That night, the Chinese police officers from all major regions and police stations on Hong Kong Island did not wait for a reply from the top brass of the Police Department. Instead, they waited for Police Commissioner Han Yili to announce that because the Political Department of the Police Force had been attacked by terrorists, News that the police force has entered level one alert.

There are three levels of alert status for the Hong Kong Island Police Force. Level 3 requires 50% of the police force to be on duty, level 2 requires 70% of the force to be on duty, and level 1 requires all personnel to be on duty..

After hearing the news, the Chinese senior leaders of the major regions and police stations immediately understood that Han Yili was deliberately confronting them: Didn't you Chinese people say that you are going to go on strike? Then I will require all of you to be on duty. Once If you go on strike, you will be slapped with a hat immediately.

At the same time, ICAC Integrity Commissioner Ge Haowen gave a public speech at the ICAC headquarters building. In front of dozens of news media on Hong Kong Island, he disclosed evidence of Li Wenbin's misappropriation of public funds when he was the head of the CID and O records departments.

After many years of investigation by the Political Department and the full cooperation of Kwong Chi-li, the evidence presented by Ge Haowen can only be described as solid evidence.

The reporters present were excitedly taking photos of the evidence. For them, it didn’t matter who won or lost in the fight between the ghost guys and the Chinese police officers. The most important thing was how popular it was..

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ge Haowen had a faint smile on his face.

In his opinion, they ghost guys have already won this game.

Bang bang bang...

At this moment, a burst of slow and powerful applause sounded, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Who are you?"

Ge Haowen looked at Le Huizhen who was applauding and asked with some confusion.

"Commissioner Ge, I am TVB reporter Le Huizhen. I also have something here. I hope you can give me and all Hong Kong Island citizens an answer after listening."

After that, Le Huizhen raised a player and pressed the play button.

Immediately, a woman's voice came from the speaker of the player.

"My name is Qiao Dali. I am a partner of Kang Shing Law Firm. I am also the Chief Superintendent of the Hong Kong Island Police Force and the fiancée of Yau Tsim Police Station Commissioner Kwong Chi-li. My fiancé, Kwong Chi-li, is serving as……"

Qiao Daili dumped all the evidence of Li Wenbin's crimes on Kuang Zhili. Li Wenbin just wanted to compensate the undercover O, but Kuang Zhili was instructed by the Political Department to use small means to frame Li Wenbin.


After hearing this recording of Qiao Dali, the faces of the dozens of reporters present became even more excited.

When Ge Haowen listened to this recording, his face was very ugly. If there were not dozens of reporters present and the three major TV towers were live broadcasting, he would have immediately sent someone to snatch the player from Le Huizhen's hand.

"Commissioner Ge, what explanation do you have for this recording?"

After this recording was played, Le Huizhen stared at Gal Haowen and asked loudly

"It's a bunch of nonsense. I don't know where I found a woman, but I dared to talk nonsense, mislead the people of Hong Kong Island, and frame our ICAC. I think you, a reporter, have become a tool of criminals."

Ge Haowen immediately lashed out at Le Huizhen

"Commissioner Ge, don't be so excited. This Ms. Qiao Daili has already surrendered to the Kowloon City District Police Station. I believe you will be able to see the police's official transcript and other relevant evidence soon."

Le Huizhen's eyes are also full of excitement. The more Ge Haowen loses his composure at this moment, the more it proves that the value of this news is very important.

"Humph, who in the entire Hong Kong Island doesn't know that the Kowloon City District Police Station is Shen Qiu's territory, and Shen Qiu is Li Wenbin's man, who can say that there is nothing fishy in it?"

After hearing what Le Huizhen said, before Ge Haowen could speak, Li Zuming, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but say.

"Deputy Commissioner Li, you are saying that in the eyes of ICAC, the evidence collected and the records produced by the Hong Kong Island Police are invalid, is that right?"

