When Shen Qiu met Shao Yifu, the information he gave Shao Yifu was also circulated in several major hills in the police force except the Guilao Faction.

Almost everyone in the police force knows the unspoken rule that the police force gives priority to promotion of police officers with backgrounds in the Political Department. However, many things cannot be solved even if they are not good enough.

Many superintendents and chief inspectors became angry after actually seeing these materials and knowing how these police officers who came from the political department stepped on them to get promoted quickly and how many evil things they had done.

Huang Bingyao, Guan Yaode and others even saw some more top-secret information. Among their factions, some senior police officers, like Kuang Zhili, were instigated and controlled by the Political Department through various means, and became buried under their There is a time bomb in the faction that may explode at some point.

This made many senior police officers who were originally dissatisfied with Gui Lao make up their mind to work with Shen Qiu to cause earth-shaking.

Of course, these people can become high-ranking police officers, and they are definitely not stupid. They helped Shen Qiu make things worse with the"310" incident. If Shen Qiu wins, they will get benefits. If Shen Qiu loses, the ghost guy will also It will appease them and they can still benefit.

In short, as long as the matter is as big as the police integrity war, they and others will definitely make money.

But what they didn't know was that Shen Qiu was taking advantage of their mentality.

At the same time, inside Kowloon Walled City

"These people are your targets. No matter what method you use, you must bring these people back to the walled city. You can only succeed and not fail."

Zhang Shihao looked at the hundreds of men in front of him and said slowly.

After Shen Qiu took over the Kowloon Walled City, he immediately recruited many young men between the ages of 15 and 20 in the walled city, and also hired people from the mainland. Some retired scout instructors, in more than a year, trained these young men into elites who were absolutely loyal to the boss Shen Qiu.


After listening to Zhang Shihao's words, these hundreds of men all had firm faces and were obviously ready.

"Set off!"

Zhang Shihao said slowly.

Soon, hundreds of men divided into nearly a hundred groups and headed in various directions on Hong Kong Island.

At 5:40 pm, Kangcheng Law Firm in Central.

As a partner of the law firm, Qiao Daili naturally would not be like those interns. Like a lawyer, even after work, she still had to stay in the office to work overtime. Carrying her 1v bag, like a lady, she elegantly unlocked her BMW car and then got into the car. However

, , the moment she got into the car, a man quickly opened the back door of her car, sat in her car, and at the same time reached out and put a dagger at her neck.

As a specially trained agent, Qiao Drey reacted immediately. She immediately pulled the control on the back of the car seat and fell backwards. Then, her movements suddenly stagnated... because she saw a dark figure outside the driver's door. The muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at her.

It is true that Qiao Daili is an agent, but she is just a Muyang dog who was recruited into MI7 when she was studying. How can we expect such a person to work for MI7 and the Political Department? Possible?

Without hesitation, Qiao Dali directly stretched out her hands to express surrender.

Soon, under the protection of several men, Qiao Dali drove to Kowloon City and walked into the Kowloon Walled City.

On this day, more than 100 politicians Except for a few people who died unexpectedly, all the other 90 people who had planted nails in all walks of life on Hong Kong Island were brought back to the Kowloon Walled City. On the other side, at 7 o'clock that evening, the Hong Kong Island Region and the West Kowloon Region , Kowloon East Region, New Territories South Region, New Territories North Region, as well as 17 police stations including Central Police Station, Wan Chai Police Station, Yau Tsim Police Station, etc. jointly issued a notice to the Police. In this notice, these The region and the police department have made three demands on the police department.

The first request requires the police department to thoroughly investigate the moles placed by the political department next to the police officers, and at the same time ensure that police officers who are from the political department will be treated in the future. , no special treatment will be given.

The second request requires the police force to immediately put pressure on ICAC to immediately release Li Wenbin, Chen Zhijie and others, and also requires ICAC to guarantee that in the future, when arresting police officers above the rank of police superintendent, they must go through the police Arrests can only be made with the approval of the Hong Kong Affairs Office.

