Following a phone call from Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying, a total of 3,000 Gorgo mercenaries from the six Gorgo battalions in the garrison were immediately ordered to assemble by the garrison commander Bevin. They took nearly a hundred personnel carriers and headed for Hong Kong Island in a mighty manner. In the urban area, senior Chinese officers in the police force were arrested, such as Huang Bingyao, Guan Yaode, Shen Qiu and others.

The reason why Bevin did not use the British local battalion is also very simple. After World War II, the old empire on which the sun never sets weakened too fast, and the lobster soldiers quickly degenerated into soft-legged shrimps. The soldiers in the British local battalion are all great men, unless they are absolutely necessary. , otherwise Bevin would not use the people from these two local camps.

When Bevin brought 3,000 Gorgo soldiers to the urban area of ​​Hong Kong Island, he discovered that something was wrong.

It's not that the senior Chinese police officers in the police force were not caught, but the process of arresting them was too smooth. It was as smooth as if these guys had agreed to let them station troops to arrest them.

However, this thought was only fleeting in Bevin's mind. As a soldier, he only needed to complete the orders of his superiors. As for what happened next, it was a headache for the Hong Kong Governor and had nothing to do with their garrison.

After confirming that all 29 targets had been arrested, Bevan took out his mobile phone and dialed the mobile number of Hong Kong Governor Yeung Rui-ying.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I am Bevin. All the 29 targets you asked me to arrest have been captured by us. What do we need to do next?"

After the call was connected, Bevin asked with a smile.

"All 29 people were arrested by your garrison, including that Shen Qiu?"

After hearing Bei Wen's words, Yang Ruiying's eyes flashed with surprise. He had dealt with Shen Qiu several times and knew the young man's abilities. Yang Ruiying originally thought that arresting Shen Qiu would be very troublesome, but in the end, this?

He thought Here, Yang Ruiying immediately realized that there must be something wrong with Shen Qiu being arrested by the garrison so easily.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yang Ruiying said directly:"Major General Beiwen, escort Shen Qiu and others back to you immediately. The guards at the Stanley Military Camp must not allow them to have any contact with the outside world."

"Okay, Mr. Governor."

Bevin responded with a smile and a nod.

"By the way, Major General Bevin, for safety reasons, you leave 2,000 troops on standby in the city."

Seemingly thinking of something, Yang Ruiying added


After receiving Yang Ruiying's order, Bevin ordered his adjutant, Brigadier General Tim Vaughan, to take 2,000 Gorgo soldiers to wait in the city, while he took Shen Qiu and other 29 Chinese police officers back to Stanley Prison. On the other end of the phone, after Yang Ruiying hung up the phone, Han Yili, who had been staying in the Hong Kong Governor's office, immediately said:"Mr. Hong Kong Governor, this bastard Shen Qiu is very cunning. He is not easily caught. He must be cheating!""

"That's why I asked Bevin to leave 2,000 troops stationed in the city in case anything unexpected happened."

Yang Ruiying said slowly.

Just as Han Yili and Yang Ruiying thought, an accident was going to happen soon.

After Shen Qiu, Huang Bingyao, Guan Yaode and others were arrested, the Hop Sing Gang in Kowloon Walled City mobilized to attack Kowloon City. Taking the urban area as the center, it marched towards the surrounding places such as Kwun Tong, Sai Kung, Sha Tin, Yau Ma Tei, etc., directly ignoring the curfew, and began to grab territory in these areas, engaging in various conflicts, and it felt like a tiger swallowing thousands of miles.

At the same time, Hung Hing, Wo Lian Sheng, Sun Kee, Number Gang and other societies have also launched attacks. Together with the aborigines of the New Territories, the entire Hong Kong Island, from North District to Southern District, from Tuen Mun to Sai Kung, and from the New Territories to Hong Kong Island, all Chaos.

Hundreds of thousands of young and Dangerous boys, New Territories aborigines, and residents of the Kowloon Walled City all fought together. The fight was so fierce that it seemed as if the entire Hong Kong Island was going to be turned upside down.

But from 1 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. In just half an hour, the 999 Reporting Center of the Hong Kong Island Police received nearly a thousand alarm calls, and the alarm line was paralyzed.

At this time, the five regions of the Hong Kong Island Police announced a strike , 17 police stations all refused to dispatch police on the grounds that the chief was arrested.

This chaotic scene directly shocked the entire Hong Kong Island.

Villa No. 16, Taipingshan

"Yihua, what's going on?"

Shao Yifu, who was woken up by Fang Yihua, shook his head, looked at his lover in front of him, and asked

"Sixth Brother, didn’t you say that if something important happened in the evening, I would wake you up immediately? Fang

Yihua said with a smile.

