Within a week after the deaths of Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei, Chuiji and others, the leaders of the three societies including Liansheng, Number Gang and Xinji had all fallen to the ground.

Jimmy successfully became He Liansheng's new talker through his money-making ability.

Ge Junmin also relied on Yong Zidui's support and Yi Zidui's compromise to become the leader of the number gang.

On the contrary, Xu Huaqiang had the most difficult road to ascending to the throne. It was only thanks to Shen Qiu that he sent all three of his brothers to Stanley Prison that he was able to ascend to the throne smoothly.

As for Hongxing, in order to avoid suspicion, Gao Jin was seriously injured and could not take care of the society for the time being, so he handed over the society to Feng Yuxiu. Of course, Feng Yuxiu's management of the society was definitely unreliable. In fact, Hongxing was managed by Zhang Hua Dai manages it.

At the same time, Shen Qiu also ordered Wang Jianjun to send someone to Thailand to kill Jiang Tianyang.

Although Shen Qiu did not feel that Jiang Tianyang had the strength to threaten his safety, in order to nip problems in the bud, Shen Qiu decided to let Wang Jianjun work hard.

As for Wang Bao, Aji and others, after helping Shen Qiu kill Hu Yong, Xu Huayan, Deng Wei and others, Shen Qiu sent them away from Hong Kong Island as agreed, but the stowaway boat they took was encountered at sea. A group of pirates were directly bombed and sunk.

Time soon came to September 16th, which was also the day before Shen Qiu and Ruan Mei got married.

This time, Shen Qiu held her wedding banquet at the Cointreau Hotel. The main reason was because of Shen Qiu's heroic performance at the Cointreau Hotel, which saved the Cointreau Hotel from many losses.

This time, the Cointreau Hotel reciprocated the favor and gave Shen Qiu the entire top floor of the hotel as a venue for his wedding at an extremely favorable price.

It was also the afternoon of this day, near the Cointreau Hotel, at the intersection of Gloucester Road and Fleming Road, a few ghosts were carefully recording the terrain here.

"Mr. Thomas, according to the information from our political department, Shen Qiu will hold his wedding on the top floor of this hotel, and this is the only way his wedding car will pass."

A police officer from the Political Department pointed at the Cointreau Hotel not far away and smiled at Delta Force Colonel Thomas, who was standing next to him.

Thomas followed the police officer from the Political Department's finger. The direction looked over, and then said calmly:"You British people are really wicked, you actually choose to attack others when they are getting married."

"Mr. Thomas, maybe you don’t know that Shen Qiu is very good at martial arts, and he usually brings a……"

After hearing Thomas' words, the police officer from the Political Department immediately opened his mouth to explain, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Thomas:"Okay, no need to explain, I like this plan of yours very much. It's good for us." For these soldiers, being able to complete the mission is the best arrangement. As for other things, that is God's business and has nothing to do with us."

At this point, Thomas paused slightly:"However, you also let me know that your British It’s true that you have to build a memorial arch after being a bitch."

The ghost police officer from the Political Department scolded Thomas in his mind, but the smile on his face did not change at all.

Next, after determining the location of the ambush and the method of ambush, Thomas and others left here in a car.

At the same time, AC President

"Minister Xia, why do I need to trouble you to go there in person? ICAC

Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen looked at Xia Junxian, the Minister of Political Affairs sitting in front of him, and asked with a smile.

"Commissioner Ge, here is evidence that Li Wenbin, the Senior Assistant Commissioner of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, violated regulations and misappropriated police office funds. This evidence involves Raymond, Chen Zhijie, Kwong Zhili and many other senior police officials. I hope You ICAC can take these people away at that guy Shen Qiu's wedding tomorrow."

Xia Junxian placed a thick document bag in front of Ge Haowen.

In order to clear Kuang Zhili of suspicion, Xia Junxian finally decided to send him to ICAC together, and then Kuang Zhili came forward to remove the backbones of the local faction such as Raymond and Chen Zhijie. Fish it out and completely establish Kuang Zhili's leadership position in the local faction.