The third requirement is that the Police Force must ensure the independence of the Police Force in the future and ensure that the Police Force is a team serving the citizens of Hong Kong Island, rather than some conspirators and politicians. A tool in everyone's hands. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These regions and police stations require the police department to give a reply before 12 o'clock that night, otherwise these regions and police stations will Starting from the next day, an indefinite strike will be held until the police agree to these three demands.

Police Headquarters Building, Office of Police Commissioner Han Yili

"You should also know about the notice from those guys. Tell me, what should we do?"

Han Yili looked at Yan Liguo, Jian Baozhong, Cai Yuanqi and others in front of him, his face was extremely ugly.

In the afternoon, after removing Shen Qiu from his post and settling the matter of the ICAC headquarters building, Han Yili immediately made the next reaction, He was already preparing to hold a meeting at the police chief level the next day. At the meeting, he proposed to dismantle the special operations team like the PTU and assign it to various regions and police stations. At the same time, the command authority was also delegated, completely dismantling Shen Qiu's control over the special operations team. At the same time ,

Han Yili is also preparing to set up another special anti-terrorism team, which will be personally organized by Cai Yuanqi, the director of the operations department. This time he wants to ensure that this special force is in the hands of ghosts like them. 0......

Finally, Han Yili asked ICAC Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen to hold a press conference in the evening to disclose Li Wenbin's culpability, so that the police officers who threatened to strike would lose theirreason for working.

As a result, Han Yili never expected that Shen Qiu would punch him hard before he could take action.

At first glance, these three conditions seem to be for the independence of the police force and to better serve the citizens of Hong Kong Island. However, Han Yili and Yan Liguo, the gangsters, see clearly that these high-ranking Chinese police officers clearly want to take advantage of This opportunity will severely damage their ghost guy's power in the police force.

Seven out of ten high-ranking ghost guys in the entire police force are from the Political Department, and the Chinese top leaders in the Gui Lao faction are even more exaggerated. Nine out of ten are from the Political Department. After all, only those who have received the assessment from the Political Department are. He is the Muyang Dog who is trusted by the ghost guy.

Now the group of Chinese police officers are demanding that police officers with backgrounds in the Political Department cannot be given preferential treatment, which is tantamount to breaking the monopoly of the ghost guys at the top of the police force. Combined with the second request, when ICAC wants to arrest police officers above the superintendent of the police force, Must be approved by the Police Department.

ICAC will not catch ghosts, so Han Yili and others know who they are without having to think about which people are most beneficial to them.

This group of Chinese policemen obviously want to build the police force into a Chinese-interested team, which is absolutely unacceptable to Han Yili, Yan Liguo and others.

Even when Shen Qiu occupied the ICAC headquarters building and the political department was wiped out, Han Yili was not so angry.

Hong Kong Island is the brightest pearl in the Queen's crown, and the Police Force is the framework that protects this pearl. There must be no room for failure!

"Mr. Director 2.2, those Chinese have given us an ultimatum and are at odds with us. Talking to them now will definitely not work. I suggest that the Hong Kong Island Police Force be declared on level 1 alert and that all police officers Immediately put them on duty if they dare to disobey orders……"

At this point, Cai Yuanqi's face showed a trace of sinisterness:"Mr. Director, you can use this as an excuse to ask the Hong Kong Governor to declare a state of emergency on Hong Kong Island and ask the garrison to take action to arrest all these Chinese police officers who are causing trouble. Then we will gather another group and fight another group, kill the chickens and scare the monkeys, and suppress all these Chinese!"

After hearing Cai Yuanqi's words, Han Yili, Yan Liguo, and Jian Baozhong all had their eyes lit up. They killed the chickens and the monkeys. They knew exactly who they were killing.

Looking at Cai Yuanqi with a sinister look in front of them, several ghost guys secretly thought in their hearts that Muyang dogs are really useful. After all, the ones who are most cruel to the Chinese are always these Muyang dogs who have knelt down to be dogs. What they thought It’s not about how to stand up, but I’m kneeling down. Why are you still standing?.

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