On the day when Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, Chuiji and others died, thousands of O journalists、PTU.The EU police officers were dispatched and finally spent the night safely. The police also issued a wanted order for Wang Bao, Aji, Douglas Firth and others from the Viper Gang, and the deaths of Hu Yong, Xu Huayan and others were put to rest. On the heads of these people.

This point has also been recognized by most members of the Number Gang, Xinji, and Lian Sheng. After all, there were dozens of witnesses when Douglas Firth killed Hu Xiuyong in Bathing City.

The Viper Gang's territory was divided between Xinji, Number Gang, Hongxing, and Lian Sheng. Huzi Yong was killed by Wang Bao's men, and the other few people were naturally killed by Wang Bao's men.

And this is the greatest value of Wang Bao.

The next morning, Portland Street, an ice room

"Damn it, the boss wants you to choose this time."

Zhang Hua looked at Jimmy sitting opposite him and said calmly.

With Shen Qiu's support, Jimmy went from Changping Street to Portland Street in just a few months. Not only that, his big boss Guan Zisen died due to a drug overdose, which allowed"Seven Eight Three" Jimmy to successfully take over his position as the boss and become the heir to the dragon root force, with the qualifications to run for election and win the title of leader.

"I have just inherited my position as the boss, and I am afraid that my uncles in the club will say that I am not qualified enough."

A trace of worry flashed in Jimmy's eyes.

At this time, he was completely impressed by Zhang Hua's strength and had no dissatisfaction.

"That's your qualifications."

As Zhang Hua spoke, he placed an HSBC check with a series of numbers written on it in front of Jimmy, and said at the same time:"He Liansheng's elders will have 12 members. Now that Deng Wei is dead, there are only 11. members, each giving them 1 million Hong Kong dollars to buy their votes."

Hearing Zhang Hua's words, Jimmy's eyes showed that this is okay.

"Those of you who come out are all here for money. Give them the money and then promise them that during the two years you are in office, not only will you not charge a dime for their business, but you will also help them expand their business."

Zhang Hua said lightly


Jimmy nodded slightly.

"Just do the work and don’t let your boss down."

Zhang Hua said faintly.

When he heard Zhang Hua's words, Jimmy's eyes condensed and he nodded very solemnly. Jimmy was now in awe and fear of that mysterious boss. He didn't dare to think that if Zhang Hua Boss Hua was disappointed with himself. What consequences would he have?

At the same time, a Mercedes-Benz stopped at the entrance of the Peninsula Hotel. Then, Xu Huaqiang, the youngest of the thirteen brothers of the Xinji Xu family, quickly got out of the car and walked away. Entering the Peninsula Hotel.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Xu Huaqiang walked into a sea view suite on the 10th floor. He looked at the upright figure standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, seemingly admiring the sea view, and respectfully shouted:"Shen sir."

Hearing Xu Huaqiang's greeting, Shen Qiu turned around and looked at Xu Huaqiang, who was thirty-nine years old and was running a film company with his thirteenth brother Xu Huasheng. He smiled and said:"Mr. Xu is here, please. sit"

"Sir Shen is too polite. Just call me Lao Shi or Huaqiang."

Faced with the man in front of him who was one step younger than himself, Xu Huaqiang did not dare to be too boastful at all and said cautiously.

After all, the man in front of him has been recognized as the most powerful and toughest Mr. O in the history of Hong Kong Island. Commander, not to mention Xu Huaqiang, but also to the entire Xinji club, Shen Qiu cannot be provoked.

"Huaqiang, it’s good that you are self-aware."

Shen Qiu sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at Xu Huaqiang who was standing carefully, and said with a smile.

Then, before Xu Huaqiang could speak, Shen Qiu continued:"Do you know what I was looking at just now?"

"Please speak clearly to Sir Shen."

Xu Huaqiang shook his head and said

"Come here, stand here and take a look."

Shen Qiu waved to Xu Huaqiang and motioned for him to stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Xu Huaqiang followed Shen Qiu's instructions and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows. What caught his sight was the cityscape of Hong Kong Island on both sides of the Victoria Strait, especially the crowds in Central. Rows of high-rise buildings

"Huaqiang, only by standing high can you stand far. Now I let you stand here, how do you feel? Shen

Qiu looked at Xu Huaqiang standing in front of him and asked with a smile.


