Hong Kong Island Old Events

Chapter 100: Bringing people to trial

When Qian Weishan saw the boss coming back, he immediately walked up, but the boss said something to Lei Luo, then looked at him and said: "It's okay, go guard the pond for two years, and then continue to work under me after the storm is over. "

"Thank you sir!"

Qian Weishan felt relieved and quickly stood at attention, then went to hand over the gun and go through the formalities.

He Dingxian waved to A Le: "Go to Haojiang for me and bring Guan Bingsen back."

"Are we going to follow legal procedures?" Chen Jiale looked puzzled, because the Hong Kong police have no law enforcement power in Haojiang. Accordingly, if they want to do something dirty, they should find someone from the society to come forward.

A Chinese agent is not worth risking for a dying man.

He Dingxian nodded and said: "Yes, but before you do it, go find Fu Laorong. This Haojiang gambling king is known as Fu Bancheng. The Portuguese also have to give him face and let him transfer the police to follow the procedures to arrest him, and then hand him over at the dock." .”

"The case of the Shek Kip Mei fire is about to be closed. The arsonist has been identified, but there is still a mastermind behind it. We can't deal with it until he is caught and brought back."

Chen Jiale suddenly understood, nodded and said: "I understand, let's do it right away."

He Dingxian said coldly: "Hurry up!"

"I'm waiting for him!"

This time, Guan Bingsen made a big mistake. He must have known that the situation was not good. It was reasonable for him to run away to Haojiang. According to reliable information, he even went to Haojiang to gamble the night before Lian Gongle took action. However, It is theoretically feasible but practically impossible for him to rush to Singapore, Europe, America and other places to hide.

Because international passenger transportation is not that convenient at present, it takes time to book air tickets in a hurry, because it is impossible for him to give up his net worth and assets on Hong Kong Island, because people always have a sense of luck.

Even if Guan Bingsen is decisive enough, it will take some time to sell off the assets. Otherwise, what's the use of running away in a hurry and leaving a dead life?

Don't you need to worry about your family?

No more money?

Running overseas penniless is also a death!

However, no one dared to take over Guan Bingsen's paper factory in a short period of time, and even the buildings in East Tsim Sha Tsui area had no bids. It seemed that all the wealthy businessmen in Hong Kong were looking at it coldly, waiting for a result...

That night.

Chen Jiale brought three plainclothes detectives to the Haojiang Ferry Terminal and waited for the arrival of a team of judicial police on time. Two Chinese police officers were picking a middle-aged man with red eyes and bloodshot eyes in their hands.

"Thank you."

Chen Jiale handed over a lit cigarette. The police officer held it in his mouth, took a puff, and said with a smile: "It's a small matter."

"I'll leave it to you." The police officer turned around and waved. The two subordinates immediately let go of their hands, and two Chinese detectives took over.

Chen Jiale glanced at the middle-aged man coldly: "Boss Guan, come back with us."

"Everyone is waiting for you to give an explanation."

Guan Bingsen swallowed his saliva, trembled all over, and said in a panic: "It's none of my business, it's none of my business, I just asked them to burn down the warehouse."

"did not expect……"

"Isn't this enough!" Chen Jiale suddenly shouted loudly, pointed at his nose and cursed: "Have you read the news? Pak Tin Village, Wo Hsiang Village, Shek Kip Mei Village, Tai Po Road Village... more than 100,000 people in the village were affected by the disaster, and 70,000 people were affected. Many people were left homeless, and it was reported in the news that more than 200 people were burned to death.”

"The remaining one or two thousand people who are missing and whose bodies cannot be found are none of your business. Oh, I set the fire!"

Guan Bingsen pointed at others and cursed him. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything to explain.

The police officer lowered his head and smoked beside him without saying a word. He had obviously seen the news.

Chen Jiale stopped talking, took the people on the boat and left, and was sent to Wan Chai Police Station that night.

Xiamen Street.

He Dingxian was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea. When he saw Lei Luo hesitating to speak, he smiled and asked, "A Luo, tell me what you have to say."

"Brother Xian, I want to borrow some money." Lei Luo thought for a while and finally spoke.

"One hundred thousand yuan?" He Dingxian knew what he was talking about and smiled.

Lei Luo gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

"To be honest, Brother Xian, I still have a loan shark that I haven't repaid. If I want to borrow again, the bank may not necessarily give me face, and the interest rate may be very high."

"I never thought that I would have the opportunity to be a detective, and the fee would be a hundred thousand yuan!"

"All my belongings together only cost more than a thousand yuan." He sighed: "If I usually owed Inspector Chen some money, Inspector Chen wouldn't argue with me. It just so happened that Inspector Chen also had to pay. Give it to Gui Lao, don’t owe Inspector Zonghua any more money.”

"Of course, I know that Brother Xian wants to re-open the factory and there is a lot of money to spend. If I can't come up with it... I'll think of a way."

He Dingxian shook his head: "Is there any way you can think of, either borrow money from people in the society, or get money from the boss behind it."

"I've known for a long time that you have a boss backing you, but the relationship is not very close. I think Detective Chen has a good relationship with that boss. He is from the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce after all."

"But after taking money, are you not controlled by others? I can regard my brother as a dwarf, but I can't see my brother being a dog. Let alone taking money from the society, sooner or later you will have to spit out double the amount, one hundred thousand yuan! I will help You borrow it!"

Lei Luo looked ashamed and replied: "Thank you, Brother Xian."

Detective Hua's level transfers are actually relatively frequent. On average, within one or two years, they either change defense zones or transfer positions.

In short, other detectives would buy a building in the same district when they were transferred to another district.

