On the other side, the banquet hall on the top floor of the Cointreau Hotel.

Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng, Kuang Zhili and other senior officials of the local faction are all sitting in their seats, waiting for the protagonist Shen Qiu to arrive, as are Lu Minghua and his confidant Liu Jiehui.

It's just that Kuang Zhili's expression is a little strange. Apparently, Xia Junxian has told him today's plan, which makes Kuang Zhili a little nervous. After all, he has been with Li Wenbin for more than ten years and knows very well the ability of his boss. He really wants to compete with him. On the other hand, Kuang Zhili was still a little nervous.

Mouth blast ~ Mouth blast~

At this moment, several not-so-slight explosions came into the ears of everyone present. This made Li Wenbin, Lu Minghua and others' eyes slightly move, and they felt a little ominous.

"There's a gunfight over there!"

A dozen guests sitting by the floor-to-ceiling windows looked in the direction of the explosion and immediately discovered the scene of a firefight not far away at the intersection.

After hearing this, Li Wenbin, Lu Minghua and others People immediately stood up, ready to go and see the situation, but at this moment:

Bang ~ almost at the same time as the explosion, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open, ICAC Deputy Commissioner for Integrity Li Zuming, with more than a dozen A ghost investigator and a dozen Muyang dog investigators walked into the banquet hall with their heads held high.

"You are?"

Qiu Gangao, Zhu Xuming and others who were in charge of welcoming guests today immediately came forward and stopped Li Zuming and others.

"I am Li Zuming, Deputy Commissioner for Integrity of ICAC. Please ask the police officer whose name is read to follow me back to ICAC for investigation."

"Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng, Kuang Zhili……"


As Li Zuming's voice sounded, the whole audience was shocked. Everyone looked at Li Wenbin, who had the highest position and was also the first on the list. There were more than 200 people present, including Ma Jun from the special operations team. , Chen Jiaju and others are almost all middle-level backbones of the local police force. In Shen Qiu's absence, these people respect Li Wenbin and wait for his orders.

Li Wenbin's originally expressionless face became very ugly. He looked at Li Zuming and said coldly:"Commissioner Li, today is a good day for my subordinate Shen Qiu. Why don't you make the scene so ugly?

" For a moment, Li Wenbin thought of the explosion that had just occurred, and his already uneasy mood became even more uneasy.

He knew that everything that was happening in front of him should be a plan designed by the ghost guy, whose purpose was to catch all the local factions like them in one go.

"Sir Li, I only recognize the law, not the good life."

Hearing Li Wenbin's words, Li Zuming smiled slightly and said slowly

"OK, we'll go with you."

Li Wenbin nodded slightly, and then walked towards Li Zuming

"Sir Li……"

Chen Zhijie, who was sitting next to Li Wenbin, immediately shouted

"This ghost guy is obviously well-prepared. We can't hide from him, so don't lose our dignity. Before Chen

Zhijie finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Wenbin. He walked slowly in front of Li Zuming and said to Qiu Gangao who stopped Li Zuming:"Sir Qiu, tell Shen Qiu that I wish him a happy wedding."."

Qiu Gangao didn't speak, but nodded slowly.

"Sir Li, we are all old acquaintances, so I won’t cuff you. Let’s go."

At this moment, Li Zuming's face was filled with a proud smile.

As a very small-minded person, Li Zuming still remembers that time more than a year ago, when Shen Qiu slapped him in the face in public.

Yesterday, after receiving the call from Ge Haowen After giving him the task, Li Zuming was so excited that he couldn't sleep well all night, just waiting to slap Li Wenbin and others in the face in public today. It was a pity that Shen Qiu was not here, otherwise he would definitely appreciate the look on Shen Qiu's face at this moment. Faced with Li Zuming's ridicule, Li Wenbin's face was cold, and he walked towards the exit of the banquet hall step by step. Chen Zhijie and others also followed Li Wenbin and left.


After Li Wenbin and others were taken away by the ICAC people, the entire banquet hall fell into an eerie silence. Although Lu Minghua, Guan Yaode, Huang Bingyao and others were not taken away, their faces were as ugly as Li Wenbin's face just now.

Since the police integrity war 10 years ago, ICAC has never taken away more than a dozen senior police officers in front of so many police officers as it did today.


At this moment, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open again, and then, a calm-looking Shen Qiu appeared in front of everyone holding Ruan Mei.

