At the ICAC headquarters building, a Mercedes-Benz sedan with license plate number 1 parked at the entrance of the building.

More than a dozen troop carriers followed the car and stopped at the entrance of the building. Together with the dozen troop carriers that had been driven by the special operations team, the entrance to the entire ICAC headquarters building was blocked.

In the Mercedes-Benz car, Cai Yuanqi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, got out of the car first and opened the door for Han Yili and Yan Liguo who were sitting in the back seat.

After getting out of the car, Han Yili looked at the more than ten special operations team troop carriers in front of him. His face was extremely ugly. He waved. Not far behind him, Senior Police Officer Chu Rongxun, the commander-in-chief of the Flying Tigers, came to Han mercilessly. Beside Li

"Superintendent Chu, after your Flying Tigers go in, your first priority is to control the people of the Special Operations Team. I grant you the power to make arbitrary decisions when the situation arises. As long as the Special Operations Team reacts abnormally, your Flying Tigers can use any force to fight back."

Han Yili said lightly.

Hold your mother in your mouth, you damn guy, and let us Chinese beat our own people. Chu Rongxun greeted Han Yili's eighteenth generation of ancestors in his heart, and said:"Yes, sir!"

"Take action! Han

Yili said lightly.

Then, Han Yili took the lead and walked into the ICAC headquarters building with Yan Liguo, Cai Yuanqi and more than 200 Flying Tigers members.


When Han Yili walked into the ICAC headquarters building and saw a dozen security guards and several Chinese investigators with their hands and feet handcuffed, his ugly face became even more ugly. He pointed at a special operations officer The team member said loudly:"I am the Police Commissioner Han Yili, notify Shen Qiu immediately and ask him to come down to see me!"

"Report to Mr. Director, our communication equipment cannot contact Sir Shen. Please go upstairs to find Sir Shen."

The reply of this member of the special operations team almost made Han Yili swear on the spot. Shen Qiu didn't want to give him face. Even his soldiers dared not give him face.

Han Yili had already made up his mind at this moment, even if he would The special operations team was dismantled, and this special force could no longer be in the hands of Shen Qiu.

As the police chief, Han Yili naturally would not argue with a little guy. He looked deeply at this man After the members of the special operations team, they calmly said to Chu Rongxun:"Superintendent Chu, starting from the first floor, disarm all the people from the special operations team you see."

After that, Han Yili took Yan Liguo and Cai Yuanqi and walked towards the elevator.

"Brother, I'm sorry, we are also performing official duties."

Looking at Han Yili's leaving figure, Chu Rongxun looked helplessly at the members of the special operations team in front of him and said with a smile.

"Sir Chu, if I were you, I would wait a moment. Whether we fight or make peace today depends on how Sir Shen talks with Brother Yi. We don’t need to be in such a hurry."

As the member of the special operations team spoke, he took off his mask. It was Mike, the former inspector of the Flying Tigers who has now been promoted to senior inspector of the special operations team.

"Mike, it turns out it's you who is the one who jumped on the street. I asked you why the voice sounded so familiar just now. Why, do you feel good after quarreling with Brother Yi for once?"

As the commander of the Flying Tigers, Chu Rongxun naturally knew Mike. His face relaxed and he laughed and cursed

"Sir Chu, it feels really good. You can try it if you have the chance. It feels even better than fucking a woman."

Mike replied with a smile.

"Mike, you are right. We are all brothers. There is no need to make things so ugly. The senior management will discuss matters themselves. Before the matter is over, we can just put on a show."

Chu Rongxun was originally promoted by Li Wenbin. He knew that Shen Qiu came to ICAC just to get Li Wenbin. He didn't want to be an enemy of Shen Qiu or the special operations team. Now after hearing Mike's persuasion, Chu Rongxun made up his mind to go out this time. After saying this ,

Chu Rongxun asked his members of the Flying Tigers to go upstairs. A dozen people were assigned to each floor. They didn’t have to do anything. As long as they were present, the rest was up to him. The order of the Commander of the Flying Tigers.

At the same time, on the sixth floor of ICAC, the case handling area.

On the grounds of protecting the safety of ICAC employees, Shen Qiu moved more than 100 ICAC staff including Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen and Deputy Integrity Commissioner Li Zuming. The guards entered the interrogation room and instead brought out Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie, Lei Meng, and Kuang Zhili, who were supposed to be in the interrogation room.

