At 10 a.m. the next day, eight cars parked in front of a villa in the Kowloon Tong villa area.

According to the custom of Hong Kong Island, the groom Shen Qiu is required to come to the bride Ruan Mei's home in person, carry Ruan Mei out of the house, and then drive together to the Cointreau Hotel where the wedding banquet is held.

Wang Bao talked about Jiang Tianyang before, which made Shen Qiu worried. The eight cars that picked up the bride this time were all modified bulletproof cars, especially the first car that Shen Qiu and Ruan Mei took, which was bought by Judy Tang at a high price. A bulletproof vehicle modified by a German original factory.

However, what gave Shen Qiu a headache was that Yao Zi, Le Huizhen and others, as Ruan Mei's best friends, blocked the door of Ruan Mei's room and tormented Shen Qiu for half an hour before letting him in.

Soon, Shen Qiu, who was wearing a red groom's Tang suit, walked out of the villa and got into a car, carrying Ruan Mei, who was wearing a red double-breasted shirt and a red hijab.

Then, eight cars started moving in unison and drove towards the Cointreau Hotel.

The drivers of these eight cars were all the confidants summoned by Shen Qiu, Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi and others. Qiu Gangao, Zhu Xuming, Ma Jun and other Shen Qiu's confidants in the police force were all working for the Cointreau Hotel. Shen Qiu entertains guests from the police force.

11:10 am.

At the intersection of Gloucester Road and Fleming Road, several cars were parked on both sides of the road. In one of the cars, Colonel Thomas of the Delta Force was looking into the distance with a telescope.

"Sir, we are just dealing with one policeman. Do we need to dispatch two teams?"

The ghost guy sitting in the main driver's seat asked.

The number of Delta Special Forces is very small, only a few hundred people, and the number of a team is 15 people. Unless it is a big operation, more than 2 teams will be sent. Action.

During the previous deal with Ice Queen, Delta Special Forces only dispatched 2 teams. Now to kill a Hong Kong Island policeman, 2 teams are actually required. This makes the ghost guy sitting in the main driver's seat very puzzled.

"The policeman you mentioned killed Mike and the two teams he commanded. Thomas still held the telescope to observe the situation, and said calmly at the same time.

"Didn’t those British people say that the Hong Kong Island Police dispatched hundreds of people to deal with Mike and the others?."

Obviously, the ghost guy sitting in the main driving seat has great disdain for the Hong Kong Island Police Force and the Chinese.

"Downers, I don't want to hear any more of your nonsense. Thomas said coldly

"ok, ok, you are the boss, you have the final say."

Seeing the change in Thomas' attitude, Downers, who was sitting in the driver's seat, shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile. Swish, swish~

At this moment, a burst of electricity came from the walkie-talkie held in Thomas' other hand. , and then a man's voice came out:"Boss, the convoy has passed me. I am following their convoy now. At their speed, I will pass you in about 3 minutes.""

"good. After Thomas responded, he immediately adjusted the channel and said calmly:"The target will appear soon. Everyone is ready to fight.""

After Thomas's words fell, Donnas, who had previously looked disdainful, suddenly turned serious.

On the other side, 500 meters away from the intersection of Gloucester Road and Fleming Road, Shen Qiu felt a strong feeling. A sense of crisis welled up in his mind, and the closer he got to the intersection of Gloucester Road and Fleming Road, the stronger the sense of crisis became.


Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Qiu shouted directly.


As the leading car of Shen Qiu stopped, all the seven cars following behind stopped.

"Ah Sheng, let the car behind you pretend to block my car."

Shen Qiu said immediately.

Thomas and others, who had been prepared, were slightly startled when they saw Shen Qiu's motorcade stopped. Then they saw several cars suddenly driving in front of the leading car and blocking their way. car

"Tonde, what's going on? Thomas immediately asked the ghost guy following Shen Qiu’s motorcade.

"I saw that Shen Qiu seemed to be carrying something like a gift box, giving gifts to the cars that stopped him. This seemed to be some kind of Chinese ritual, and they started it again."

Tang Ding said slowly.

But Thomas and Tang Ding never dreamed that while sending gifts, Shen Qiu also sent walkie-talkies, ak47, SVD sniper rifles, Soviet-made body armor, bulletproof helmets, and even heavy machine guns to the other seven. On the car.

Then, Shen Qiu returned to the car he was riding in. Only this time, the eight cars were not arranged in a long snake, but were arranged in a two-three-three pattern. Shen Qiu's leading car was surrounded by the other seven cars. A car caught in the middle

"Amei, it will be a little noisy outside, don’t worry, it will pass soon.

After getting into the car, Shen Qiu said to Ruan Mei with a smile.

"Well, Brother Qiu, as long as you are here, I won't be afraid of anything."

Ruan Mei leaned against Shen Qiu's chest and said softly.

Soon, the eight cars picking up the bride drove into the intersection of Gloucester Road and Fleming Road.

"Act!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thomas roared, and then more than 20 members of the Delta Special Forces who had been ambushing appeared one after another, heading towards the eight cars that Shen Qiu and others were riding in. Shooting wildly.

Da da da da da~ bang bang bang bang~

Suddenly, gunfire erupted at the intersection of Gloucester Road and Fleming Road.

What Thomas didn't expect was that these cars were actually bulletproof vehicles. He Immediately commanded:"Use grenades to blow up the chassis of these cars."

However, at this moment, a scene that made Thomas' hair stand on end happened.

Suddenly, suddenly...

The seven cars on the periphery actually stretched out the barrels of their heavy machine guns. The fierce firepower instantly suppressed these Delta Special Forces. soldiers.

A dozen of them were unable to dodge and were torn apart by bullets fired from heavy machine guns on the spot.

"Fuck, this bastard is going to get married or go to war, and he actually brings a heavy machine gun and bow!"

As the commander, Thomas immediately retracted behind the car, using the car as a cover, and temporarily gained a little bit of (the king's) safety, but Thomas knew very well that the car could not block the heavy firepower of the heavy machine gun, and he had to find A new bunker, or just blend into the already chaotic crowd around and escape safely first.

After a brief exchange of fire, Thomas understood that he couldn't kill Shen Qiu today. The most important thing for him now was to preserve his life. Himself.

But Thomas didn't see that Tian Yangyi and others had already put rocket launchers on their shoulders.

Kou blast~kou blast~ chu tu tu tu tu~[]

As a burst of explosions and gunfire fell, the two Delta Force teams totaled 30 people. Except for 5 people who were seriously injured, the remaining 25 people were all killed.

"Ah Sheng, take me to the Cointreau Hotel."

Shen Qiu first said something to Tian Yangsheng. Then, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said slowly:"Ayi, take away the people who are not dead. I don't care what method you use to pry open their mouths. I want to Look, who dares to cause trouble at my wedding!".

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