ICAC headquarters building

"Mr. Director, what's wrong?"

Seeing Han Yili's appearance, Yan Liguo and Cai Yuanqi also had a flash of surprise in their eyes. How big of a thing could it be to shock a police commissioner like this? Both of them were a little bit uncomfortable. Dare to think

"The headquarters of the Political Department had just been attacked. From the head of the Political Department Xia Junxian down, everyone was killed, leaving no one alive."

Han Yili stared at Shen Qiu, gritted his teeth, and said slowly


After hearing what Han Yili said, not only Yan Liguo and Cai Yuanqi, but also Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie, Lei Luo, Kuang Zhili and others beside Shen Qiu were all stunned on the spot.

What kind of existence is the Political Department? Those who have worked in the Hong Kong Island Police Force for more than ten or even decades know very well, but such an existence could one day almost wipe out the entire department?


Although the Political Department still has some offices and training centers located in various districts, the headquarters was wiped out in one go, which is no different from the department being wiped out.

"Mr. Director, did I say that there are terrorists coming to Hong Kong Island with the intention of attacking important departments of the British Hong Kong government? If I had not led the people to protect Hong Kong Island 423ICAC in time, maybe it was not the Political Department that was attacked now, but ICAC."

Facing Han Yili who was gritting his teeth, Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

Of course, Shen Qiu would not admit that his people attacked the Political Department. Everyone should be well aware of this kind of thing.


Han Yili felt that his brain was a little dizzy. He staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Cai Yuanqi and Yan Liguo beside him reached out in time to support him.

"Mr. Director, if you feel unwell, please go home and rest. Your job belongs to the British Hong Kong Government, and your body belongs to you."

Shen Qiu said with concern

"Okay, okay, okay, Shen Qiu, I am now announcing in the name of the Commissioner of Police that you will be suspended immediately."

Han Yili's brain was completely filled with anger at this moment, he pointed at Shen Qiu and shouted sternly

"Mr. Director, I abide by your decision. Shen

Qiu shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

"Aqiu, you……"

Hearing Shen Qiu's words, his old boss Chen Zhijie immediately came to Shen Qiu's side. In his opinion, since the fight has reached the stage where the bayonet is red, there is no need to back down anymore. He might as well fight with the ghost directly. in the end!

However, before Chen (afdd) Zhijie finished speaking, he was interrupted by Li Wenbin:"Zhijie, Ah Qiu has Ah Qiu's plan." Li Wenbin knew very well that since Shen Qiu chose to quit, he must quit. reason.

Chen Zhijie's eyes suddenly moved, and then he nodded slowly.

Shen Qiu turned his head and smiled at Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie and others, and then said to Ma Jun who was standing not far away:"Ajun, immediately lead the special operations team to evacuate the ICAC headquarters building and return to the base to have a good rest."

"yes, sir!"

Although Ma Jun was puzzled by Shen Qiu's decision, he still chose to follow Shen Qiu's order and responded loudly.

"Mr. Director, enjoy yourself. I'll take my leave now."

After ordering the horse army, Shen Qiu said to Han Yili with a smile. Then, Shen Qiu slowly walked into the elevator step by step under the shocked and angry eyes of Han Yili, Yan Liguo, and Cai Yuanqi.

"Special operations team, close the team!"

After Shen Qiu left, Ma Jun immediately followed Shen Qiu's order to withdraw the team. Soon, ICAC was back under the control of Gui Lao, and Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie and others also returned to their interrogation room.

Integrity Commissioner Ge Inside Haowen's office

"Since the establishment of ICAC, only during the Police Integrity War has such a bad thing happened. Even then, Li Shutang and others who took the lead were ordered to retire early. This time, we must take down that Shen Qiu immediately. , tell the whole Hong Kong Island that we at ICAC will never allow anyone to provoke."

Deputy Commissioner for Integrity Li Zuming clamored to lead people to arrest Shen Qiu.

However, what embarrassed Li Zuming was that whether it was Ge Haowen, Han Yili, Yan Liguo, or Cai Yuanqi, they all ignored his proposal.

"Mr. Director, Mr. Commissioner, this guy Shen Qiu dares to touch even the Political Department. It is definitely not that simple to give in so easily now."

After Li Zuming's shouting voice fell, Cai Yuanqi said slowly

"Minister Cai, what do you think?"

Han Yili looked at Cai Yuanqi and asked

"Mr. Director, Mr. Commissioner, the Political Department has been operating secretly on Hong Kong Island for so many years, and must have mastered a lot of confidential information. Since Shen Qiu can take down the entire Political Department, is this confidential information?"

After learning that the Political Department had been taken over, Cai Yuanqi immediately thought of the confidential documents accumulated in the Political Department over the years.

"Minister Cai, the most confidential information of the Political Department is not stored within the Political Department;……"

At this point, Han Yili did not continue, but changed the topic:"Most of the information stored in the headquarters of the Political Department is the work information of the Political Department. It is very important, but it is not important enough for our British Hong Kong government to ignore the bottom line. That level of concession."

Han Yili's meaning is very obvious. What Shen Qiu is doing now has completely violated the bottom line of the British Hong Kong government. In normal times, the documents Shen Qiu plundered from the Political Department can be used to discuss a lot with the British Hong Kong government. Conditions, but now, even if the British Hong Kong government risks the exposure of those information, it must capture Shen Qiu, capture the local faction of the Hong Kong Island Police Force, and completely destroy Shen Qiu's power (for reading the cool novel, go to Flying Lu Novel Network!)

Ring ring ring ~

At this moment, a phone ring rang, interrupting the discussion of Han Yili, Galli, Cai Yuanqi and others

"Which one?"

Ghaowen picked up the phone receiver and asked.


"Okay, okay, Mr. Governor, Director Han and I will be right over."

After saying this, Grant put down the phone receiver, looked at Han Yili, and said:"Director Han, Mr. Hong Kong Governor invited us to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion."

"It seems that Mr. Governor of Hong Kong has made his decision."

Hearing Ge Haowen's words, Han Yili's eyes flashed and he said quietly.

After Han Yili's words fell, the eyes of Li Zuming, Yan Liguo and Cai Yuanqi all brightened up.

Li Zuming even looked at it. Xiang Haowen said directly:"Mr. Commissioner, do you want me to take someone with you now?"……"

"Establish a deputy commissioner and do not act rashly until you receive formal orders."

Ge Haowen directly interrupted Li Zuming's words, and then left his office with Han Yili.

On the other side, Shen Qiu dialed a number after leaving ICAC

"Ah Hua, give some copies of the materials obtained from the Political Department to Lu Minghua, and tell him that tonight, I will……"

Shen Qiu slowly said what he wanted Lu Minghua to do tonight.

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Hua nodded and responded.

"Ah Hua, since the ghost guys want to play with me to the end, let them know what it means not to shed tears until they see the coffin."

Shen Qiu turned around and looked at the ICAC headquarters building behind him, smiled slightly, and said slowly.

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