Governor's Mansion, Governor's Office

"Mr. Governor, now that you have made a decision, give the order."

After hearing what Yang Ruiying said, Chief Secretary for Administration Tian Bopei said slowly.

"Director Han, how many more people can your police force command?~?"

Yang Ruiying looked at Han Yili and asked

"In addition to the special operations team, the Flying Tigers、PTU.EU totals about 4,000 people."

Han Yili replied immediately without thinking.

"4,000 people plus the garrison are enough to suppress these associations in Hong Kong Island. Director Han, tonight, we will use all our strength to suppress these associations in Hong Kong Island and the people in the Kowloon Walled City. On the other side of the New Territories, they will Go ahead and make trouble, wait until we have settled the Kowloon area and Hong Kong Island area, and then we can slowly settle accounts with them."

Yang Ruiying gave the order after thinking for a moment.

Following Yang Ruiying's order, the 1,000 Gorgo mercenaries who had just returned to Stanley Military Camp were sent to the urban area again, and in the urban area, 2,000 Gorgo soldiers were added to the order. After receiving the order, more than 4,000 police officers from the Police Operations Unit immediately began to suppress members of the four major social groups on Hong Kong Island and members of the Hop Sing Gang who emerged from the Kowloon Walled City.

Among these thousands of people, the police The people are relatively gentle and only use batons and tear gas to drive them away. The Gurguo mercenaries have no inhibitions and are brutal. When they encounter those who disobey orders, they will often beat them until they are barely alive, and even beat them to death on the spot. A few young and Dangerous boys were killed.

During the violent suppression, this group of Gorgo mercenaries quickly came to Kowloon from Hong Kong Island and were divided into three teams, operating in three areas: Yau Ma Tei, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Mong Kok.

Soon, these A group of Gurguo mercenaries discovered a group of young and Dangerous boys making trouble in an alley in Yau Ma Tei.

Without a moment's hesitation, the commander of this group of mercenaries immediately ordered his soldiers to come forward and forcefully drive them away in dialect. This group of young and Dangerous boys.

However, when dozens of Gorkuo soldiers approached these young and Dangerous boys, a scene that frightened the group of Gorkuo soldiers appeared in front of them. They saw that this group was still fighting with each other. The young and Dangerous boys suddenly stopped, took out their uzi from their clothes, charged, and fired wildly at the group of Gorgo mercenaries. Click, click, click, click.

In an instant, the sound of gunshots resounded throughout the street.

I was caught off guard, and I couldn't do anything. Dozens of the unsuspecting Gorgo mercenaries were killed in an instant, and the remaining people only survived for a few seconds. Under the firepower of the Uzi submachine gun, soon, this group of nearly a hundred Gorgo mercenaries was killed. The entire army was annihilated.

Almost at the same time, members of the Hesheng Gang disguised as Young and Dangerous boys went out with all their firepower and attacked the Gorgo mercenaries in Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, and Tsim Sha Tsui. They were killed in just 20 minutes. , injuring hundreds of Gorgo soldiers.

The actions of the Hesheng Gang members also made the Gorgo mercenaries crazy. After encountering Young and Dangerous, these people directly drew their guns and approached, as long as Young and Dangerous in front of them If the boy made any move, he immediately opened fire.

Suddenly, the smell of blood rose into the sky in the three areas of Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, and Tsim Sha Tsui. Gunshots, wails, cries for help, and curses resounded throughout the three districts. These scenes , these voices were heard and seen by many Hong Kong Island citizens.

Until the Flying Tigers stabilized the situation on Hong Kong Island、PTU.After EU arrived, the situation eased, but this group of Gorgo mercenaries didn't know that the scenes of them killing the young and Dangerous boys were all filmed by someone who was interested.

This large-scale turmoil, named the January 7 Conflict, was suppressed by thousands of military police and cost nearly a thousand Gorgo mercenaries casualties. The situation in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon before dawn, It seems to be back under the control of the British Hong Kong government.

Governor's Mansion

"Mr. Governor."

Yang Ruiying, who was sleeping on the office chair, was woken up by her secretary Steyer.

"Steyr, what's going on? Yang

Ruiying shook her still somewhat groggy mind and asked.

"Director Han’s phone number. Steyr held a mobile phone in both hands and handed it to Yang Ruiying.

"Director Han, it’s me. Yang

Ruiying took a deep breath, then took the phone and said

"Mr. Governor, now that various social groups in Hong Kong Island and Kowloon have been basically eliminated, what do we need to do next?"

Han Yili's voice came out from the receiver.

"Director Han, you did a great job. The next step is to publicly try the Chinese leaders in the police force and deal with the aborigines."

Yang Ruiying's face became gloomy for a night. After hearing Han Yili's words, he finally smiled.

In his opinion, the most difficult thing yesterday was to suppress the young and Dangerous boys of several societies. If these people cannot be dealt with quickly and force him to extend the state of emergency, even if the matter is finally resolved, the losses caused will be unbearable by the British Hong Kong government.

Fortunately, it only took one night to deal with the two areas of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon. In the core area of ​​Hong Kong Island, the next thing will be much easier for Yang Ruiying.

It is nothing more than pulling one faction, fighting another faction, giving enough benefits, stabilizing these people first, and then...

Thinking of this, Yang Ruiying's eyes flashed With a trace of murderous intention, this time, he has made up his mind to cleanse all the resistance forces yesterday night no matter what.

After hearing Yang Ruiying's words, Han Yili also relaxed, and then continued:" By the way, Mr. Governor, there is one more thing"

"What's up? Yang

Ruiying immediately asked

"Yesterday, those young and Dangerous boys carried out an armed attack on the Gorgo mercenaries, killing and injuring nearly a thousand Gorgo mercenaries. Also because if, the Gorgo mercenaries also launched an appropriate counterattack, they were also killed. Nearly 200 young and Dangerous boys."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Han Yili said slowly.

He played a clever trick, reporting good news first and then bad news. He talked about his own contributions first and then his losses.

"What, so many people died?"

Yang Ruiying's eyes suddenly condensed, and then she immediately said:"Immediately notify the major media in Hong Kong Island and ask them to immediately report that yesterday night's riot was an armed riot caused by a small group of conspirators intent on subverting the British Hong Kong government."

"Everything our British Hong Kong government does is to maintain public security and stability on Hong Kong Island."

"Okay, Mr. Governor, I'll make arrangements right away."

Han Yili nodded in response.

Dong dong dong ~

At this moment, a rapid knock on the door interrupted the call between Yang Ruiying and Han Yili.

"Steyer, what's the matter?"

Yang Ruiying held the mobile phone in her hand, looked at Steyer who looked anxious in front of her, and asked.

"Mr. Governor, please come with me. You must see with your own eyes the news broadcast on TVB. Steyer said hurriedly.


Without a moment's hesitation, Yang Ruiying took her cell phone and quickly followed Steyer to the office next door.

After watching the scene on the TV screen, Yang Ruiying immediately picked up her mobile phone and shouted loudly:"Director Han, take people to the TVB headquarters immediately, cut off the signal of the TV station, and block the entire TV station!"

Yang Ruiying said The tone of this sentence is so urgent that people who don't know the situation may think that the Queen of England has passed away...five...

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