"Ah Qiu, you are too impulsive, and the police force will be in civil strife."

Li Wenbin looked at Shen Qiu standing in front of him, shook his head and sighed.

"Sir Li, if our police force allows ICAC people to take away a group of senior police officers for any reason, then there will be real chaos. Don’t worry, this time it is not just our local faction, the mainland faction, Huang Bingyao , Guan Yaode and others will fully support us."

Shen Qiu replied with a smile.

Kuang Zhili, who was standing behind Li Wenbin, changed his face slightly after hearing what Shen Qiu said. He never expected that Shen Qiu could actually call on such a powerful force to come forward to help him.

But Li Wenbin's face changed. Although there was no change, a gleam flashed in his eyes:"Aqiu, tell me, what are you going to do?"

"Sir Li, what I want to do is very simple. I just want to tell the gangsters in the British Hong Kong government and all the citizens of Hong Kong Island that there can be no ICAC on Hong Kong Island, but there must be a police force."

Shen Qiu told Li Wenbin what Li Wenbin himself said in the future.


After hearing what Shen Qiu said, Li Wenbin's eyes suddenly lit up. Apparently, he understood what Shen Qiu meant.

Then, he said with some emotion:"Aqiu, if Mr. Lei and my father's generation had your courage, our police force would not be what it is now."

"Sir Li, that’s why we should cherish every opportunity."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly

"Shen! Autumn!"

At this moment, an angry voice came into Shen Qiu's ears.

Shen Qiu turned around and saw Han Yili, Yan Liguo, and Cai Yuanqi being stopped by several people from the special operations team. Cai Yuanqi He glared at himself with an angry look on his face. Obviously, the angry voice just now came from the mouth of the director of the Operations Department. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mr. Director, Deputy Director Yan, Minister Cai, what brought you big shots here?"

A smile appeared on Shen Qiu's face

"`Shen Qiu, I am telling you once again in front of you, immediately take the members of the special operations team out of the ICAC headquarters building and restore the place to its original state. Otherwise, I will immediately remove you from all positions and disband the special operations team."

Han Yili stared at Shen Qiu and said coldly.

After saying this to Shen Qiu, Han Yili looked at Li Wenbin standing next to Shen Qiu and said loudly:"Sir Li, you are a veteran of several decades. Police, you know the rules of the police force better than I do. Teach your subordinates what is the meaning of orders and prohibitions! What does it mean to be as ironclad as a mountain!"

"Mr. Director, have you forgotten that according to the Integrity Ordinance, when British Hong Kong government officials are investigated by ICAC, they are automatically suspended from their posts. I am no longer Shen Qiu's boss."

Li Wenbin said lightly.


Han Yili never expected that Li Wenbin would also break up with him and openly provoke him.

Ring, ring, ring~

Just when Han Yili was about to explode, a burst of cell phone ringing interrupted his upcoming outburst of anger.


Han Yili took out his mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and shouted.

Then, not knowing what he heard, Han Yili suddenly looked at Shen Qiu, his face became uglier than his dead mother, and he pointed at Shen Qiu, He shouted sternly:"Shen Qiu, how dare you incite the police officers of the Hong Kong Island Police Force to go on strike!"

(Good money) The call Han Yili just received was very simple. The Hong Kong Island Region, West Kowloon Region, East Kowloon Region, New Territories South Region and eleven police stations, under the leadership of the commander and director Next, thousands of police officers jointly protested to the police station to protest against ICAC's large-scale arrest of senior police officers.

Thousands of police officers have jointly requested the Police Department to negotiate with ICAC and require ICAC to produce evidence. Otherwise, ICAC's actions will be regarded as provoking a second police integrity war. If so, they will take more extreme measures. Fight against ICAC

"Mr. Director, please don’t accuse me unjustly. It is obviously what the people want, but you say it was me who instigated it?"

Completely different from Han Yili's expression, Shen Qiu's face was full of smiles

"Okay, okay, Shen Qiu, I……"

Ring ring ring~

Just when Han Yili was about to explode for the second time, another cell phone ring rang.


Han Yili shouted angrily after pressing the answer button.

Then, as if he was struck by lightning, he froze on the spot. Then, he subconsciously raised his head to look at Shen Qiu, looking at Shen Qiu's face. With a face full of smiles, Han Yili seemed to see a devil smiling proudly after doing evil things.……

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