Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 99 Inspector Mong Kok Hua

The sky is breaking and dawn is approaching.

Various Chinese chambers of commerce, surrounding factories, and shops have successively sent some supplies, including fruits, pasta, clothing, etc.

Uniformed police officers were deployed in batches to maintain order, with an inspector in charge of each team. The formal army stationed on Stonecutters Island also deployed departments to the scene to take charge.

Under the adjustment of the Chinese police officers, most of the refugees were comforted and rested in the temporary resettlement area. Multiple conflicts between police and civilians broke out one night. In less than ten hours, a total of more than 20 people A police officer was injured.

There are many crazy and ruthless people who take advantage of the situation to plunder, loot property and make money from refugees. To this end, Detective Hua from several districts took the lead and led a plainclothes team to decisively attack and shoot several people on the spot...

Ho Ting-yin has also seen what it means to be in a dangerous disaster situation. What is dangerous is the disaster, and what is bad is the people. Fortunately, the board of directors of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals received the news in the early morning, and a licensed Chinese hospital came to the scene before dawn to provide services for the scene. The injured Chinese were treated, and unlicensed Chinese medicine practitioners also received support and set up large pots to cook soothing and detoxifying soups for the victims to prevent diseases from entering the body.

From time to time, reporters and relatives came to the disaster area to interview and search for people, and even Feng Shui masters came to join in the fun, prompting Chief He to order the detectives to drive them away unceremoniously.

Lardboy also entered the Chu family gate at around five o'clock in the morning, donated money, and printed the newspaper smoothly without any problems.

He Dingxian did not receive any news, but no news is the best news. At noon, an urgent issue of "Oriental Daily" was delivered to him. Looking at the newspaper in his hand, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The news was spread. , everything that can be done has been done.

The fire burned for three days and three nights, from fierce to gradually declining. Barriered by the isolation belt, it finally did not burn all the way along Mount Beacon across Kowloon. Finally, the fire gradually subsided under an autumn rain, and the refugees Relief supplies are almost always available.

More than 100,000 refugees, continuous conflicts, crimes, and even the impact of shootings on senior assistant directors, chief inspectors, etc. finally made the Hong Kong government start to take a serious look at the refugees in Shek Kip Mei, and continued to invest money and materials. And the policy will be revised under the influence of public opinion.

A week later, the disaster gradually subsided, and the myriad of things began to come to an end.

By being the first to report on the disaster and raising funds for charity, the Oriental Daily has entered the Hong Kong Island readers' horizons and has become the most popular daily newspaper. Not only has its articles been published, but important information has also been conveyed by businesses, internal police forces, and some actions.

The first thing to mention is that the mainland has expressed concern about the Shek Kip Mei fire. The Hong Kong and Macao Working Committee and the Left Front have organized donations...

However, the immigration background of Hong Kong Island is complicated, and those who fled Hong Kong voluntarily renounced their nationality. Hong Kong Island is still within the treaty period, Guangdong Province has strict confinement, and the situation on the peninsula is tense.

There is absolutely no possibility that the mainland will directly intervene in Hong Kong Island, but the Hong Kong government does need to take into account mainland public opinion and international image.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Hong Kong government to allocate funds and materials and act in a high-sounding way on the surface.

Zhang Jingrong failed to rescue him in the hospital and died after losing too much blood.

On this day, He Dingxian had just arrived at the door of the mission to prepare for work when he saw Lei Luo carrying a lunch box, smoking and waiting for someone at the door. Seeing this, he understood, stepped forward, and said hello: "A Luo. "

"Brother Xian." Lei Luo subconsciously threw away the cigarette, stepped on it with his foot, and came forward with a lunch box: "These are wontons packed by Axia, brought to you for breakfast."

"You don't have to be so polite, right?" He Dingxian smiled exaggeratedly, then patted Lei Luo on the shoulder and took the lunch box very rudely: "There can be no next time."


"A little thought." Lei Luohan smiled and bent down, already acting like a younger brother in front of He Dingxian.

On the night when the disaster occurred, He Dingxian personally stayed on duty all night, found Lei Luo's lover Axia among the refugees, and sent Axia back to Lei Luo. Lei Luo was grateful beyond words.

If He Dingxian hadn't come to his side and Axia hadn't come to him, I don't know what would have happened during the disaster...

Because Axia is a beautiful girl.

The kind that can seduce people at a glance.

What's more, He Dingxian still remembered that his parents were in the housing estate, and they sent someone to notify him while searching for his family members.

Unfortunately, the fire was so big that it swept through Lei Luo's house early. When Lei Luo arrived at the scene, the house had been burned to ashes...

The ending was obvious, and Lei Luo's sadness was also obvious at that time, but things have passed, and we still have to live. At the same time, A'xia's existence is more important, almost becoming Lei Luo Weiyi's emotional sustenance, and He Dingxian, who rescued A'xia, has become Lei Luo Weiyi's emotional sustenance. The benefactor of Mr. and Mrs. Luo.

