The Governor's Mansion, inside the Governor's Office

"Hong Kong Island has only entered a state of emergency four times in the 140 years since its opening. I must know, what can I gain by declaring a state of emergency this time?"

After listening to Han Yili's report, Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying pondered for a few minutes, then stared at Han Yili and spoke slowly. The

Hong Kong Island Emergency Law is a law specially formulated by Gui Lao that applies to the Hong Kong Island colony. This law It was specially formulated in response to the Hong Kong Island Seamen's Strike in 1922.

The British Hong Kong government only responded to the four seamen's strikes in 1922, the Provincial and Hong Kong General Strikes in 1925, the Double Ten riots in 1957, and the June 7th riots in 1967. This law was used in the strike protests that almost swept Hong Kong Island.

After declaring a state of emergency, the British Hong Kong government will have 8 privileges, including: 1. The dissemination of false reports; 2. The power to inspect weapons; 3. Inner chambers No public trial; 4. Order to open or close a house; 5. Any person can be asked to identify himself; 6. The power to disperse an assembly, and any gathering of three or more people can be prosecuted for the crime of"illegal assembly"; 7. A curfew is implemented throughout the territory; 8. Any authorized officer, without holding a search warrant, can enter houses, vehicles or ships, search for any weapons or ammunition, and intercept suspicious persons.

With these 8 special powers in hand, the British Hong Kong government can easily Controlling the entire Hong Kong Island, but the price paid is that the entire Hong Kong Island will be shut down. Therefore, unless it is forced, the British Hong Kong government will never declare a state of emergency on Hong Kong Island.

"Hong Kong Island Police Force."

Han Yili immediately gave his answer.

After hearing Han Yili's words, Yang Ruiying's expression suddenly changed:"Director Han, is the situation in the police force so dangerous?"

"Mr. Governor, you know that the police force has many legacy problems, and now the ancestors are slowly giving up power on Hong Kong Island, and the Chinese have taken advantage of the loopholes."

Han Yili directly put the blame on the former Hong Kong Governor MacLehose and this ancestral government. In the war on police integrity for more than 10 years, MacLehose's compromise allowed the Chinese forces in the police force to retain most of their strength. , and now that the ancestral government has returned Hong Kong Island and transferred power to the Chinese, the Chinese influence in the police force has greatly increased.

"Director Han, you might as well wait until you return to your ancestral home to report on your work and discuss these matters with your ancestral home..~"

Yang Ruiying snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Han Yili's attitude of shirking responsibility.

"Mr. Governor, that will happen later. Now we must act decisively to deal with the disobedient Chinese in the Hong Kong Island Police Force and bring the Police Force back under our absolute control."

Han Yili decisively did not follow Yang Ruiying's words, but changed the topic.

"Director Han, I can declare a state of emergency on Hong Kong Island, or I can ask the Hong Kong Island garrison to dispatch the Chinese police officers of your police force, but you must tell me, how sure are you about this matter? Yang

Ruiying stared at Han Yili and said quietly.

"As long as we deal with the leading Chinese, our police force will be able to hold on until our ancestors hand over Hong Kong Island."

Han Yili was obviously very sincere and gave a very clear answer.

"Okay, Director Han, remember what you just said."

Yang Ruiying looked deeply at Han Yili, then picked up the phone receiver on his desk and dialed the number of Chief Secretary for Administration Tian Bopei.

"Secretary Tian, ​​my name is Yang Ruiying. I will sign a Hong Kong Governor's Order soon, and your Chief Secretary will declare that Hong Kong Island will enter a state of emergency for 24 hours from now on."

After the call was connected, Yang Ruiying immediately said

"Mr. Governor, what happened?"

On the other end of the phone, after hearing Yang Ruiying's words, Tian Bopei's face suddenly changed and he immediately asked.

