Ring ring ring~

Just after Shen Qiu led the people out of the banquet hall, a phone rang in Shen Qiu’s pocket.

"Brother Qiu, those ghost guys have been recruited. They are members of the Amilika Delta Special Forces. They came to Hong Kong Island this time to avenge the Delta Special Forces you killed last time. Intelligence and arms are all People from the Political Department provided it to them."

After Shen Qiu pressed the answer button, Tian Yangyi's voice came out from the receiver~.

For such a trivial matter as five ghost guys being interrogated and two people killed on the spot, Tian Yangyi did not talk to - Shen Qiu

"Okay, I understand, let those ghost guys say it again in front of the camera."

After Shen Qiu said this, he immediately hung up the phone, and then immediately dialed Zhang Hua's number.

"Ah Hua, according to the plan we have rehearsed before, wipe out the Political Department from Hong Kong Island!"

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said coldly.

Regarding the cancer of the Political Department, Shen Qiu had long been prepared to attack it, but he never encountered a good opportunity. Now the people from the Political Department handed the knife to him. Shen Qiu In his hands, Shen Qiu would naturally use the knife on them!

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Zhang Hua responded immediately and then hung up the phone.

"Brother Qiu, what should we do now?"

After Shen Qiu hung up the phone, Qiu Gangao, who was standing next to him, immediately asked

"Immediately order the special operations team to assemble and target the ICAC headquarters building."

Shen Qiu said slowly, word by word.

On the other side, a dozen cars parked at the entrance of the ICAC headquarters building.

Then, Li Zuming and others escorted Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng and other local senior police officers into the ICAC headquarters building

"Deputy Commissioner Li, it doesn't matter if you ICAC invites us people to drink coffee, but the noise you make outside has messed up the rules of Hong Kong Island."

After walking into the elevator, Li Wenbin said calmly.

After hearing Li Wenbin's words, Li Zuming's eyes flashed slightly. He also heard the explosion outside the Cointreau Hotel. Plus, today is Shen Qiu's wedding. Days later, Li Zuming immediately realized that this might be the reason why Shen Qiu was not on their ICAC arrest list.

However, Li Zuming's expression did not change at all, and he said lightly:"Sir Li, I don't even know you." what are you talking about"

"You better not know what I'm talking about."

Li Wenbin stared at Li Zuming and said slowly, word by word.

"Send Sir Li and the others into the interrogation room. By the way, they haven't eaten at noon, so remember to prepare a packed lunch for them."

Li Zuming ignored Li Wenbin's words and said quietly.

On the other side.

When Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng and others were put into the interrogation room for interrogation by ICAC investigators, more than a dozen troop transport vehicles parked at the ICAC headquarters At the entrance of the building.

Then, hundreds of special operations team members poured into the ICAC headquarters building.

"Hey, stop, who are you?"

More than a dozen Indian security guards guarding the lobby on the first floor of the ICAC headquarters building were frightened when they saw so many heavily armed special operations team members. They stood trembling and did not dare to move. On the contrary, Upon seeing this, several Chinese investigators who were in charge of the reception came out and shouted and asked:

"Chief Superintendent of Hong Kong Island Police Shen Qiu, now I suspect that terrorists will attack the ICAC headquarters building. In order to protect your safety, the security of this building is temporarily taken over by our police force."

Shen Qiu walked directly in front of these investigators and said coldly

"Do you have evidence?"

Obviously, these Chinese investigators did not believe Shen Qiu's words.

"evidence? Listen, anyone who blocks the operation will be regarded as an assistant to the terrorists, and any coercive measures can be taken against them. Shen

Qiu glanced at the investigators in front of him and said coldly.


After hearing what Shen Qiu said, the Chinese investigators were shocked and angry. But just as they were about to speak, members of the special operations team pressed them down, covered their mouths, and handcuffed their heads. All hands and feet were cuffed.

Although more than a dozen Asan security guards did not dare to speak, they also enjoyed the same treatment as these Chinese investigators.