This is already a favor that transcends power and rank.

Even if He Dingxian was his subordinate, Lei Luo had to accept his gratitude, not to mention that He Dingxian had more prospects than him and was half a level above him.

There is some not-so-good news, that is, Axia's father also disappeared in the fire. As a result, Lei Luo and Axia no longer have any resistance, so they can fly together and get married.

You know, Axia's father is an old gambler, and he only cares about money when marrying his daughter, which means Lei Luo still has a spy identity. Otherwise, he would have married the woman to a rich man as a concubine, how could he wait for Lei Luo to get enough? What about the 50,000 yuan bride price?

The money has not yet arrived.

No one can wait anymore.

After He Dingxian took the lunch box and returned to the office area, he opened the box at his seat and found that the wonton soup and noodles were packed separately. Although the noodles were a little cold, when he poured them into the soup, he had another delicious breakfast. .

"My brothers and sisters are really good at their craftsmanship." He sincerely admired secretly.

"Brother Xian, Detective Jiang asked you to come to the office." At this time, A Le came to the office area and shouted, and He Dingxian responded loudly: "I know."

He took the last wonton into his mouth, took another sip of hot soup, and immediately stood up and walked out of the office area. Many of the guys looked at him.

Among them, Qian Weishan's expression was the most nervous.

Because everyone in the police force knows that since the Senior Assistant Commissioner was shot and retired, and Detective Chief Hua was shot and killed, the Hong Kong Island Police Force will inevitably undergo major personnel changes, which may be good or bad, but major turbulence is inevitable. Most Chaoshan gang police officers also believe that it will be beneficial to themselves.

It's very simple. The house fire happened on the Dongguan Gang's territory, and the shooting happened on the Dongguan Gang's territory. Even the leader of the Dongguan Gang died.

If something bad happens, the Dongguan Gang will definitely bear the brunt. If something good happens, the Chaoshan Gang will definitely be the first to take over.

If you want to be promoted to a higher position these days, there are no conditions except one!

Defeat your opponent!

When your opponent collapses, you will rise to the top. In addition, no matter how much the fees are collected and no matter how good the order is, it will only strengthen your own strength and foundation, forcing the ghost to have to use Chaoshan people at critical moments.

But how can a ghost who is good at balancing left and right and colonial rule not divide the Chinese and create struggles, unless something major happens?

Otherwise, the balance will not be broken, and one can only rely on seniority to get to the top, year after year. As the saying goes, if you can't defeat your opponent, just find a way to kill the superior...

But now that a major incident has occurred, the upper echelons of the Chaoshan Gang will definitely take action. People in the Wan Chai District Criminal Division cannot see the highest struggle.

We can only look at the ending of He Tanmu. Also, the gun used to shoot Detective Zonghua and five other people at the time has been confirmed to be a police gun, and the serial number, police officer, and how to deal with it need to be explained.

Therefore, Chen Weishan has been quite anxious recently. That night, he was really brave, but he was also really scared. Fortunately, he was not arrested and imprisoned, otherwise he would have to prepare to run away...

"Da da da." He Dingxian stood at the door of the office and knocked on the door with his hand, looked inside and shouted: "Sir."

Jiang Zuhui sat behind his desk, raised his head and looked out the door, and said with a smile: "Isn't the door open?"

"Come in and sit down."

He Dingxian locked the door and came to his desk. Seeing the relaxed atmosphere, he simply skipped the salute, sat down with a smile and said, "What are your orders?"

"Not to mention orders, I'll tell you three things. The first is that Ashan's gun is a problem and he has to wear military uniform and be transferred to guard the pond."

Jiang Zuhui handed out a cigarette and sounded disappointed.

He Dingxian struck a match, as if he had expected it, and sighed helplessly: "That's enough."

"At least I can keep my clothes, and I'll have a chance to get them back sooner or later."

Jiang Zuhui nodded slightly: "What happened that night was very confusing. Not to mention whether Gui Lao can figure it out, I can't tell. Brother Sheng must find a way to deal with it."

"The ending is not bad. I will be transferred back in the future and there will always be a chance to get better."

He Dingxian nodded: "Yes."

As long as the upper management remembers the people below and the people below do not break away from the system, it will not be difficult to find opportunities to promote them when the limelight passes in the future.

To keep the clothes is to keep everything.

Jiang Zuhui exhaled the smoke and said with a smile: "In addition, the Dongguan Gang has lost two Inspector General Hua in Kowloon District within one year. The speed is so amazing that it is impossible for Gui Lao to use people from the Dongguan Gang anymore. After all, Gui Lao can only raise a child." Dogs can’t bite, but they can still watch the door, right?”


He Dingxian's tone was frivolous: "Even the gatekeepers don't care about the dog. It will definitely kill the hot pot cooker. No matter how loyal it is, it will be useless."

