ICAC headquarters building, in the office of Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen.

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, Ge Haowen's eyes suddenly changed, pointed at Shen Qiu, and said coldly:"Okay, Shen Qiu, remember what you said now."

After saying that, Ge Haowen immediately picked up the phone. The phone number dialed the office of Police Commissioner Han Yili.

"Hello, Director Han, I’m Ge Haowen."

After the call was connected, Ge Haowen immediately said

"Commissioner Ge, what's the matter?"

Han Yili asked in confusion when he heard the unkind tone coming from the receiver.

Although Han Yili was entirely focused on Shen Qiu's attack and Li Wenbin being taken away by ICAC, Shen Qiu mobilized the special operations team , there is no need to go through him as the police chief, so Han Yili basically knows nothing about Shen Qiu’s actions.

"Director Han, what do you want me to do? Shen Qiu of your police force led his men to directly occupy our ICAC headquarters building. Can you, the first brother, take care of this matter? Ge

Haowen said coldly


Hearing Ge Hao's"190" article, Han Yili was a little stupid. He knew that Li Wenbin was taken away by ICAC people, and the local faction must take action, but he never expected that Shen Qiu would dare to Lead people to directly occupy the ICAC headquarters building

"Director Han, I need your police force to give me an explanation for this matter! Ge

Haowen stared at Shen Qiu and said coldly.

"Commissioner Ge, calm down. I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter."

Han Yili's face became extremely ugly after he came back to his senses. He never expected that Shen Qiu would be so bold and dare to do such a thing. At this moment, Han Yili made up his mind to combine the special operations team and the Flying Tigers. The commanders of these two special forces returned to the police department, even if the two teams were completely broken up and reorganized!

"Director Han, I'm waiting for your arrangements."

After that, Ge Haowen hung up the phone directly.

Beep beep ~

Han Yili immediately hung up the phone after hearing the busy tone from the receiver, then picked up the phone and dialed Shen Qiu's number.

Ring. Ringing~

ICAC Integrity Commissioner's Office, the ringtone of the mobile phone in Shen Qiu's pocket rang.

"Shen Qiu, I am Han Yili."

As soon as Shen Qiu pressed the answer button, Han Yili's angry and anxious voice came from the receiver.

"Mr. Director, what are your instructions? Shen

Qiu asked with a smile.

"Shen Qiu, I don’t care what your reasons are, immediately take the special operations team and evacuate the ICAC headquarters building, otherwise I will directly suspend you!"

Han Yili shouted angrily

"Mr. Director, according to Police Regulation 133, the on-site commander has the power to decide on-site action plan based on his own judgment. I now believe that the special operations team is not suitable to evacuate the ICAC headquarters building, so, sorry, I cannot execute your order. Shen

Qiu said lightly.

"Shen Qiu, I formally inform you that from this moment on, I will relieve you of all positions!"

Han Yili, who was so angry at Shen Qiu's words that his face turned red, shouted loudly.

"Mr. Commissioner, I ask you to remember that you are the Commissioner of Police. Your authority is given to you by our 28,000 police officers. Without us, you are just a 53-year-old British man. Likewise, My power was not given to me by you, but by my brothers in the police force."

Facing the furious Han Yili, Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

After saying that, Shen Qiu hung up the phone directly, looked at Ge Haowen and Li Zuming, and said with a smile:"Commissioner Ge, Deputy Commissioner Li, for To ensure the safety of you ICAC staff, we want you to be in one place, so please, don't make it difficult for me."

After hearing Shen Qiu's words, Ge Haowen and Li Zuming only had one thought in their minds: Shen Qiu is crazy!

Is this kid really going to fight ICAC and the British Hong Kong government to the end?

At the same time, , the police headquarters, in the office of the Commissioner of Police.

Beep beep ~

Listening to the busy tone coming from the receiver of the mobile phone, Han Yili's face has become uglier than his dead mother.

He never expected that as a police officer The first brother of the team would be humiliated by his subordinates one day. Thinking of this, he immediately picked up the phone receiver in front of him, pressed a button, and shouted to his secretary:"Inform Yan Liguo, Jian Baozhong, and Cai Yuanqi immediately. my office."