There are very few people like them who are transferred to a district and rent an apartment. This does not mean that the two of them are poor, but that it will take a while for the people at the bottom to accumulate capital when they climb up to the top.

Although one hundred thousand yuan is a big sum for both of them, it doesn't take a year for two people to come up with many hundred thousand yuan!

"Axian, where do you want to borrow money?" At this time, my mother brought a plate of durians to the table and asked with a vigilant expression.

He Dingxian said aloud: "Find some personal relationships."


Lei Luo said hello quickly, somewhat embarrassed.

He Dingxian didn't care, and pointed at the durian and introduced: "Try the good things my brother brought back from Southeast Asia."

Peng Lingshan said: "I have more than a thousand yuan here. Although it is not much, I will use it first."

"That's enough."

Although He Dingxian was surprised, he did not refuse: "Just put it on the table later."

It was obvious that my mother had saved all the pocket money and food expenses she had given her before. Even if more than a thousand dollars was a drop in the bucket, it was better to accept it than to be polite.

Let the elders feel that they are also contributing to the family, which can comfort their hearts to some extent.

And what happened at Shek Kip Mei actually made my mother sad...

Lei Luo looked even more ashamed.

"Don't worry about my mother. She is a landowner's daughter whose house was confiscated. Her husband is dead and she is afraid that I will die all day long." He Dingxian made a joke. Lei Luo had tears in his eyes. He looked up at the sky and the bright moon, missing his mother in his heart.

"Is durian so unpalatable?" He Dingxian smiled in confusion, but did not go into details, but said: "This morning the Hong Kong government officially announced the redevelopment plan of Shek Kip Mei, saying that public housing will be built on the original site. Citizens affected by the disaster can apply for a free public housing."

"Did you hear that?"

Lei Luo nodded and said: "I heard that it is rare for Gui Lao to abandon his usual 'non-intervention policy' and take the initiative to spend money to repair buildings. Currently, he plans to repair 60 seven-story resettlement buildings to house people with ID cards. victims."

"Being able to live upstairs in a building instead of living in a shanty town is a good thing for the residents of the housing estate." Lei Luo sighed.

However, He Dingxian sneered: "According to the public plan, each unit in the resettlement building is only 120 feet (13 square meters), but each unit has to live at least five people. Children count as half of the people. Is this a good thing?"

"The ghost guy just pays to keep you safe and silence the world."

This plan was published in newspapers, exactly as it was in history. In fact, this was the beginning of the earliest housing estates on Hong Kong Island.

Of course, living in a building "upstairs" is indeed better than living in a shantytown. At least the probability of a large fire in a cement house will be reduced.

Public toilets will also be used in resettlement buildings, with corridor areas reserved for citizens to wash and cook, and there will be more water pipes for drinking water.

However, moving from a wooden house area to living in a coffin house does not mean that the quality of life has improved. At the same time, the real estate industry on Hong Kong Island has also emerged.

In order to make a living, the residents of the housing estates will make full use of the entire building area, such as setting up playgrounds and primary schools on the rooftops, creating a unique lifestyle in Hong Kong Island.

Lei Luo also sighed after hearing this: "It's really difficult to find a shelter from the wind and rain on Gui Lao's land."

"Hong Kong Island is our Chinese territory." He Dingxian corrected him, and then said helplessly: "You and I can't even come up with 100,000 yuan now."

"Forget it, there's nothing to talk about. We'll talk about it later."

Lei Luo remained silent. Under his strong appearance, his heart had actually undergone drastic changes. A fire burned not only people, but also many human souls...

The next morning, He Dingxian came to the mission office to start work. As soon as he entered the door, he asked Chen Jiale, "Ale, where is he?"

"Detention room."

He Dingxian nodded sternly: "Bring the person to the interrogation room."



Chen Jiale stood at attention and saluted, picked up the key, and went to do the work immediately.

He Dingxian pointed at the two people: "Da Zai, Ah Xiong is coming with me."

"Yes!" Meng Yuanda and Yan Xiong stood up immediately and walked to the interrogation room with their superiors. The interrogation room in Wan Chai Police Station was very clean and was cleaned every day, but when they opened the door, they could smell a very pungent smell of blood. taste.

While He Dingxian was sitting behind the interrogation table, drinking tea from a teacup, Meng Yuanda and Yan Xiong had already begun preparing interrogation tools.

First, Yan Xiong removed the iron chairs in the room and hung a blood-stained hemp rope on the beam. Meng Yuanda picked up a wooden stick and found it unsatisfactory, so he changed it to an iron stick and hung it on the beam. The iron rod was stuffed into the lit coal stove.

Guan Bingsen was dragged into the interrogation room amidst the sounds of struggle. He was frightened when he saw the figure sitting behind the table. He put his soles on the ground and kept wailing and screaming. However, the detective directly lifted his limbs and tied them up. Use both hands to hang him alive from the beam.

In the mission, "promote people", "call people" and "invite people".

Each has its own set of rules.

One word difference makes a world of difference.

He Dingxian put down the tea cup and said calmly: "Screaming so loudly requires a lot of strength. Let's treat him to a set of meal B to appetize him."

"It's nothing." Yan Xiong sneered, took out a knife, and cut off one of Guan Bingsen's ears.

He Dingxian looked at the scene in front of him calmly, looked up at the clock on the wall, and said, "In five minutes, a practicing lawyer will be here. I invited him."

"Of course, I'm not hiring you, but my financial lawyer."

Guan Bingsen immediately understood and shouted: "Okay, okay!"

"I'll give you my building, my factory, and my company. The total value is more than two million. I sign, I sign! Is it possible to let me go?"

He Dingxian shook his head: "No."

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