"That's the truth." Jiang Zuhui admitted frankly: "Although the Dongguan Gang has been operating in Kowloon District for two years and is deeply loved by the high-level gangsters, the situation has reached this point and no one dares to use them."


"After all, there was a fire in Kowloon District..." He Dingxian just nodded, but before he had finished speaking, Jiang Zuhui shook his head: "It has nothing to do with the fire in Kowloon District. It doesn't matter how many people are killed by the fire, as long as it doesn't kill a ghost." Just have to."

"It happened to be the shot that hit the senior assistant director, which broke the backbone of the Dongguan Gang."

"The superiors have decided to promote Central District Chinese Inspector Chen Tong to Kowloon District Chief Chinese Inspector. Chen Tong is Brother Sheng's brother of the same generation. The old man who used to be around Brother Mu was promoted this time because Brother Sheng made great efforts to recommend him. Behind the scenes are the intentions of many bosses of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce."

When He Dingxian heard Chen Tong's name, his eyes showed thoughtfulness.

He was not thinking about who Chen Tong was.

I was wondering if Chen Tong was related to his master. However, Chen, Huang, He, and Li all have common surnames in Hong Kong Island. If they were not related, they might all worship in the same ancestral hall. If they were relatives, they might not even know them.

Jiang Zuhui paused, looked at him and said with a smile: "At the same time, Inspector Hua of the Kowloon Tong Police Station was dismissed, and Inspector Hua of the Mong Kok District was shot. This time, Inspector Chen took office and had two Inspectors of Hua under his command. Vacancy, what’s on your mind?”

He Dingxian was excited when he heard this. He immediately came back to his senses, looked at the smile in the officer's eyes, and said cheerfully: "Brother Hui, the surprise comes too suddenly. I haven't prepared the red envelope yet."

"Are you going to run out of money?"

Jiang Zuhui laughed and didn't believe it at all: "If you don't have money, go to Paramount every day to pick up girls? Who will pay for you!"

He Dingxian smiled naively and said: "When you go out and drink, you have to rely on yourself. You know, you are handsome..."

"Brother Sheng has named you for the position. Otherwise, everyone will see who can convince the crowd? Don't make it difficult for Brother Sheng." Jiang Zuhui said half-warning, half-jokingly: "Choose one from Kowloon Tong or Mong Kok."

These two jurisdictions have their own advantages. First of all, the Kowloon District has a large jurisdiction and can directly manage paper mills and movie stores. It will definitely be convenient for doing business in the future, and it can also do some things for the housing estates in a better way.

Then, Mong Kok is the largest banking district, with the most shops and the most money.

In terms of bad things, Kowloon Tong has little oil and water, and Inspector General Hua is suppressing it. Mong Kok District has many clubs and shopping malls, making it difficult to manage.

He Dingxian said very obediently: "I will go wherever Brother Hui tells me to go. Brother Hui will not harm me."


Jiang Zuhui replied readily: "Then go to Mong Kok. That's where you can show your abilities. There is only one position left for Inspector Hua. Guess whose position it is?"

"Hmm..." He Dingxian's mind was sharp, and several names flashed through his head, but he finally shook his head: "It's not my master, right?"

"It's Arlo."

Jiang Zuhui gave an answer.

He Dingxian's expression was stunned for a moment, but he immediately came to his senses, nodded and said, "I support him."

Of course he has to support him, because A Luo does not need his support at all. Obviously, Lei Luo has a close relationship with the newly appointed Inspector Chen Tong, otherwise the position of Inspector Hua would not be his. In terms of seniority, how many people in Hong Kong are there? On the 10th, we visited Chaoshan.

In this way, it seems that it is a good thing for him to work in Mong Kok, as it will not delay Lei Luo and Chen Tong's secret deal.

When Jiang Zuhui heard He Dingxian's reply, his expression was slightly startled, and then he shook his head: "In two days, Chief Inspector Chen will take office in Kowloon District. You must bring money to report to him on the same day."

"When you go out later, call Lei Luo in."

He Dingxian nodded, put the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and without leaving, asked: "Where is Guan Bingsen?"

"Escaped to Haojiang."

Jiang Zuhui said concisely and concisely: "Let alone a paper boss, even the president of Dongguan Chamber of Commerce cannot protect Dongguan merchants from doing such a thing! But it is impossible to expect Dongguan merchants to do it on their own. We need someone to cross the sea to do it." Got him."

As for Liu Rongju himself, he was beheaded to death as early as the night of the fire. Later, Lian Gongle also suffered a devastating blow from the police force.

The police force could only find out that the cause of the fire was arson caused by a group's shopping spree. As for the twists and turns behind it, it was no longer within the scope of the law. There was no point in pursuing it. There was no longer a "Lian Gong Le" trade name in the world, and even The Dongguan Gang was in despair.

He Dingxian nodded happily: "I'll do it."

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