That afternoon, the police headquarters was a little deserted compared to previous days.

Lu Minghua looked at the information just sent by Qiu Gangao. Without a moment's hesitation, he directly picked up the phone receiver and dialed the next number.

"Jiehui, it's me. Come to my office right away."

After that, Lu Minghua hung up the phone, touched his chin, and fell into deep thought.

For the ghost guys, although these information from the Political Department did not hurt their vital points, it was enough to make them nervous. Bones.

In addition to the most confidential operations and agent situations, all general operations and agent information have been exposed, such as Kuang Zhili’s fiancée Qiao Dali, and several wealthy businessmen who went to the mainland to act as lobbyists in the name of investment, etc.

These agents, Because of the sudden annihilation of the Political Department, all contacts with their superiors were basically cut off. Most of the people on Hong Kong Island have been targeted by people from the Zhang Hua Intelligence Network. As for those on the mainland, their information has been placed on In front of Lu Minghua.

This favor was indeed too heavy for Lu Minghua and the mainland, and Lu Minghua didn't know how to repay Shen Qiu for a while. After almost 10 seconds, Lu Minghua looked up at Qiu Gangao and spoke. Asked:"Sir Shen~What do you need me to do?""

"Sir Shen hopes that at the critical moment, the mainland can -……"

Qiu Gangao relayed Shen Qiu's plan to Lu Minghua


After hearing the plan revealed by Qiu Gangao, Lu Minghua's eyes flashed with surprise. He had already organized thousands of policemen to force the high-ranking Gui Lao of the Police Department to imprison him, but this was already the limit of Shen Qiu's plan. Unexpectedly, , this is just an appetizer

"Shen Qiu is playing so big, what if the ghost guy flips the table?"

After pondering for a few seconds, Lu Minghua looked at Qiu Gangao and asked this question.

"That's why Sir Shen will give these information to you, Sir Lu."

For Lu Minghua's question, Shen Qiu had already expected it and had already told Lu Minghua the answer.

"not enough."

Lu Minghua shook his head and said. What he meant was very simple. If the ghost guy really overturned the table, it would be useless even if the mainland side said a word to help Shen Qiu unless the mainland side personally went to hell.

But wanting the mainland side to go to hell in person was equivalent to asking the mainland side to go to hell personally. The mainland has directly turned against the British Hong Kong government. Just relying on the special information of the Political Department is not enough.

"Sir Lu, Sir Shen said that he only needs the mainland to do so much, and he will take care of other things."

Obviously, Shen Qiu did not let Qiu Gangao answer this question.


Lu Minghua looked deeply at Qiu Gang'ao, and then nodded slowly.

Dong Dong Dong~

"Sir Lu, it’s me."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Liu Jiehui's voice came from outside the door.

"Sir Lu, if you are busy, I won't disturb you."

Qiu Gangao stood up and said goodbye to Lu Minghua, then opened the door of Lu Minghua's office and passed by Liu Jiehui.

"Sir Lu, does Shen Qiu want to see you for something?"

The entire police force knows that Qiu Gang'ao is Shen Qiu's biggest fan. After seeing Qiu Gang'ao, Liu Jiehui immediately realized that Shen Qiu had something to ask Lu Minghua for help.

"You go to the Hong Kong Office and send these materials from the Political Department."

Lu Minghua said slowly

"Sir Lu, what do you mean?……"

Hearing Lu Minghua's words, Liu Jiehui's eyes showed a hint of horror.

"This time we owe Shen Qiu a big favor, and we must express it. I will personally cooperate with Shen Qiu's actions. As for the Hong Kong Office, Jiehui, I will leave it to you."

Lu Minghua nodded slightly toward Liu Jiehui and said slowly, word by word.

"Okay, Sir Lu."

After hearing what Lu Minghua said, Liu Jiehui's eyes flashed with solemnity. He nodded heavily and responded. On the other side, after leaving the ICAC headquarters building, Shen Qiu took a car directly to the Taipingshan villa area.

He wanted to meet a tycoon in the media industry, founder of TVB and chairman of the Hong Kong Island News Media Federation, Shao Yifu.

Although Shao Yifu, who is 80 years old this year, had already publicly quit TVB and handed over TVB to He took care of his lover Fang Yihua.