Le Huizhen immediately caught the loophole in Li Zuming's words.


Of course, Li Zuming would not answer this question that sows the relationship between ICAC and the police force, and chose to remain silent.

"Commissioner Ge, please listen to the following recordings."

Seeing that Li Zuming shut up, Le Huizhen did not pursue the question and continued to raise the player and press the play button.

"I am the girlfriend of Zhuo Zuqian, the former CID commander of the Hong Kong Island Police Force……"

After hearing the name Zhuo Zuqian, Ge Haowen's face suddenly changed and he immediately shouted:"Let her stop playing this recording immediately!"

After the battle between police and integrity, Li Shutang was ordered to retire early and replaced him as police officer The leader of the local faction of the team was Zhuo Zuqian, who was also the most likely Chinese to become the first police commissioner at that time.

At that time, the local faction was very powerful in the police force because they planned the war on police integrity. In order to fight against the local faction, Gui Lao supported Muyang dogs like Cai Yuanqi to rise to power, and at the same time used women to deal with Zhuo Zuqian just like he did with Kwong Zhili. , led to the local faction of the police force splitting, and then there were seven or eight factions including Li Wenbin, Huang Bingyao, Guan Yaode and others.

Even after the local faction split, Gui Lao was still worried about Zhuo Zuqian, so ICAC took action. Zhuo Zuqian was sentenced to 7 years in prison for corruption and dereliction of duty. In his fifth year of serving in Xiaolan Prison, Zhuo Zuqian died in depression.

There are still many former disciples and former officials of Zhuo Zuqian in the police force, and there are even more police officers who sympathize with Zhuo Zuqian. If these people know that Zhuo Zuqian was wrongly accused, the consequences...

After hearing what Ge Haowen said, , Li Zuming immediately asked several investigators to come forward, preparing to seize the announcer and expel Le Huizhen from ICAC. However, at this moment……

"Since when did our ICAC dare not let anyone play a recording? Have you guys forgotten the words fairness, justice, and openness?"

At this time, a voice came from the door of the conference room where the press conference was held, and then an ordinary-looking man appeared in front of everyone at the press conference with a dozen young men and women.

It was Lu Zhilian

"Lu Zhilian, what are you doing?……"

Li Zuming pointed at Lu Zhilian and shouted loudly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Lu Zhilian:"Deputy Commissioner Li, Commissioner Ge, I heard that ICAC is short of manpower for major cases. I want to I wonder if you can help me. As a result, you people really disappointed me!"

As he spoke, Lu Zhilian led others to protect Le Huizhen.

"Lu Zhilian, do you know what you are doing? Ge

Haowen stared at Lu Zhilian, his tone was cold, and he said slowly

"I only know that the purpose of ICAC is to build a bright Hong Kong Island, not a Hong Kong Island that will be silenced if you say a few words. If I let you do whatever you want, tonight will be the darkest night in the history of ICAC!"

Lu Zhilian did not dodge, looked straight at Gal Haowen, and said calmly word for word. All these scenes were broadcast live on the TV channels of the three major TV stations, causing an uproar throughout Hong Kong Island.

Almost at the same time , Huang Bingyao, Guan Yiu-tak and others received calls from Shen Qiu. Subsequently

, the five major regions and 17 police stations of the Hong Kong Island Police issued a joint statement. From now on, these regions and police stations will go on strike indefinitely, except In addition to requiring the police force to agree to their three demands, they also added another requirement: ICAC must work with the police force to reopen the case of Zhuo Zuqian and others and give justice to Zhuo Zuqian and others.

Police Headquarters Building, Office of the Commissioner of Police

"They are seeking death!"

After receiving the joint statement, Han Yili gritted his teeth and said coldly, word by word.

Then, he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"I am the Commissioner of Police Hon Yi-li. I am looking for Mr. Governor of Hong Kong."

After the call was connected, Han Yili took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and then slowly said[]

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