After hearing Shen Qiu's question, Xu Huaqiang's expression changed slightly. He instantly understood what Shen Qiu meant. After a brief shock, he turned to look at Shen Qiu and said with some stuttering:"Sir Shen, maybe you I don’t know, I have basically never participated in the club’s business. The club’s business has always been taken care of by my second, third, fifth and seventh brothers."

Xu Huaqiang’s meaning is very simple. He is not strong enough.

"Simple, I will help you lock up Xu Huarong, Xu Huaguang, and Xu Huabo, so that the people in Xinji can only choose you as the leader. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"Sir Shen, why me?"

Xu Huaqiang asked curiously

"Because you must rely on me to secure your position as the leader of Xinji."

Shen Qiu said bluntly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Xu Huaqiang showed a wry smile on his face:"Sir Shen, I think I should now There is no right to reject you"

"Xu Huaqiang, remember, only if you are the leader of Xinji, will you have the identity and qualifications to continue to run your film company and do other white business, otherwise……"

Although Shen Qiu hadn't finished speaking, Xu Huaqiang had completely understood what Shen Qiu meant.

If he, Xu Huaqiang, were not the leader of Xinji, not only would Xu Huaqiang not be able to touch the underworld business, but Shen Qiu would not even let him eat the white food.

"Sir Shen, I understand what you mean and I will do my best0...."

Xu Huaqiang nodded slightly and said slowly

"You don’t have to go all out, you have to do it, either stand on the top of the building and see the scenery of Hong Kong Island, or stay on the bottom of the building and be an ordinary living being forever."

Shen Qiu pointed to the pedestrians walking in a hurry on the sidewalk downstairs and said lightly.

After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Xu Huaqiang with a solemn face did not speak again and just nodded heavily.

At the same time, the number Bangde Tuo Di is located in a tenement building in Central

"What do you mean by"Yongzi Dui"? Brother Yong's body is still cold, but you are going to argue about the position of the person in question?"

An uncle from the number gang Yi Zi Dui pointed at the person in front of Yong Zi Dui and shouted loudly.

After Chen Minhong's death, Shen Qiu tamed almost all the uncles in Yong Zi Dui and placed Xiaozhuang and Gao Fei in their place. Entered the Yong Zi Dui.

With the support of Shen Qiu, after more than a year of development, Xiaozhuang and Gao Fei have now become important figures in the Yong Zi Dui. It was the two of them who led the Yong Zi Dui this morning. Let’s make an appointment with the people from Yi Zi Dui to meet.

According to the rules of the number gang, Yong Zi Dui and Yi Zi Dui have to take turns appointing people to be the leaders. Now that Hu Yong, the talker of Yi Zi Dui, is dead, it really should be Yong Zi Dui’s turn. The person with the word pile is in the upper position[]

However, the people in Yizidui believed that Hu Yong died unnaturally and did not want to give up the leading position easily. Their plan was to delay it for as long as possible.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not arguing about the position of the person involved, but now that the number gang has no leader, there must be a leader to lead everyone and avenge Brother Yong, right? Xiaozhuang said lightly.

"Huh, that sounds nice."

Obviously, the people in Yizidui didn't buy it.

"Brothers from Yizidui, please don’t say that we from Yongzidui are taking advantage of others’ situation to grab the position of leader of the number gang. We at Yongzidui propose that Mr. Ge 2.2 from Xiaozidui be the leader. You how about?"

Xiao Zhuang said slowly.

Strictly speaking, Xiaozi Dui is actually the orthodox name of the Number Gang. It was created by Ge Zhaohuang, the founder of the Number Gang. It's a pity that after Ge Zhaohuang was expelled from Hong Kong Island by the ghost guy, the word"Xiao" was changed. Dui also declined rapidly, and now he lives in the Kwun Tong area and makes a living by running a few small casinos.

However, the person in charge of Xiaozi Dui now is Ge Junmin, the grandson of Ge Zhaohuang, who is absolutely rooted in Miaohong. Xiaozhuang proposed that he Coming to serve as the leader of the number gang, no matter how unhappy the people in Yizidui were, they could only nod in agreement.

But people in Yizidui didn't know that Ge Junmin had already been bribed by Zhang Hua and became Shen Qiu's loyal dog. Only Shen Qiu's orders were obeyed.

After taking down Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, Chuiji and others at once, Shen Qiu took down the three clubs, Number Gang, Xinji, and Liansheng, in just one day..

Also starting from this day, the Hong Kong underworld ushered in a strict father. In the next few decades, he will be in charge and control every move of the Hong Kong underworld.

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