But in fact, the whole Hong Kong Island knows that TVB is still under Shao Yifu’s control. Not only that, Shao Yifu’s media empire also includes Hong Kong Island sales rankings such as Sing Tao Daily and Commercial Daily. The major newspapers and periodicals of the past few days.

Shen Qiu's next plan needs the support of this media tycoon. At

4 pm that day, Shen Qiu met Shao Yifu at Villa No. 16, Taipingshan

"Hello, Mr. Shao."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the old man with thinning hair in front of him, Shen Qiu smiled and said hello.

"Superintendent Shen has long heard that there is a great young man in the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Now that we meet him, he is indeed well-deserved."

Shao Yifu is also smiling and has a very kind attitude.

If Shen Qiu is just an ordinary chief superintendent, let alone Shao Yifu being so polite to him, even if he wants to meet Shao Yifu, it will be extremely difficult, but relying on his own With the fame and status gained in 2016, the gap between Chief Superintendent Shen Qiu and other Chief Superintendents in the police force is comparable to the gap between the Commissioner of Police and the Chief Superintendent.

"Superintendent Shen, I wonder why you came here to see me, a retired old man, today?"

Shao Yifu, after exchanging pleasantries with Shen Qiu, went straight to the topic.

Obviously, Shao Yifu, a media tycoon, is also very well-informed. He knew what happened today and did not want to have too much interaction with Shen Qiu. He has something to say

"Mr. Shao, I accidentally obtained some information that is very interesting. I hope the media in Hong Kong can help me expose this information so that all citizens of Hong Kong Island can know about this interesting information."

Shen Qiu said to Shao Yifu with a smile.

If it were the news in the past, Shen Qiu could directly ask Le Huizhen to come forward to help him expose it. But what he wants to expose today is the mole police officer placed in the police force by the Political Department. , and what these insider police officers did for the Political Department.

This kind of news that has touched on the dark side of the British Hong Kong government, without Shao Yifu’s nod, no one in the entire TVB dared to broadcast it.

And in the Hong Kong Island media industry, if even TVB They didn't dare to broadcast it, let alone other newspapers and media, which was why Shen Qiu came to Shao Yifu.

"Superintendent Shen, Hong Kong Island is still governed by the British Hong Kong government."

After listening to Shen Qiu's words, Shao Yifu said quietly[]

Obviously, Shao Yifu knew very well what Shen Qiu wanted to expose. He knew even better how the British Hong Kong government would react after these news were exposed.

"Mr. Shao, something big is going to happen tonight. Exposing these things is just the icing on the cake for me, but for you TVB, it is a timely help. Shen

Qiu said slowly

"Superintendent Shen, are you saying the opposite? Shao

Yifu looked at Shen Qiu and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Shao, I will leave this information with you. Tonight, you will know whether what I say is true or false. However, I suggest that you better prepare the news content in advance."

Chen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly


Shao Yifu looked at Shen Qiu deeply, without commenting on his words.

He did not reject Shen Qiu directly, just to see what conditions the young man would give. In the end, he never expected that this young man would be so confident that he would offend the British Hong Kong government. And you are not willing to give anything, how is this possible?

"Mr. Shao, you have many things to do every day, so I won't disturb you anymore and take my leave."

After Shen Qiu said this, he stood up and left without any hesitation.


Looking at Shen Qiu's leaving figure, Shao Yifu pondered for a few minutes before picking up the phone and dialing a number.

"Yihua, come home, there is something I want to explain to you face to face."

After the call was connected, Shao Yifu said slowly.

Shen Qiu's confidence made Shao Yifu a little unsure of how much noise this young man would make tonight. Maybe he could really make the ghost guy bow his head?

Although Shen Qiu's His attitude makes Shao Yifu, who has been in a high position for a long time, a little unhappy, but as a successful businessman, Shao Yifu will never let go of any opportunity, even if this opportunity seems very slim.

If Shen Qiu can really defeat Gui Lao tonight, Shao Yifu doesn't mind helping Shen Qiu, but if Shen Qiu is just talking big words, he will let Shen Qiu know what it means to respect the elderly and love the young...

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