The Political Department of Hong Kong Island, as the secret service agency of the British Hong Kong government, does not know whether it is because it has been comfortable for too long, or because it trusts the ghost employees too much. Its defense force is very weak, and it can even be described as in name only.

The bribed ghost employee easily took Cao Nan, Apa, Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangzhi, Tian Yangwu and Tian Yangli, who had changed into the uniforms of the Political Department police officers, into the underground five-storey building. layer

"Over there is the control room, over there is the security room, over there is the archives room, over there is the power distribution room, and other departments are located on the ground."

After walking into the fifth underground floor, the Gui Lao employee of the Political Department said to Cao Nan who was taking the lead.

No matter how good the ventilation is on the fifth underground floor, it will be very comfortable, so during the design, the functional areas were just placed here. On the first floor, the rest of the office areas are placed on the 37th and 38th floors above ground.

"Ayi, you four brothers, kill all the people in the security room, and then go to the control distribution room. Apa and I are in charge of the monitoring room and archives room."

Cao Nan immediately made arrangements.

Tian Yangyi nodded, and then quickly walked to the door of the security room with the three Tianyang brothers and knocked on the door.


A voice with the smell of curry came out, and then the door of the security room was opened, and an Indian Asan appeared in front of Tian Yangyi.

Although the ghost guy has occupied Hong Kong Island for more than 100 years, he still has a deep sense of responsibility. They don’t trust the Chinese. The security guards in key departments such as the Hong Kong Governor’s Mansion, the British Hong Kong Government Headquarters, the ICAC Headquarters, and the Political Department are all Indian Asan or ghost guys, and Chinese are rarely used.

Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangwu, Tian Yangzhi and Tian Yangli did not give the eight Asan security guards in the room a chance to react. They directly shot all eight of them to death with pistols equipped with silencers. Then, Tian Yangzhi was left to replenish his guns, and the other three People went to the power distribution room.

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen Indian security guards were shot dead on the entire fifth underground floor. Important facilities such as the monitoring room and power distribution room were all controlled by Cao Nan and others. Except for Cao Nan, who was responsible for monitoring Outside, the other five people have begun to move the files accumulated by the Political Department for many years outside.

Shen Qiu's attack on the Political Department this time, in addition to making the Political Department pay with blood, is also to move these confidential files of the Political Department.

Kill the Political Department The main purpose of the gang of ghosts from the Political Department was revenge, and the removal of these confidential files from the Political Department had a more important purpose.

At the same time, Zhang Huacai, who received the notice from Cao Nan, followed the previous ghost guy from the Political Department and took twenty Several gangsters walked into the Changjiang Group building

"Sir, who are these people?"

No matter how unreliable the security guard Ah San is, he can't ignore the more than 20 men in front of him.

However, there is only one bullet to answer him.


After several gunshots, security guard 4 Asan who was guarding the entrance to the fifth underground floor was shot dead on the spot.

Zhang Hua and others quickly walked to the elevator on the fifth underground floor.

After walking into the elevator, Zhang Hua said calmly:"Remember, Brother Qiu's order, no one left alive, even a dog raised by the Political Department, must be killed."

More than 20 famous gangsters were all silent. , just nodded slightly.

Ding dong~

Soon, the elevator door opened.

Thor led nearly 10 gangsters out of the elevator to the 37th floor, leaving Zhang Hua and more than 10 other gangsters to go to the 38th floor.

"who are you?"

The unfamiliar Thor and others quickly attracted the attention of the Political Department police officers.

Ta da da da da da~

Without a moment's hesitation, Thor and the other ten people directly took out the Uzi submachine guns from their waists and pointed them at the Political Department in front of them. The police officers fired wildly, and the bullets sprayed out were like the scythe of death, harvesting the lives of all the living people in front of them.

These police officers from the Political Department never imagined that someone would cross the ground more than 20 times without warning. The security guard named Asan stormed into their office area.

In just a few dozen seconds, more than a dozen police officers from the Political Department were shot dead on the spot.

Ta da da da da~

Thor and others strictly enforced Shen Qiu's As long as they were alive, they were all his targets.

Soon, except for Thor and 10 other people, there was no one standing in the huge office area on the 37th floor. It was not that all the police officers in the Political Department were dead. , there are seven or eight quick-reacting Political Department police officers who have hid under the table or in the office, took out their own guns, and tried to fight back.

These Political Department police officers know very well that this is a short distance from the police port. The Hong Kong Island Region is very close. As long as you persist for 5 minutes, the police will arrive.

But these police officers from the Political Department don’t know that the commander of the Hong Kong Island Region is named Huang Bingyao.

Kou Bang~Kou Hung~ Mouth blast ~

Seeing that the police officers of the Political Department were hiding, Thor did not hesitate for a moment and directly threw the grenade. Several police officers of the Political Department hiding under the desk were killed on the spot.

Then, those hiding in the Political Department The police officer's office was also blown open, and the police officers inside were also shot to death by Thor and others.

At the same time, the Changji headquarters building floor.

Unlike the 37th floor, the 38th floor was mainly occupied by senior members of the Political Department. Police officers, including Minister of Political Department Xia Junxian and two deputy ministers.

Therefore, the security on the 38th floor is stricter. There is a checkpoint at the elevator exit, and four police officers from the Political Department with guns are responsible for checking here.

Ding dong ~ (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The elevator door opened.

The four political department police officers subconsciously looked into the elevator room, and then: da da da da da~

They were greeted by a dense gaze. Bullets.

Then, Zhang Hua and others quickly walked out of the elevator and divided into three teams. The two teams carried out killings in one office. Zhang Hua followed the schematic diagram drawn by the ghost in the Political Department and went straight to the Political Department Minister Xia Junxian. Office.

At this time, in the office of Xia Junxian, Minister of the Political Department.

Da da da da~

After hearing the intensive gunshots coming from outside the door, Xia Junxian's expression suddenly changed. He immediately walked to the door and locked the room. Then he quickly walked to a bookshelf in the office and pulled out one of the books.

Then, the bookshelf began to move slowly. On the

37th and 38th floors where the Political Department is located, there is indeed no other way except for the elevator on the fifth underground floor. You can go to these two floors, except for the secret passage 647 in Xia Junxian's office.

As the Minister of the Political Department, Xia Junxian must be careful. This secret passage is his escape passage, leading directly to an elevator.

Kouhong~ Explosion ~

Just as Xia Junxian was waiting for the bookshelf to open, Zhang Hua directly used a liquid bomb to blow open the door of Xia Junxian's office. The huge impact directly shook Xia Junxian to the bookshelf. The anxious Xia Junxian no longer had the calmness of the past. , he didn’t care that the door to the secret passage was not fully opened, and squeezed in directly.

Da da da da da da da~[]

Zhang Hua, who rushed into Xia Junxian's office, took a Uzi submachine gun and fired wildly at Xia Junxian who had just squeezed into the secret passage.

One bullet hit Xia Junxian's arm, and the other bullet hit Xia Junxian's thigh. The severe pain made the political department minister kneel down on the spot.

However, Xia Junxian continued to climb towards the elevator with strong will to survive.

At this time, Zhang Hua had already reached the entrance of the secret room, looked at Xia Junxian coldly, and then pulled the trigger.

Da da da da da~

After a burst of gunfire, the secret agent leader who had been operating in Hong Kong Island for more than ten years died like a dead dog in the dark and narrow secret passage.

A few minutes later, Zhang Hua and others left the Changjiang Group headquarters building with a large number of confidential documents from the Political Department. After they left, the three-story office building of the Political Department fell into dead silence.

Just like Shen Qiu's order to Zhang Hua, the entire political department was spared..

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