"Minister Xia, what do you mean?"

After listening to Xia Junxian's words, Ge Haowen frowned slightly and asked

"Commissioner Ge, in the past 10 years, under the leadership of Li Wenbin, the so-called local faction of the police force has become stronger and stronger, and has done more and more excessive things. This has seriously disrupted the handover arrangements arranged by the British Hong Kong government in the police force. This time your ICAC action was not only the suggestion of our Political Department, but also recognized by the Governor of Hong Kong."

Xia Junxian said slowly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Minister Xia, I mean, why were these people taken away at Shen Qiu's wedding?"

Ghaowen asked his doubts

"Commissioner Ge, the guests invited to Shen Qiu's wedding are basically their local police officers, as well as a small number of mainland police officers. I just want to kill all the local high-level officials in front of these people, so that it will affect my follow-up plan. , more advantageous."

Since we want Kuang Zhili to win people's hearts, we must let him buy them all at once.

After listening to Xia Junxian's words, Ge Haowen nodded slowly, then opened the document bag and began to read the documents inside.

An entire hour later, Ge Haowen Then he raised his head again, looked at Xia Junxian, and asked:"Minister Xia, two questions. The first question is that these evidences can only convict Li Wenbin. Several other people cannot be convicted at all.""

"Commissioner Ge, I only need you to convict Li Wenbin, and just imprison the others for seventy-two hours. What about the second question?"

Xia Junxian replied

"Why is there no Shen Qiu among these people? It seems that he has been designated as his successor by Li Wenbin, right?"

Ge Haowen looked at Xia Junxian and slowly asked

"Commissioner Ge, our Political Department has other arrangements for Shen Qiu."

When he mentioned the name Shen Qiu, a cold light flashed in Xia Junxian's eyes, which also made Ge Haowen instantly understand what Xia Junxian meant:"Minister Xia, I will let Deputy Commissioner Li Zuming take charge of this matter. The people involved in the operation are all experienced investigators within ICAC."

What Ge Haowen said about the tested investigators is also very obvious. Those who participated in the operation were either ghosts or purebred Muyang dogs, so Xia Junxian could rest assured.

"Commissioner Ge, I know you also have some disobedient Chinese in ICAC. Once our Political Department has dealt with the locals in the police force this time, we will be free. At that time, we will help you deal with those disobedient Chinese and lead us The wages of the British Hong Kong government actually want to do things for the Chinese and 407 help the Chinese to uphold justice. This kind of behavior must not be allowed."

Xia Junxian said coldly[]

"Minister Xia, then I would like to thank you in advance."

Ge Haowen was also confused by Lu Zhilian and others. Dealing with Lu Zhilian and others will damage ICAC's reputation and affect the credibility established by ICAC. If these people are not dealt with, they will often disgust him, which makes Ge Haowen feel very uncomfortable. After hearing Xia Junxian's words, a smile immediately appeared on his face and he thanked Xia Junxian with a smile.

"Commissioner Ge, I have to arrange other things, so I won't disturb you. I'll take my leave.

After arranging the action, Xia Junxian stood up and left. After

Xia Junxian left, Ge Haowen grabbed the phone receiver on his desk and dialed a number:"Deputy Commissioner Li Zuming, please come to my office immediately. There are some things I want to explain to you face to face."

After that, Gal Haowen slowly put down the phone receiver in his hand. Thinking about tomorrow's actions, Gal Haowen felt a little excitement in his heart. He had not felt this emotion for a long time since he became ICAC's anti-corruption commissioner..Thinking of this, Galactic whispered to himself:"Hong Kong Island is, after all, Hong Kong Island for us British people."

At this moment, he was determined in his heart that tomorrow the entire Hong Kong Island Police Force and even the entire Hong Kong Island would clearly understand the meaning of his words!

But at this time, neither Ge Haowen nor Xia Junxian knew that they were doing it for themselves at the wrong time. They chose the wrong opponent, and they didn't even know how heavy a price they would pay for this wrong choice.……

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