"Remember, be courteous when you go up, especially ICAC officials such as the Integrity Commissioner and Deputy Integrity Commissioner, and protect them carefully. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"yes, sir!"

Hundreds of members of the special operations team responded in unison. Then, in the shocked eyes of a dozen Indian Asans and several Chinese investigators, hundreds of people were divided into two teams. One team of more than 30 people took the elevator. Building, another team of several hundred people went upstairs from the stairs.

At this time, in the office of ICAC Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen.

Li Zuming, who had completed the arrest mission, was reporting to Ge Haowen. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Deputy Commissioner Li, you have done a good job. I hope you will be responsible for the report on this operation."

After hearing what Li Zuming said, Ge Haowen breathed a sigh of relief. Before taking action, he was also worried that Li Wenbin would use his prestige to forcibly obstruct their ICAC arrests. Now it seems that his worries are somewhat unnecessary. Got it

"Thank you, Commissioner Ge."

After Li Zuming heard that Ge Haowen asked him to be responsible for writing the action report, a smile immediately appeared on his face. This was equivalent to Ge Haowen giving all the credit to Li Zuming. You know,

Ge Haowen is now 54 , there is only one year left before retirement. For Li Zuming, this is the best opportunity for him to move forward. ICAC is different from other departments. ICAC is only responsible to the Governor of Hong Kong, so they only need to show their ability. That is to let the Hong Kong governor see their ability to deal with the Chinese.

This operation is obviously the most powerful operation against the Chinese in the past 10 years. As long as everything goes well, Lai Zuming is confident that he can take over Galver's class next year. , become ICAC Integrity Commissioner

"You deserve the appointment of a deputy commissioner. Ge

Haowen smiled slightly, and then continued to ask:"By the way, did that Shen Qiu show up at the wedding?""


After hearing the name Shen Qiu, the smile on Li Zuming's face froze, and he shook his head and said

"I wonder what means Xia Junxian from the Political Department will use to deal with Shen Qiu."

There was a trace of curiosity in Ge Haowen's eyes.

After hearing Ge Haowen's words, Li Zuming's eyes immediately flashed with a gleam, and he immediately thought of the explosion he heard at the Cointreau Hotel.

Thinking of it Here, Li Zuming immediately said:"Commissioner Ge, maybe I know someone from the Political Department……"[]

Bang ~

Before Li Zuming finished speaking, the door to Ge Haowen's office was violently knocked open. Then, a familiar figure appeared in Li Zuming's sight.

"Shen! Autumn!"

Lizu Ming stood up suddenly, looked at Shen Qiu and shouted loudly:"Why are you here?"

"Commissioner Ge and Deputy Commissioner Li, our police force has received definite news that a group of terrorists have sneaked into Hong Kong Island, and their targets are senior officials of various departments of the British Hong Kong government. As far as I know, your ICAC is a key target of terrorists, so I Personally bring people to protect the safety of all of you at ICAC."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Shen Qiu, you are obviously acting for personal gain. What kind of terrorist attack? You are deliberately retaliating against our ICAC because your boss Li Wenbin was arrested. Why do you think that if you lead someone to forcefully break into ICAC, we will give in? Or do you want to start a second police integrity war?"

After Li Zuming heard Shen Qiu's words, he immediately became furious, pointed at Shen Qiu and shouted:

"Deputy Commissioner Li, I was attacked by terrorists just now. If I had not been prepared, I would have been sent to the Happy Valley Police Memorial Cemetery."

Facing the furious Li Zuming, Shen Qiu said lightly

"Shen Qiu, I don’t care what your reasons are, take your people and leave our ICAC immediately, otherwise I will regard your behavior as a threat to the safety of our ICAC. Believe me, you cannot afford the consequences of this matter.."

Unlike the furious Li Zuming, Ge Haowen's face remained calm. He looked at Shen Qiu and said coldly.

"Ge Haowen, put away your tricks. The war has begun since you sent people to attack me and arrest Sir Li."

After Ge Haowen's words fell, Shen Qiu's smile faded, she stared at Ge Haowen and said lightly five...

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