"What's the big deal?"

The moment he heard Fang Yihua's words, the figure of a handsome young man immediately appeared in Shao Yifu's mind, and the young man told him that something big would happen tonight.

"The four major social groups, the New Territories aborigines, and the Hop Sing Gang in Kowloon Walled City have all moved into action. Hundreds of thousands of people have turned the entire Hong Kong Island into chaos. Now every district is in chaos."

Fang Yihua immediately replied.


After hearing Fang Yihua's words, Shao Yifu's originally cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, and then he immediately said:"Yihua, make me a cup of black coffee."

"Sister Tao, help Brother Six make a cup of black coffee."

Fang Yihua shouted outside the bedroom door.

"Yihua, what happened before these people started making trouble?"

Shao Yifu continued to ask

"The garrison came to the city and arrested some police officers and took them to Stanley Barracks."

Fang Yihua replied

"Who was caught?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shao Yifu spoke very fast (agbb), and he seemed to have realized something

"Shen Qiu, Huang Bingyao, Guan Yaode, Chen Xinjian, and the rest are still being investigated. However, now the police force’s 5 regions and 17 police stations have declared a strike and refused to send police officers.……"

"Using hundreds of thousands of people to support themselves is such a big deal. No wonder that guy is so confident."

Before Fang Yihua finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shao Yifu.

At this moment, there was a hint of shock in Shao Yifu's eyes. He never expected that Shen, a young boy, could actually play such a big scene. Hong Kong How many people are there in total on the island? He can mobilize hundreds of thousands of people...

Thinking of this, Shao Yifu immediately said to Fang Yihua:"Yihua, the news I asked you to produce this afternoon will be broadcast on all channels immediately after 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. , In addition, notify the editor-in-chief of Sing Tao Daily and Commercial Daily to produce supplements immediately, and everyone in the printing factory will start working together. At least 500,000 newspapers must be printed before 6 a.m.!"

"Brother Six, the British Hong Kong government has declared a state of emergency on Hong Kong Island. If we report the news without their permission, does that mean... or should we wait a little longer?"

Fang Yihua is very cautious. She naturally knows the content of the news that Shao Yifu asked her to produce in the afternoon. She knows even better what the consequences will be if the news is broadcast now.

Her meaning is also very simple, let Shao Yifu wait. Wait until the situation becomes clear and who wins and who loses is determined, then decide whose team to side with.

"Sir, your black coffee."

At this time, Sister Tao, the Shao family's self-combing maid, walked into Shao Yifu's bedroom with a cup of black coffee and carefully handed the black coffee to Shao Yifu.

"Thank you, Sister Tao."

After taking the cup of black coffee, Shao Yifu took a sip. The bitter taste made his slightly dizzy brain instantly wake up.

Shao Yifu looked at Fang Yihua again and said slowly:"Yihua, are you here? Those who do news on Hong Kong Island will not be overthrown by the British Hong Kong government, but will only be overthrown by the citizens of Hong Kong Island. Shen Qiu can mobilize hundreds of thousands of people to cooperate with him, which has proven his strength to me. What he said is right, all he needs is the icing on the cake. If we don't move now, we won't even be able to add flowers."

"Okay, Brother Six, I understand what you mean."[]

Although I still don’t understand why Shao Yifu thinks so highly of Shen Qiu, now that Shao Yifu has made a decision, Fang Yihua can only abide by it.

"Yihua, just wait, Shen Qiu is having such a big game tonight, he will definitely end it with a killing move, but he just doesn’t know what kind of killing move it is."

Shao Yifu said quietly.

At the same time, the Hong Kong Governor's Residence.

Hong Kong Governor Yang Ruiying, Chief Secretary for Administration Tian Bopui, Financial Secretary Ou Hunter, Secretary for Justice Stanley Ho, ICAC Integrity Commissioner Grant Howen, who arrived not long ago. Police Commissioner Han Yili also had a cup of black coffee in front of them.

But unlike Shao Yifu’s face, the faces of these ghost guys were uglier than the other.

Obviously, they had also received several News of hundreds of thousands of people rioting on Hong Kong Island. On one side, hundreds of thousands of people are causing trouble. On the other side, more than 10,000 Chinese policemen are on strike and do not obey orders.

Even though these ghost guys are all elites, in the face of Shen Qiu's move When Da Bian Fei uses his moves, he is also a little helpless.

"Everyone, those Chinese people are obviously in a hurry. They have shown all their cards. As long as they are completely crushed to death this time, the tasks entrusted to our British Hong Kong government by our ancestors will no longer be hindered and unimpeded."

After pondering for a long time, Yang Ruiying looked at the senior officials of the British Hong Kong government in front of him and said slowly, word by word...

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