."

The speaker's name is Ling Sheng. He is Xu Huayan's right-hand man and the chief steward of Xinji.

Because he is the second eldest brother among his brothers in the family, the old man in Xinji is usually called Mr. Xu Huayan.

"What I'm worried about is not whether I can kill Wang Bao, but what kind of tricks that kid Shen Qiu is playing. He is obviously a policeman, and his methods are more ruthless than those of us in the community, especially since he can let Gao Jin kill him for him. Wang Bao, why are you still playing the lottery game? Force these three societies to take action?"

When Xu Huayan was 22 years old, his father Xu Qian was deported by the British Hong Kong government. At that time, he had not graduated from college and was appointed to take over Xinji. At that time, many people in Hong Kong thought that he could not hold on to Xinji. As a result, he not only held on Xinji has developed Xinji into the top society in Hong Kong on par with the Number Gang. Such people~ are certainly not stupid.

"Perhaps Shen Qiu wants to establish his authority. The four major associations in Hong Kong must obey his orders. Whoever he wants to kill can be arranged to draw lots, and the four major associations will help him. As Mr. O, Mr. Command more power-wind."

After Ling Sheng pondered for a moment, he spoke and replied.

"Ah Sheng, if you think so about Shen Qiu, you are totally wrong. This young man is the most thoughtful and ruthless young man I have ever seen. He is definitely not doing this to show his prestige."

Xu Huayan shook his head slightly and said lightly.


At this moment, Xu Huayan's villa suddenly lost power, and the whole villa instantly fell into darkness.

"Ah Kun, go see what's going on."

Xu Huayan said lightly

"Okay, Second Master."

A man's voice sounded, followed by the sound of footsteps walking away.

Then, the man named A Kun seemed to have evaporated, and there was no more movement.

"Second Master, something is wrong."

Feeling the silence in the villa, Ling Sheng's face became a little ugly, and he whispered to Xu Huayan.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared behind Xu Huayan, and then, a cold light flashed, and Xu Huayan only felt a pain on his neck. Cool, then streams of hot blood spurt out

"Second Master, you……"

Before Ling Sheng finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his waist. A dagger was inserted deeply into his waist, and then the dagger was like a blender, stirring his waist violently several times.

In just a few seconds, Ling Sheng felt that all the strength in his body seemed to be drained away. He leaned weakly on the sofa, breathing heavily, and looked at Xu Huayan with dark eyes in front of him, who was covering his neck and desperately trying to save himself.

Soon, Xinji's leader and the butler were like two dead dogs. One fell on the sofa and the other fell on the ground. They both died with their eyes open.

At the same time, in an old apartment building in Sham Shui Wad.

The fat Deng Wei was also lying on his bed at the moment, and the entire bed was soaked with blood from his wounds.

In an independent house in Wan Chai, like Lian Sheng's leader Chui Ji and Deng Wei, he died on his bed, and the whole bed was soaked with his blood.

On the other side, in a bathhouse in Tsim Sha Tsui

"Lao Ding, according to your instructions, we have given up all the territory of the Viper Gang in Mong Kok."

Hongguan Xirong, whose number is Yizidui, walked up to Bearded Yong who was taking a bath in the bathtub and whispered.


Xiao Yong closed his eyes and nodded.

"Lao Ding, some brothers are not sure about your intentions and they have some opinions."

Xirong hesitated again and again before asking this question.

He also didn't understand why he had to spit out the meat that he had already eaten.

"Who has an opinion?"

Xiao Yong opened his eyes and asked calmly.

"Some brothers, I don’t know who they are."

Xi Rong saw Hu Yong open his eyes and look at him, his heart trembled slightly, and he quickly lowered his head and said

"snort! If anyone has an opinion, let him or her tell me in person."

Xiao Yong snorted coldly, and then closed his eyes again.

He didn't bother to explain to Xi Rong that the territory of the Viper Gang was poison fed by Shen Qiu to the Number Gang. If he didn't want to be poisoned, he had to spit it out.

"Okay, old man."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Husband Yong's appearance, Xirong naturally did not dare to ask any more questions and was about to turn around and leave immediately.

However, just after Xirong turned around, a familiar figure appeared, Appeared in his sight:"Douglas Fir, why are you here! Xi

Rong looked at a man wearing a white vest not far away and shouted sternly

"what happened?"

Xiao Yong opened his eyes again

"Lao Ding, Douglas Fir is the red stick of the Viper Gang, he……"

Before Xi Rong finished speaking, he saw Douglas Fir and several strong men behind him pulling out daggers and running towards him and Hu Yong.

"Protect the old man! Xi

Rong shouted loudly

"Take it easy, Seirong."

Compared with the nervous Xi Rong, Hu Yong is unusually calm and has a boss-like demeanor.

Since witnessing the explosion that killed Lin Dayue at the Peninsula Hotel more than a year ago, Hu Yong has to bring 8 people with him every time he goes out. Each of the bodyguards had the skills of a red stick, and he was very reassured about his own safety.


Xu Yong looked at his eight bodyguards in astonishment, as if they were being chopped into pieces. Kill the man with a cold face

"You are definitely not from Wang Bao, who are you!"

Hu Hu Yong glared at Tian Yangsheng in front of him and shouted sternly.

"Beard Yong, if you kill Brother Bao, we will kill you!"

Douglas Fir is obviously a good actor. He roared, and almost half of the bathing city heard this sentence. At the same time, Tian Yangsheng came to Bearded Yong almost like a cheetah in the blink of an eye. In front of him, he fiercely inserted the dagger into his chest.

"Who are you...whose person, let me be clear...ghost!"

Hu Ziyong used his last strength to grab Tian Yangsheng's hand that was about to pull out the dagger, and asked feebly.

However, Tian Yangsheng just pushed, and then quickly left with Douglas Fir and others, leaving only Hu Ziyong to fall. In a pool of blood, dying with eyes closed...

At the same time, in an independent house in Causeway Bay.

A loud bang woke up half of Causeway Bay.

Then, an ambulance arrived and pulled the dying Gao Jin away. They went to the hospital for rescue.

That night, the entire Hong Kong underworld was in complete chaos.

The leaders or people in power of the four major societies, Xin Ji, Number Gang, He Lian Sheng, and Hong Xing, were dead or seriously injured. These four news , just like four atomic bombs, the entire Hong Kong underworld was blown up.

Everyone knew that the world of the Hong Kong underworld was about to change.

At this moment, in the police headquarters building, in the office of O[]

"Sir Ruan and Sir Lu, notify all the O reporters and anti-gangster groups in all regions and divisions on Hong Kong Island to mobilize and join forces with the PTU and EU in the police area to suppress those dwarf mules."

Shen Qiu looked at Ruan Baodong and Lu Junguo standing in front of him and said slowly

"yes, sir! Ruan

Baodong and Lu Junguo immediately responded.

Then Ruan Baodong immediately asked:"Sir Shen, these short mules, we can all go out to suppress them for a while tonight, but we cannot go out to suppress them every day. They are dead. There will definitely be trouble"

"Sir Ruan, you are right, so I want to get them all at once."

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly yes...

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