A few minutes later

"Mr. Director, what happened? Why do you look so ugly? Yan

Liguo looked at Han Yili in front of him and asked.

"I just received a call from ICAC Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen.……"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Han Yili's face was sinister, and his tone was cold as he recounted everything that had just happened.

After hearing Han Yili's words, Yan Liguo, Jian Baozhong, and Cai Yuanqi all had shocked looks on their faces. They never expected that a small chief superintendent like Shen Qiu would dare to have such a hard relationship with the police. Director

"Mr. Director, this may not be a bad thing for us. It shows that Shen Qiu is desperate. As long as we suppress his arrogance this time, maybe the entire local faction will be wiped out."

Cai Yuanqi was the first to react and said with relief.

"Minister Cai, tell me, how do you think we should suppress Shen Qiu?"

Han Yili looked at Cai Yuanqi and asked

"Mr. Director, the special operations team does only listen to Shen Qiu, but this special force is a force belonging to the police force after all. In my opinion, Mr. Director, you personally take the Flying Tigers to the ICAC headquarters building in front of everyone. In front of you, I ordered Shen Qiu to take people away. I don’t believe that Shen Qiu dares not to carry out your order in front of you. 0....."

At this point, Cai Yuanqi paused slightly, with a smile on his face:"Even if Shen Qiu really dares to risk the disapproval of the world and disobey your orders, you can also order the people from the Flying Tigers to hand over the guns of the special operations team. Let their local faction deal with the local faction. Unless Shen Qiu is crazy, he can only obey and lead people to evacuate the ICAC headquarters building."

Hearing these words from Cai Yuanqi, Han Yili's eyes suddenly lit up. Although the Flying Tigers It is Li Wenbin's traditional force, but Li Wenbin's control over the Flying Tigers is much smaller than Shen Qiu's control over the Special Operations Team. It's just that several of the chief officers of the Flying Tigers are Li Wenbin's people, and the rest are still He was following the orders of the police force.

Even if there are several chief officers, when Li Wenbin's order conflicts with the order of the police force, they will choose to obey the order of the police force instead of Li Wenbin's order.

It was also because the Flying Tigers confused Gui Lao and failed to strengthen supervision of the Special Operations Team that Shen Qiu took complete control of the Special Operations Team so easily.

"Minister Cai, you immediately give the order for the Flying Tigers to gather at the ICAC headquarters building. Director Yan and Director Jian, you and Minister Cai will go to the ICAC headquarters building with me later. This time, I want to take a look. How dare this bastard Shen Qiu be so arrogant in front of me!"

Han Yili gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

He has also made up his mind to take advantage of this opportunity to kill all the local police forces and bring the special operations team and the Flying Tigers under the command of their ghost guy.

But Han Yili Little does Giuli know that a major event that will shock the entire Hong Kong Island is about to happen.[]

The headquarters building of Changjiang Group is located on Queen's Road in the center of Central. It was built by Li Bancheng at a cost of HK$8.5 billion and took three years to complete.

After its completion, this 39-story building became a landmark building of Changjiang Group. 1.1 Few people know that the headquarters building of the Hong Kong Island Police Political Department, the largest secret service agency on Hong Kong Island, is also located in this building.

At the time of design, this building had 5 underground floors, and the fifth floor was not open to the public. It had a special entrance and exit passage, and there were also revolving doors leading to the 37th and 38th floors where President Li Bancheng’s office was supposed to be. elevator.

Throughout the building, there is no other way to reach these three floors except using a dedicated elevator.

However, fortresses are often breached from within. The ghost guys tried every means to ensure the safety of the Political Department, but they couldn't even calculate it. The ghost guys in the Political Department are also human beings, and they also have emotions and desires. He was greedy for beauty and money, and more than a year was enough for Shen Qiu to find his target within the Political Department.

Ten minutes after Shen Qiu and Zhang Hua made the phone call, several cars parked on the side of Queen's Avenue. A ghost man walked to one of the cars and said to Zhang Hua who was sitting in the cab. :"You guys come with me"

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