Declaring a state of tension, not only the Hong Kong Governor has to bear huge pressure, but as the second-in-command of the British Hong Kong government, he also have to bear a lot of pressure

"The vast majority of Chinese police officers in the Hong Kong Island Police Force have announced a strike. Director Tian, ​​think about it. More than 10,000 officers armed with firearms and who have received strict training may take to the streets at any time to march. Once a riot occurs, what will happen? as a result of? Yang

Ruiying said slowly

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I support your decision. We must take a preemptive strike and pin down these Chinese police officers who are causing trouble."

After hearing Yang Ruiying's words, a cold sweat broke out on Tian Bopei's forehead. More than 10,000 strictly trained armed police officers took to the streets to protest. That scene made Tian Bopei's scalp numb just thinking about it. Without a moment's hesitation, he immediately agreed to Yang Ruiying's decision to implement the state of emergency on Hong Kong Island.

"Director Tian, ​​the future direction of the Hong Kong Island Police Force will be decided tonight. As the top officers of Hong Kong Island, we must defend the Hong Kong Island Police Force and Hong Kong Island for Her Majesty the Queen."

Yang Ruiying said slowly, word for word.

"Mr. Governor, I will definitely do my best."

Tian Bopei's tone was unusually firm.

After hearing Tian Bopei's words, Yang Ruiying immediately hung up the phone and dialed the phone number of Major General Franz Bevin, commander of the Hong Kong garrison.

"Major General Bevin, I am Yang Ruiying."

After the call was connected, Yang Ruiying immediately said

"Mr. Governor, what are your orders?"

Franz Bevin asked with some doubts after hearing Yang Ruiying introduce herself to the family.

Since the restoration of Hong Kong Island, the Hong Kong Governor's garrison on Hong Kong Island has become more and more transparent, and the number of military camps has been reduced from 5 to 1. It also reduced from 6 British mainland camps and 10 Gorgo mercenary camps with a total of 11,000 people to 2 British mainland camps and 6 Gorgo mercenary camps with a total of 4,000 people.

Under normal circumstances, except for Christmas, the Hong Kong Governor Rarely would he take the initiative to contact the garrison, so Franz Bevin was confused after receiving a call from Yang Ruiying.

"'Major General Franz Bevin, I have signed the Hong Kong Governor's Order declaring that Hong Kong Island has entered a 24-hour state of emergency. I hope that your garrison will be dispatched immediately.……"

Yang Ruiying informed Franz Bevin of his order

"As ordered, the Governor of Hong Kong will be born."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After listening to Yang Ruiying's order, Franz Bevin immediately said.

After entering a state of emergency, the Hong Kong Governor will have supreme power on Hong Kong Island, including garrison command

"Major General Bevin, summon the troops immediately and start taking action. The sooner the task is completed, the sooner Hong Kong Island can restore peace. Yang

Ruiying said slowly

"Okay, Mr. Governor."

Franz Bevin replied immediately.

After hearing Franz Bevin's reply, Yang Ruiying hung up the phone, then looked at Han Yili, and said slowly:"Director Han, now you are still loyal to the Queen. The police blocked all media outlets on Hong Kong Island and were not allowed to report a single word unless permitted by the British Hong Kong government."

(Zhao Hao) Yes, Mr. Governor of Hong Kong!"

Han Yili responded loudly.

At this moment, Han Yili's eyes were full of expectation and excitement. He was sure that the winner tonight must be the British, without exception!

At the same time, Zheng was watching with relish Shen Qiu, who was broadcasting the live confrontation at ICAC on TV, saw the scene suddenly change and urgently interrupted the speech of the Chief Secretary for Administration of the British Hong Kong Government, Tian Bopui, announcing that Hong Kong Island would enter a 24-hour state of emergency from now on.

Then, The TV screen turned into a blurry screen, and the signal had obviously been cut off.

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Ah Hua, pass on my order. As soon as the ghost guy starts arresting people, you can start moving."

After the call was connected, Shen Qiu said lightly.[]

"Okay, Brother Qiu."

Zhang Hua immediately nodded and responded.

"The curfew can only restrain ordinary citizens, but not those who truly love Hong Kong."

Shen Qiu smiled slightly and said slowly.

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