Because of the riot and traffic jam caused by the gunfight, Shen Qiu arrived a step late.

"Brother Qiu, people from ICAC came just now and took away Sir Li and Sir Chen. Before leaving, Sir Li asked me to tell you that I wish you a happy wedding."

Qiu Gang'ao immediately walked quickly to Shen Qiu and whispered.

After listening to Qiu Gang'ao's words, Shen Qiu nodded slightly, then took Ruan Mei's hand and walked step by step towards the stage in the center of the banquet hall.

At this moment , everyone in the entire banquet hall clearly felt the sense of oppression emanating from Shen Qiu. Everyone clearly realized that Shen Qiu at this moment was a volcano about to erupt.

And its eruption would be more powerful than all Human imagination (afad).

After leading Ruan Mei to the stage, Shen Qiu picked up the microphone and said lightly:"Dear officers, colleagues, relatives and friends, thank you for coming to my wedding, Shen Qiu. I would like to pay my respects in advance. A drink for everyone."

Shen Qiu took the glass of wine handed to him by Qiu Gangao, drank it in one gulp, and then continued:"Too many things happened today, so my wedding will be simple."

After that, Shen Qiu lifted Ruan Mei's red hijab. Looking at the delicate and charming face in front of her, Shen Qiu whispered:"Amei, I'm sorry.……"

"Brother Qiu, don't say sorry, we still have a lifetime to be happy, no less than today."

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ruan Mei's soft voice.

"Thank you, May."

Shen Qiu kissed Ruan Mei's soft red lips gently in front of everyone, then turned to look at the more than 200 people in the audience, and said loudly:"I was attacked by armed men outside the restaurant just now, Sir Li , Chen Sir, and others were also taken away by ICAC people. I dare not say that these two things are related, but one thing is certain. Someone is targeting me, Shen Qiu, Li Sir, and us police officers. member."

At this point, Shen Qiu paused slightly, and then raised his voice a little higher:"I, Shen Qiu, will never allow such a thing to happen. I don't care who my opponent is. I only know that blood for blood is , tit for tat!"

"Brother Qiu, give the order!"

After Shen Qiu's words fell, Qiu Gang'ao, who could no longer hold himself back, immediately said loudly

"Sir Shen, give the order!"

"Sir Shen……"

Following Qiu Gangao's lead, almost everyone present stood up, looked at Shen Qiu and said loudly

"ICAC likes to play, so we will play with them to the end!"

After that, Shen Qiu slammed the cup he was still holding on the ground, and then walked towards the door of the banquet hall with great momentum.


With Shen Qiu's actions, the two hundred people present Almost all of the people stood up and followed Shen Qiu, leaving the banquet hall. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In just a blink of an eye, only Lu Minghua, Huang Bingyao, and others were left in the entire banquet hall. Guan Yaode and more than a dozen people

"Hong Kong Island is going to change."

Lu Minghua looked at the direction where Shen Qiu and others were leaving and said quietly.

"Not only will the world be overturned, I think it will be overturned!"

Guan Yaode took Lu Minghua's words and said slowly.

"You two, what will you do next? Watch a show, or help Shen Qiu?"

Huang Bingyao looked at Ruan Mei who was picked up by Tian Yangsheng, and asked slowly at the same time.

Although he was unhappy with Shen Qiu stepping on many boats, after all, he was also the man his daughter liked. Huang Bingyao had decided that this time he would fight He tried his best to help Shen Qiu, and winning the support of Lu Minghua and Guan Yaode was the first step in his efforts.

"Sir Huang, you are the commander of the Hong Kong Island Region. Now that there is such a big gun battle in your jurisdiction, you should take responsibility, right?"

After Huang Bingyao finished speaking, Lu Minghua showed a smile on his face.

"Sir Lu, you are right, I should indeed take responsibility."

Huang Bingyao instantly understood what Lu Minghua meant, and then he looked at Guan Yaode

"Sir Huang, Sir Lu, I don’t know anything else. I only know that ICAC must not be allowed to ride on the neck of our police force."

Guan Yaode glanced at Huang Bingyao and Lu Minghua, and then said slowly word by word. At this moment, Lu Minghua, Huang Bingyao, and Guan Yaode who were present all knew that on this day, perhaps the second police integrity war would begin. one day……

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